Don't ruin this

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'How soon will it be put up? I mean the billboard' Leo asked his endorsement sponsors. 'It can be up tonight. Maybe tomorrow?' The representative from Leo's client company replied happily, thinking that Leo could not wait for it to happen. 'What?' Leo scoffed, peeping at the boisterous man that walked beside him, giving him the possible itinerary of the advert placement he was being signed on to. 'I don't want it up until the championship is over' Leo said abruptly. Coach Ruger covered his face with his hand as soon as Leo said the disastrous words. 'Leo' Coach Ruger barked, but Leo showed the man his palm, asking him to stay away from the conversation. 'But, but that is not going to be until a month from now, besides we have to take advantage of your presence in Lion, that's where the most of the consumer market is' the representative told Leo. Leo ignored the man and continued to take the pictures, striking different power poses and looking sternly and hot at the camera. 'I have a love interest I intend to go down the road with. I just met her here for the first time last night. Now, the thing is, I know she will fall for me, but I don't want the fact that I'm a celebrity to influence her decision. I want her to love me, for me.' Leo told the representative. The man scoffed. To Leo's surprise. Leo looked at him over the side of his shoulder, with his eyebrow raised up. Was the representative man laughing at him? That meant that what he said didn't make sense? Leo thought, and he started to feel insecure. 'Is that the only reason?' The man asked Leo. 'Yes.' Leo replied abruptly without making eye contact. The man was pissing Leo off with how carelessly he started to talk to Leo all of a sudden, so Leo started to disregard him as well. 'Well, maybe if you were that much of a celebrity then she would have known who you are, regardless' The representative told Leo, tapping him scornfully on his shoulder and walking away. Leo walked out of his set as well. 'Have you accepted any monetary commitments from them?' He asked his Coach with a straight and emotionless countenance. 'It's fine, I know. I will call off the deal, I know what you want to say.' A wary Coach Ruger said and walked out. Leo went to have a rest in his room, although the words that the representative said still haunted him. Maybe he thought of himself higher than he originally was. The urge to hear from Marilyn slowly crept in, but he held it back. He thought to bask in the newness that having her around him made him feel. If not that Marilyn had filled up a somewhat empty part of him, he would have jumped on that endorsement with both hands. That was Leo and his Leo ego. He was born on August 12, a full-blown Leo zodiac, proud and eccentric, he loved himself. Seeing himself on a billboard each time he stepped out of his hotel room if Marilyn was not in his life, would have made him feel a great sense of worth. That would most definitely give him an edge over his contenders because, in bare-knuckle fighting, one's ego played a major role. 'So Marilyn has come to take a sensitive spot in my life, is that what I'm trying to tell myself? or I'm just horny' Leo said out loud while he was alone in his room. He heard a rap on the door soon after. 'Leo' Coach Ruger said sternly as soon as Leo opened the door to let him in. Leo rolled his eyes and dropped his shoulder warily. 'Of course, you cannot be happy to see me, I dare you to.' The coach told him. Nevertheless, I must inform you that we are not here to answer to love and its gimmicks. We are here to win the damn championships, create love and respect around your brand, make money for ourselves to last us a lifetime while having as much fun as we can afford to have in these serious times' Coach Ruger ranted. 'What are you saying in essence, coach?' Leo asked. 'What I am saying my dear sir, is that you should forget about that lady for now. You will lose, Leo. When last did you punch into the air out of the blues like you usually do? She has taken its place' Coach Ruger's voice increased in volume, the more intense his anger got. Leo laughed. 'Who's taking whose place? I don't understand what you are talking about' Leo lied to his coach. 'Good, you can deceive me all you want, but you sure as hell cannot deceive yourself. Do the right thing, Leo. Already we lost a fine deal, and guess who has taken your place graciously?' the coach asked him. Leo looked at his coach, his eyes spelt the fact that he knew exactly who the coach was about to talk about. 'Well yes, you guessed right. And he will spill it on your face when both of you meet in the ring, I bet you know that for a fact as well.' The coach asked. 'Not something I walked away from. He's a piece of s**t. Goya is a piece of s**t all day and every day, and nothing will change that, ever' Leo bragged, to his coach's relief. At least there was still fight left in him, and Marilyn had not completely doused it with her feminine softness. 'Leo' his coach blurted and pointed at him silently, and then walked away. Leo slammed the door shut dramatically after his coach had left. Thinking of what the man had said, He saw some sense in it, Marilyn could alter his fight if he didn't look out properly and do the right thing always. At least, his coach had opened his eyes to the possibilities.
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