
Jack Windrush Collection


All eleven books in 'Jack Windrush', a series of historical war novels by Malcolm Archibald, now in one volume!


: Burmese War, 1852. Unable to join the famous Royal Malverns, Jack Windrush is commissioned into the despised 113th Foot. Determined to rise in the ranks by making a name for himself, he joins the British expedition. When they get involved in the attack of Rangoon, Jack realizes that war on the fringes of the Empire is not as honorable and glorious as he expected. After a chance meeting with a renegade British soldier, Jack witnesses the true terrors of war, and begins to question the whole framework in which he has grown up.

Windrush - Crimea

: Malta, 1854. Jack and his disreputable 113th Foot have to resort to ungentlemanly actions to have themselves posted to Crimea. A lieutenant in the worst regiment in the British Army, Jack hankers for promotion and recognition to regain what he sees as his true station in life. At the Battle of the Alma, Jack is sent to General Campbell of the Highland Brigade to offer the assistance of the 113th. Having buried the dead, Jack meets the beautiful Helen Maxwell, but soon after receives orders to leave the country. With the formidable Russian army and the savage Major Kutozov as their enemies, Jack soon finds that life in the front is tough, with only the wayward Helen  to alleviate the horrors of war.

Windrush - Blood Price

: Jack Windrush and the 113th Foot are commissioned to Sevastopol during the Crimean War. As the great storm of November 1854 rages, Jack's unit is rescuing survivors from a wrecked ship and finds out that one of the survivors is Helen Maxwell, his former sweetheart. Soon after, they find themselves opposed by the Plastun Cossacks, and the siege of Sevastopol starts to take its toll. With British casualties mounting, Jack and the 113th need to take drastic measures to survive.

Windrush - Cry Havelock

: Captain Jack Windrush and the infamous 113th Foot are assigned in India just before the Indian Mutiny breaks out. Returning from a five-day march, Jack finds that the sepoys have rebelled and massacred their officers, and most of the other company of the 113th. Gathering together a number of survivors, including two Eurasian women, Jane and Mary, Jack and his company fight their way out of the cantonment and escape. As the war rages around them, Jack faces new challenges both in his military and personal life.

Windrush - Jayanti's Pawns

: Jack Windrush is still in India during the late stages of the Indian Mutiny. Already tired of war, Jack has to obey orders when Colonel Hook orders him to hunt down a mysterious female warrior named Jayanti. Soon, Jack's company of the 113th Foot shares in the defeat at Fort Ruhya, where they encounter warriors wearing black turbans... and discover that they are women. With a Pathan prisoner named Batoor as their guide, Jack and the remains of the 113th Foot leave the main army to search for Jayanti. Amid ferocious battle, betrayal and a personal game of cat and mouse with Jayanti herself, Jack and his company move ever closer to the final confrontation in their campaign.

Windrush - Warriors Of God

: Years after leaving the 113th Foot, Jack Windrush is sent to the Northwest Frontier of India to investigate reports of g*n-running among the Pashtun tribes. When he discovers that the problems run deeper than initially believed, he is assigned to stop the rogue group and prevent an uprising. Soon, old friends turn into mortal enemies and loyalty becomes a scarce commodity. As the Islamic revolt against the British rises across the Frontier, can Jack and his unit stop the rebel uprising?

Windrush - Agent Of The Queen

: Jack is sent to infiltrate the Fenian Brotherhood, who are threatening to cause mutiny in the British Army. The journey will take him from deepest England to Ireland and across the Atlantic to the United States and Canada. Jack discovers that another nation is using the Fenian cause for its own ends, and gets involved in battles and intrigue. But what's most worrying of all is the involvement of Helen, Jack's old flame. What is she doing with the Fenians?

Windrush - The City Of Dreadful Death

: Shipwrecked on the African coast, Major Jack Windrush and his wife Mary find themselves embroiled in a war, as the Ashantis attack the British colony of the Gold Coast. While Jack leads a company of the West India Regiment, Mary tries to help the refugees in Cape Coast Castle. Soon, they both find themselves deeply involved in the war, and will need to make sacrifices they could have never anticipated.

Windrush - Beyond The Frontier

: Jack and the 113th Foot join the British invasion of Afghanistan in 1878, trying to counter an alleged Russian threat. Training the young battalion for the trials he know will come, Jack's unit is assigned to Afghanistan, to a war created by Russian interference and British politicians. As the Amir of Afghanistan, Sher Ali, objects to the invasion, the British invade in three columns, with Jack's 113th joining a group led by General Roberts. Between b****y battles, treacherous spies and friends who may be on either side, Jack must guide his men through a morass of dangers.

Windrush - Farewell To Afghanistan

: Afghanistan, 1880. Major Jack Windrush of the 113th Foot is given a mission to convince Batoor Khan to support the new Amir. When a rival to the Afghan throne, Ayub Khan, appears to threaten a British garrison, Jack joins the army sent to restore order. From that point, Jack’s time in Afghanistan descends into chaos. From major battles and savage skirmishes, family feuds, an enigmatic woman and a mysterious Timuri, Jack finds that Afghanistan continues to be a dangerous place. Can he survive one of the most famous marches in Victorian military history, and finally gain the promotion he covets?

Windrush - A Ditch In Egypt

: Egypt, 1882. Jack Windrush has to combine his new role in the Royal Malverns with an unwanted position as a spy for General Hook. Colonel Arabi has led an Egyptian rebellion against the Khedive, hereditary ruler of Egypt for the Ottoman Turks, and the British fear for the security of the Suez Canal and the passage to India. Jack and his men have to compete with the heat, insects and General Wolseley. Adding to the complexities of war, Jack’s old adversaries of the Fenians become involved, as does Major Costello of the US Marines. Together with the Royal Malverns, can he find a way through and emerge victorious?

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Chapter 1
Born in Edinburgh, Scotland and educated at the University of Dundee, Malcolm Archibald writes in a variety of genres, from academic history to folklore, historical fiction to fantasy. He won the Dundee International Book Prize with "Whales for the Wizard" in 2005. Happily married for 35 years, Malcolm has three grown children and lives in darkest Moray in northern Scotland, close by a 13th century abbey and with buzzards and deer more common than people. To learn more about Malcolm Archibald, visit his author page on Next Chapter"s website.

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