
1004 Words
Marilyn's first night in Lion felt short for her. She fell asleep almost as soon as she got home from the bare knuckle press conference she missed, and woke up to more text messages from Leo. ' Good morning beautiful' 'Sleep well?' 'Sleepy head' The text messages from Leo kept pouring into Marilyn's phone non-stop. 'What the hell is this?' Marilyn snapped angrily at her phone when she woke up to the incessant vibrating it kept on making as a result of Leo's unsolicited texts. 'Desperate creep' She muttered after she read the texts and ignored them. She exclaimed when she looked at the time, It was 7:30 AM. 'I still feel so damn sleepy' she complained, crawling out of bed lazily to start the morning. There was absolutely nothing for Marilyn to do. Her house was in perfect order. She had arranged her clothes into her wardrobe the previous day, so speaking of chores, there was nothing that needed her attention that morning. Marilyn stepped out of her house to digest the colourful look of her neighbourhood again, the first person she met was an unfriendly neighbour. By the time Marilyn raised her hand to wave at the petite lady that was busy mowing her lawn, the said neighbour looked away with an uninterested smirk. ''Fantastic, welcome to Lion indeed' Marilyn said and was about to turn to head back into her house when she heard someone yelling her name. She paused in genuine shock. She was in Lion, right? was she dreaming or was a total stranger beckoning on her by her first name, it was the first creepy experience she was having since she moved to Lion hours ago. 'Marilyn' the voice called again while she stood facing her house and backing the street. This time, the voice sounded closer to her than the first time. With much ado and panic, Marilyn turned to find out who the caller was, her shoulder dropped when she saw Leo: the fact that he now knew where she lived made Marilyn feel sick in her stomach. Leo was dressed in a light hoodie singlet and sweat pants, with sweat pasted across his chest from jogging all the way from the Swiss hotel where he was putting up, to Marilyn's neighbourhood. 'Hey, you live around me, wow! Nice place' Leo said, smiling sheepishly at her. For the first time, Marilyn scored Leo's physical features. She had to agree that he was one of the most handsome men she had ever come across. And what sort of discipline would make a supposed businessman that chieselled? His abs were toned. She could see his six-pack clearly because the top he put on stuck to his skin as a result of him sweating profusely due to his work out. 'Are you stalking me?' Marilyn asked him with an upset tone. If she was observant enough, she would have noticed that there was a black tinted range rover sport car behind Leo. He wasn't alone, he had his security and coach following him at a small distance while he did his work out, but she didn't pay enough attention. So far as she was concerned, Leo was just a normal person that came to Lion for business. 'You can see me doing my workout. I just happened to bump into you, why would I stalk you?' Leo asked, his tone of voice revealing that he was getting upset at Marilyn and her playing hard to get. 'I thought we had become friends already...' Leo was saying when Marilyn interrupted him. 'Okay then, happy working out' she said, stepping inside her house and banging the door on Leo. 'Leo!' Coach Ruger called from behind Leo, inside the black car that escorted him while he worked out: 'Forget about her and continue back to the hotel. It's getting too late for you to be out in the open' Ruger said. To Ruger's surprise, Leo stepped on Marilyn's front porch and knocked on her door, loud and rudely. 'What the f**k are you doing?' Ruger called at him again from the car. 'Can I help you? For crying out loud, what the hell is this about?' Marilyn asked angrily when she opened the door in response to Leo knocking. As if she earlier expected him to do that, she didn't go inside when she banged the door at him rudely, she waited beside the door, her gut told her to stay there for no particular reason at all, and she obeyed. 'Are you usually this rude?' Leo asked her. Staring Marilyn down with a tense disposition that made her stutter while she replied that she would call the cops if he didn't stop harassing her. 'First of all, I'm not harassing you' Leo said. 'And fine, I'd leave. But only if you agree to hang out with me later today' Leo told her with confidence. To Marilyn, he really looked like he won't step away from her house if she didn't tell him what he wanted to hear. She shook her head. 'I'm not stepping away if you don't agree. I know just moved here, you don't have any committments whatsoever, at least not for now, so? Later today? I'd come to pick you up' Leo continued to cajole her. 'Pick me up to where?' Marilyn asked in a more sober tone than before. 'I don't know, wherever' Leo replied. 'I would have said my hotel, but it may seem inappropriate, so? somewhere else I guess, I'd figure that out later' he added. 'Fine, text me' Marilyn said abruptly and slammed the door again on Leo. This time he turned around with a smile on his face and started to jog back to the hotel without saying a word to Ruger. 'This dude is unbelievable' Ruger said, shaking his head while he watched Leo jog past the car, and headed towards the Swiss hotel. 'Turn the car around and keep following him' Ruger told the driver of the car he was in.
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