Another Opportunity

1051 Words
‘I don’t want to imagine that he’s trying to play games? Because why has he not called, it’s been twelve hours ago since he dropped me off’ Marilyn was alone in her living room, contemplating Leo’s action when another notification came on her phone and she jumped on it, thinking it was Leo. ‘Good day Miss Marilyn Makaloughson. This is to inform you that you have been scheduled for an interview concerning the job you applied for hours ago. You can make a choice of a virtual interview, or you can come over to the office. We look forward to hearing from you within the shortest possible time’ The message read. ‘Ah, I’m definitely coming to your office. Enough of feeling trapped here and thinking of only one damn annoying man’ Marilyn swore under her breath, and replied to the work message immediately, stating that she had chosen the option of an office interview, instead of a virtual one. It was scheduled for two days from the current time. Having achieved that small goal, Marilyn felt a bit more relaxed. Leo’s silence was rubbing her off the wrong way, and she hated it. Twenty four hours later, and he still had not contacted her. ‘And he has been coming online, oh wow. How much guts can one man have?’ She asked herself. The urge to call him, or say hello via text was heavy on her, but she tried her best to hold back. ‘It has not gotten to that point yet’ she told herself. The thought that she couldn’t even take a walk to the hotel that Leo was in, just to have fun alone and feed her eyes, irked her. If he happened to see her there, he would think that she was stalking him. Red flag on her path. ‘Urghh for f***s sake, how did I get in this space?’ Marilyn asked herself. She had detached herself from her intrusive family and moved to Lion, and just when she thought she was free as a bird, here comes Leo, pulling her strings towards several directions. Ridiculous. Marilyn thought. ‘Leo, there is yet another deal coming your way. Please for the love of our jobs don’t decline this one’ Coach Ruger came barging into Leo’s room. ‘Coach you are not exempted from knocking before you enter my room’ a relaxed Leo said, apparently he was journaling at the time, it was part of the ways he used to clear his head. Likely scribbling down notes about Marilyn, and what he thought of her. ‘Sorry about the barging in, but new agents will be here from another brand in two hours. Please, don’t go anywhere. Matter of fact, I’m going to stay here with you’ his coach said, letting himself inside the room and shutting the door behind him. ‘I thought I locked that door’ Leo said regretfully, looking at his coach with wary eyes. ‘Do you realize that you have a game slated for tomorrow?’ Coach Ruger asked him. ‘Oh is it tomorrow?’ Leo asked his coach back, deliberately scaring him into thinking that he was not prepared. ‘Excuse me, you are not aware?’ The coach asked in a worried tone. Leo chuckled. ‘I am the defending champion, i'm not afraid of these little boys’ he replied. ‘And who told you that they are afraid of you?’ Coach Ruger asked Leo back. ‘They are eyeing your title, they are here to knock you over and out, you think they will love and respect you in the ring, the way they do outside of it? I shouldn’t be telling you this by now, you are not a novice fighter’ his coach argued ‘Ruger those boys can’t win me. Period.’ Leo replied abruptly. ‘You are too sure and relaxed, and that's a very dangerous space to be at this time. I don’t like this outing, I don’t like you right now’ a frustrated coach Ruger complained. ‘And I love you Coach, how about that?’ Leo replied, getting up and heading into the bathroom to take a leak. ‘That girl you are head over heels for, how are both of you faring so far?’ Ruger asked, opting to be sensitive about that aspect of Leo’s life, since it was important to him. ‘Now you are talking Coach’ Leo yelled from the bathroom, stepping out excitedly as soon as he was done taking a leak. ‘What do you think of her?’ Leo asked. ‘On the outside? She’s pretty attractive. On the inside? Well I can’t tell because I have not met her’ Ruger replied ‘Well then you should meet her, right? I told her that you are my manager, and I’m here on a business trip. Not a fighter type of trip though, for the record’ Leo said, winking at his coach. Ruger shook his head. ‘And for how long are you going to be able to keep her from knowing who you are?’ He asked Leo ‘Until the end of the championships, by then I would be able to know if she has fallen for me, Leo Colak, an ordinary office guy, and nothing else attached. Leo announced, smiling sheepishly. ‘Well good luck with that, I look forward to seeing how that will turn out in the end, it’s going to be hard. Doesn’t she watch TV? How come she hasn’t found you out yet? She doesn’t use the Internet? It’s kind of weird you know, that until now she has not recognized you’ Ruger told Leo. ‘She’s very feminine, I doubt she has time to look into sports, it doesn’t seem like her thing’ Leo replied ‘Well even at that, the buzz around this championship stuff is kind of intense. She should have seen you somewhere, somehow, by chance’ Ruger replied. Leo shrugged. ‘About the deal that’s coming' Leo told his coach. 'Please let’s give them our terms, one that will protect my interest concerning staying hidden for now’ he pleaded ‘How do we go about that?’ Ruger asked Leo, trying to be calm enough to reason with him concerning his demand, even though it upset him a great deal.
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