
3003 Words

BonelessBy Livingston Edwards STUART UNWRAPPED the last, bloodied layer of gauze off his left arm. He bit into his lower lip, staring at the gash in his forearm. His entire arm was tingling. His heart pounded. “Don’t make me do it,” he said, voice echoing off the walls. The tingles turned to needles. “Please don’t, just let me—” He bit into his arm. There was a brief shot of pain. That gave way to a metallic and salty taste as he chewed and chewed. A familiar taste. With his teeth, Stuart peeled skin. His stomach twisted, but he kept chewing, biting, gnawing. He couldn’t stop; he wouldn’t. His teeth were tearing on their own, his lips tasting even if he didn’t. Red drip-dropped. A flap of skin dangled off his lips and he pushed it off with his tongue. “Stop,” he whispered, squeezing

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