Story By Malcolm Archibald

Malcolm Archibald

The Soldier's Son
Updated at Mar 26, 2024, 02:15
International suspense thriller novels.
Detective Watters Mysteries
Updated at Mar 19, 2024, 03:23
International suspense thriller novels.
The Veteran's Legacy
Updated at Jul 20, 2023, 02:34
A collection of three historical war novels by Malcolm Archibald, now available in one volume! Blood Oath : In the aftermath of the Battle of Culloden in 1746, Hughie MacKim embarks on a quest to avenge his brother's murder. Enlisting in Fraser's Highlanders and honing his skills as an infantryman, Hughie sets forth on a relentless pursuit that takes him through the harrowing landscapes of war in North America. He faces a daunting challenge - how can he trace the elusive men responsible for his brother's demise? Our Land of Palestine : In 1915, amidst the British-Ottoman conflict in the Middle East, Major Andrew Selkirk's mission to protect the Suez Canal unveils a secret assignment: retrieving a Bengali spy and countering plans to rally Afghanistan and Persia against Great Britain. As he confronts the Ottomans and a vengeful German adversary, Selkirk leads his men through strife-torn Palestine, a land claimed by multiple forces, struggling with personal feuds along the way. Windrush : Burmese War, 1852. Jack Windrush's aspirations to join the renowned Royal Malverns are dashed as he is instead commissioned into the despised 113th Foot. Determined to prove himself, Jack embarks with a small detachment of the 113th to join the British expedition. However, the reality of war shatters his illusions of honor and glory during the Rangoon attack. A fateful encounter with a renegade British soldier compels Jack to confront the true horrors of war, setting him on a profound journey of self-discovery.
Detective Watters Mysteries
Updated at Jul 20, 2023, 01:09
Books 4-6 in Malcolm Archibald's 'Detective Watters Mysteries', a series of crime mystery novels set in 19th century United Kingdom, now in one volume! The Scuttlers : When Sergeant George Watters is assigned to a scuttling case, he thinks he can solve it in a few days. Instead, he discovers a connection to burglaries across Dundee. After one of Watters' informants tells him that someone from the police force is involved, he realizes that the mystery runs deeper than expected. Can Watters solve the case and bring the burglars, and their accomplices, to justice? Not a Pukka Gentleman : Sergeant Watters finds himself overwhelmed with three simultaneous cases. With a case of poisoning, a series of child kidnappings and somebody with a seeming dislike to clocks and watches, Watters and his team are stretched thin. Things get even more complicated when a circus comes to Dundee, and Watters has to help raid an illegal gambling den. Fortunately, Dr. Beaton is there to help. But who is the mysterious man who crosses his path in Dundee, and why would anyone wish to kidnap boys from impoverished backgrounds? A Carriage For Lochee : Already involved in closing down a spate of illegal drinking dens in Lochee and Dundee, Watters is ordered to solve a murder and theft of a carriage from a Lochee merchant. His investigations take him to a family of tinkers and a group of Russian dissidents, as well as back to an incident that occurred in the Crimean War. Together with his partner, Detective Scuddamore, can Watters tie up all the ends in this confusing case?
Detective Watters Mysteries
Updated at Jul 20, 2023, 01:09
The first three books in Malcolm Archibald's 'Detective Watters Mysteries', a series of crime mystery novels set in 19th century United Kingdom, now in one volume! The Fireraisers : Dundee, Scotland, 1862. After the mill of businessman Matthew Beaumont burns down, Detective Sergeant George Watters is sent to investigate. When a man is found dead in the hold of a trade ship, George discovers a connection between Beaumont and foreign powers threatening the country. But what connects the enigmatic Beaumont to the murder and the strange events taking place in the Dundee shipyard? The Atlantic Street Murder : Sergeant Watters and Detective Silver investigate a tangled mystery in London, involving the murder of a guardsman and the wife of an Austrian diplomat. With the help of the Irish woman Rowena, Watters trawls through the back streets of London, encounters female prize-fighters and suave cracksmen, and finds himself in the savage world of espionage. But can he find the meaning behind the mysterious words: ‘There is a storm from the east and the west’? Murdered On The 13th : Dundee, 1860s. Sergeant George Watters and his team investigate the murder of a local banker, found dead on the 13th tee of a local golf course. Illicit prizefighters, merchants and prostitutes all seem to be connected to the murder, and even the toughest of Dundee are refusing to talk. In a case that stretches him to his limit, Watters' enquiries take him from the lowest brothels to the elite of Dundee society.
The Swordswoman - Books 1-3
Updated at May 3, 2023, 23:46
The first three books in Malcolm Archibald's 'The Swordswoman', a series of historical fantasy novels, now in one volume! The Swordswoman : Melcorka is an ordinary young woman from the Isles. But when her homeland of Alba is attacked by the Viking horde, Melcorka abandons her life of luxury and chooses the path of a warrior. With a ragtag band of companions, she heads south to unite the clans and free the land from the Norsemen's scourge, and claim her destiny. The Shining One : Melcorka the Swordswoman is unsettled. She wishes revenge on Egil the Norseman, yet knows that Defender, her magic sword, cannot kill without cause. After receiving a dire warning from the seer Fitheach, Melcorka and Bradan head toward the Western Isles in search of knowledge. Facing many dangers on their path, they forge on toward the Standing Stones of Callanish to face the most fearsome foe of all: The Shining One. Falcon Warrior : Sailing west across the Atlantic, Melcorka the Swordswoman and Bradan the Wanderer encounter a strange woman entombed within an iceberg. On her is a headband decorated with the symbol of a falcon. Heading towards Greenland, Vinland and eventually, the New World, the two face powerful foes. But can they find the ancient pyramid city of Cahokia and learn the mystery of the strange falcon artifact?
Jack Windrush Collection - Books 9-12
Updated at May 3, 2023, 23:43
Books 9-12 in 'Jack Windrush', a series of historical war novels by Malcolm Archibald, now available in one volume! Beyond The Frontier : Jack and the 113th Foot are sent to Afghanistan as part of the British invasion of 1878 to counter an alleged Russian threat. Amidst the chaos of war, Jack trains his men to face the dangers that await them, including battles, spies, and uncertain loyalties. With General Roberts leading the charge and the Amir of Afghanistan objecting to their presence, Jack must navigate through a dangerous landscape and ensure the safe return of his men and himself. Farewell To Afghanistan : Major Jack Windrush is sent on a mission to convince Batoor Khan to support the new Amir in Afghanistan in 1880. But when Ayub Khan threatens a British garrison, Jack must join the army to restore order. Amidst major battles and family feuds, Jack faces danger at every turn. Will he survive one of the most famous marches in Victorian military history and finally gain promotion? A Ditch In Egypt : Egypt, 1882. Jack Windrush is forced to work as a spy for General Hook while also commanding the Royal Malverns. With Colonel Arabi leading an Egyptian rebellion and the Suez Canal at risk, Jack faces a range of obstacles including heat, insects, and the involvement of his old Fenian enemies. Can Jack and his men emerge victorious? Baptism Of The Sword : Jack leads the Royal Malverns on a British-led Egyptian expedition to rescue a garrison in Sudan. Things become more complicated when Jack is ordered to hold a village deep in the desert as an escape route for General Gordon and the beleaguered garrison of Khartoum. This action-packed historical adventure is set in the period when Britain stretched her imperial muscle, showing the bravery of the ordinary fighting men on both sides, as well as the futility of war.
Jack Windrush Collection - Books 5-8
Updated at Apr 28, 2023, 01:55
Dedicated to providing a series of superb reading experiences for fans of mystery, thriller, and suspense fiction.
Jack Windrush Collection - Books 1-4
Updated at Apr 13, 2023, 02:20
The first four books in 'Jack Windrush', a series of historical war novels by Malcolm Archibald, now available in one volume! Windrush : In the midst of the Burmese War in 1852, Jack Windrush strives to make a name for himself in the despised 113th Foot, but his idealism is shattered when he experiences the true horrors of war on the fringes of the Empire. A chance encounter with a renegade British soldier forces Jack to question the very values he grew up with, and his understanding of honor and glory is challenged. Windrush - Crimea : Assigned to Malta with his disreputable regiment, Jack must resort to ungentlemanly actions to be sent to the frontlines in Crimea. Amidst the brutality of war and facing formidable enemies, Jack meets the beautiful Helen Maxwell, but their happiness is short-lived as he is soon ordered to leave the country. Will Jack be able to survive the horrors of war with only Helen to alleviate them? Windrush - Blood Price : In the midst of the Crimean War, Jack Windrush and his unit are tasked with a dangerous mission to Sevastopol. Amidst the chaos of battle, Jack is reunited with his former love, Helen Maxwell, but their joy is short-lived as they face the brutal Plastun Cossacks and the harsh reality of war. As casualties rise and survival becomes uncertain, Jack and his comrades must do whatever it takes to stay alive. Windrush: Blood Price is a gripping tale of love, sacrifice, and the horrors of war. Windrush - Cry Havelock : In the midst of the Indian Mutiny, Captain Jack Windrush and a group of survivors from the 113th Foot must fight to stay alive. With a rebel army besieging the British, Jack leads his men to Allahabad to relieve Cawnpore and meets General Havelock. However, the war takes a personal toll on Jack as he faces new challenges on the battlefield and in his own life.
El Camino del Guerrero
Updated at Apr 6, 2023, 18:50
Canadá, 1759. Después de la captura de Quebec durante la Guerra de los Siete Años, el cabo Hugh MacKim del 78º de Highlanders intenta desertar del ejército británico. Pero cuando Hugh cae en una emboscada, su amada, Tayanita, es herida de muerte por un canadiense alto y tatuado. MacKim jura venganza. Sufriendo de pesadillas, regresa al ejército, se transfiere a los Rangers y decide luchar en una serie de escaramuzas durante el invierno. Cuando los ataques franceses a los puestos de avanzada británicos se vuelven más frecuentes, el general Murray organiza el Flying Picket: un grupo de hombres dedicados a prevenir los ataques franceses. Seguro de que su enemigo jurado, Lucas de Langdon, está entre los atacantes, MacKim se une al grupo del general Murray. Pero, ¿puede él imponer la venganza? y ¿la tensión de la guerra lo ha llevado al borde de la razón?
El Lobo de Badenoch
Updated at Apr 5, 2023, 23:04
Escocia, 1388. Fergus Scott de Eildon es enviado al norte para investigar unas noticias acerca de una nueva fuerza emergente. Luego de encontrarse con el feroz Alistair Mor, Fergus es llevado a una batalla en contra de la magia y la muerte, pero recibe la ayuda de la adorable pero temperamental Seonaid. Mientras las brujas se reúnen para recrear el terrible Libro de la Tierra Oscura y el ejército de Donald de las Islas marcha para enfrentar a Alistair, Fergus necesita salvar su alma y a su país. El Lobo de Badenoch es una aventura de fantasía inspirada en la historia de Alexander Stewart, conocido como el lobo de Badenoch.
The Rise Of An English Lawbreaker Collection
Updated at Apr 4, 2023, 02:20
Amber Kuhlman is a Five-Time Amazon #1 Bestselling Author in Contemporary Romance under the pen name Amber Thielman. A witchy woman with an undying love for pumpkin-flavored anything, traveling, autumn, and boozy concoctions, Amber has written everything from spicy contemporary romance to New Adult romance, and sexy paranormal. There’s something for everyone! Despite her adoration for a HEA, Amber grew up reading too much Stephen King and spent endless lake-front summers devouring every Fear Street novel R. L. Stine ever wrote. She lives in Idaho with her husband and their two beautiful boys. You can find Amber on social media when she's not writing the pretty words. Come say hi, and stay up to date on new releases, teasers, and special giveaways. Amber loves getting to know her readers! Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: Reader’s Group: TikTok: @authoramberkuhlman If you'd like to reach out to me personally, drop me a line. I answer everyone and I love speaking to my readers:
Jack Windrush
Updated at Feb 5, 2023, 18:15
Lieutenant-Colonel Jack Windrush is sent as an observer on a British-led Egyptian expedition to rescue the garrison of two Egyptian posts in Sudan. When the local warriors intervene, the British send an army. Jack and his regiment, the Royal Malverns, are heavily involved. Things become more complicated when Jack is ordered to hold a village deep in the desert as an escape route for General Gordon and the beleaguered garrison of Khartoum. The twelfth book in Malcolm Archibald's 'Jack Windrush' series of  historical military novels, Baptism of the Sword is an action-packed historical adventure set in the period when Britain stretched her imperial muscle, despite the misgivings of some politicians and soldiers. It shows the bravery of the ordinary fighting men on both sides, as well as the futility of war.
Jack Windrush
Updated at Feb 2, 2023, 23:12
Jack Windrush is still in India during the late stages of the Indian Mutiny. Tired of war, he has to obey orders when Colonel Hook orders him to hunt down a mysterious female warrior named Jayanti. Soon, Jack's company of the 113th Foot shares in the defeat at Fort Ruhya, where they encounter warriors wearing black turbans... and discover that they are women. With a Pathan prisoner, Jack and the remains of the 113th Foot leave the main army to search for Jayanti. Amid ferocious battle, betrayal and a personal game of cat and mouse with Jayanti herself, Jack and his company move ever closer to the final confrontation in their campaign.
Jack Windrush Collection
Updated at Feb 2, 2023, 23:11
All eleven books in 'Jack Windrush', a series of historical war novels by Malcolm Archibald, now in one volume! Windrush : Burmese War, 1852. Unable to join the famous Royal Malverns, Jack Windrush is commissioned into the despised 113th Foot. Determined to rise in the ranks by making a name for himself, he joins the British expedition. When they get involved in the attack of Rangoon, Jack realizes that war on the fringes of the Empire is not as honorable and glorious as he expected. After a chance meeting with a renegade British soldier, Jack witnesses the true terrors of war, and begins to question the whole framework in which he has grown up. Windrush - Crimea : Malta, 1854. Jack and his disreputable 113th Foot have to resort to ungentlemanly actions to have themselves posted to Crimea. A lieutenant in the worst regiment in the British Army, Jack hankers for promotion and recognition to regain what he sees as his true station in life. At the Battle of the Alma, Jack is sent to General Campbell of the Highland Brigade to offer the assistance of the 113th. Having buried the dead, Jack meets the beautiful Helen Maxwell, but soon after receives orders to leave the country. With the formidable Russian army and the savage Major Kutozov as their enemies, Jack soon finds that life in the front is tough, with only the wayward Helen  to alleviate the horrors of war. Windrush - Blood Price : Jack Windrush and the 113th Foot are commissioned to Sevastopol during the Crimean War. As the great storm of November 1854 rages, Jack's unit is rescuing survivors from a wrecked ship and finds out that one of the survivors is Helen Maxwell, his former sweetheart. Soon after, they find themselves opposed by the Plastun Cossacks, and the siege of Sevastopol starts to take its toll. With British casualties mounting, Jack and the 113th need to take drastic measures to survive. Windrush - Cry Havelock : Captain Jack Windrush and the infamous 113th Foot are assigned in India just before the Indian Mutiny breaks out. Returning from a five-day march, Jack finds that the sepoys have rebelled and massacred their officers, and most of the other company of the 113th. Gathering together a number of survivors, including two Eurasian women, Jane and Mary, Jack and his company fight their way out of the cantonment and escape. As the war rages around them, Jack faces new challenges both in his military and personal life. Windrush - Jayanti's Pawns : Jack Windrush is still in India during the late stages of the Indian Mutiny. Already tired of war, Jack has to obey orders when Colonel Hook orders him to hunt down a mysterious female warrior named Jayanti. Soon, Jack's company of the 113th Foot shares in the defeat at Fort Ruhya, where they encounter warriors wearing black turbans... and discover that they are women. With a Pathan prisoner named Batoor as their guide, Jack and the remains of the 113th Foot leave the main army to search for Jayanti. Amid ferocious battle, betrayal and a personal game of cat and mouse with Jayanti herself, Jack and his company move ever closer to the final confrontation in their campaign. Windrush - Warriors Of God : Years after leaving the 113th Foot, Jack Windrush is sent to the Northwest Frontier of India to investigate reports of gun-running among the Pashtun tribes. When he discovers that the problems run deeper than initially believed, he is assigned to stop the rogue group and prevent an uprising. Soon, old friends turn into mortal enemies and loyalty becomes a scarce commodity. As the Islamic revolt against the British rises across the Frontier, can Jack and his unit stop the rebel uprising? Windrush - Agent Of The Queen : Jack is sent to infiltrate the Fenian Brotherhood, who are threatening to cause mutiny in the British Army. The journey will take him from deepest England to Ireland and across the Atlantic to the United States and Canada. Jack discovers that another nation is using the Fenian cause for its own ends, and gets involved in battles and intrigue. But what's most worrying of all is the involvement of Helen, Jack's old flame. What is she doing with the Fenians? Windrush - The City Of Dreadful Death : Shipwrecked on the African coast, Major Jack Windrush and his wife Mary find themselves embroiled in a war, as the Ashantis attack the British colony of the Gold Coast. While Jack leads a company of the West India Regiment, Mary tries to help the refugees in Cape Coast Castle. Soon, they both find themselves deeply involved in the war, and will need to make sacrifices they could have never anticipated. Windrush - Beyond The Frontier : Jack and the 113th Foot join the British invasion of Afghanistan in 1878, trying to counter an alleged Russian threat. Training the young battalion for the trials he know will come, Jack's unit is assigned to Afghanistan, to a war created by Russian interference and British politicians. As the Amir of Afghanistan, Sher Ali, objects to the invasion, the British invade in three columns, with Jack's 113th joining a group led by General Roberts. Between bloody battles, treacherous spies and friends who may be on either side, Jack must guide his men through a morass of dangers. Windrush - Farewell To Afghanistan : Afghanistan, 1880. Major Jack Windrush of the 113th Foot is given a mission to convince Batoor Khan to support the new Amir. When a rival to the Afghan throne, Ayub Khan, appears to threaten a British garrison, Jack joins the army sent to restore order. From that point, Jack’s time in Afghanistan descends into chaos. From major battles and savage skirmishes, family feuds, an enigmatic woman and a mysterious Timuri, Jack finds that Afghanistan continues to be a dangerous place. Can he survive one of the most famous marches in Victorian military history, and finally gain the promotion he covets? Windrush - A Ditch In Egypt : Egypt, 1882. Jack Windrush has to combine his new role in the Royal Malverns with an unwanted position as a spy for General Hook. Colonel Arabi has led an Egyptian rebellion against the Khedive, hereditary ruler of Egypt for the Ottoman Turks, and the British fear for the security of the Suez Canal and the passage to India. Jack and his men have to compete with the heat, insects and General Wolseley. Adding to the complexities of war, Jack’s old adversaries of the Fenians become involved, as does Major Costello of the US Marines. Together with the Royal Malverns, can he find a way through and emerge victorious?
The Warrior's Path Collection
Updated at Feb 2, 2023, 23:10
All three novels in Malcolm Archibald's 'Warrior's Path' series of 18th century historical war novels, now available in one volume! Blood Oath : After the Battle of Culloden in 1746, young Hughie MacKim swears to avenge his brother's murder. Trained as an infantryman in Fraser's Highlanders, Hugh joins the Army and follows the trail across the horror of war in North America, through to the Battle of the Plains of Abraham in September 1759. But can he find his brother's killer? Edge Of Reason : Canada, 1759. After Hugh MacKim's loved one is mortally wounded by a tall, tattooed Canadian, he swears vengeance. Returning to the army, he transfers to the Rangers, certain that he can find his sworn enemy: Lucas de Langdon. But can he exact his revenge, and has the strain of war tipped him over the edge of reason? A Sacrifice Of Pawns : Caribbean, 1762. With the French in Canada defeated, Hugh MacKim's focus shifts to the West Indies. Fighting their way through the campaign, battles on Martinico and Cuba are only the backdrop to their personal war with Captain Rene Roberval: the man who murdered their crew. But has MacKim finally met his match in the formidable captain of Douce Vengeance?
The Rise Of An English Lawbreaker
Updated at Jan 31, 2023, 01:57
The successful smuggler, John Smith has become a highwayman to safeguard his inland trade. Riding the roads as the Yellowhammer, he makes both friends and enemies as he robs the rich and powerful. Yet his old companion Bess is in danger when the eccentric Lady Charlotte finds out who she is, and Lord Fitzwarren employs a killer to hunt Smith down. In a story full of backstabbing, cheating and deceit, Smith is in danger of being outmaneuvered by an expert. With the killer on his heels, Smith has to toe the line between survival and keeping Bess safe. But can he manage to escape with his life, and his fortune, as he turns from dancing on the waves to riding the king's highways? A historical adventure set in 18th century England, 'Riding' is the second book in Malcolm Archibald's 'The Rise Of An English Lawbreaker' series.
Jack Windrush
Updated at Jan 31, 2023, 01:57
Captain Jack Windrush and the infamous 113th Foot are assigned to India, just before the Indian Mutiny breaks out. Returning from a five-day march with his company, Jack finds that the sepoys have rebelled and massacred their officers, and most of the other company of the 113th. Gathering together a number of survivors, Jack and his company fight their way out of the cantonment and escape. After Jack learns that the British are besieged by a large rebel army, he takes his men to Allahabad to relieve Cawnpore, and meet with General Havelock. He proves to be a capable commander, but lacks manpower. As the war rages around them, Jack faces new challenges - both military and personal.
Our Land of Palestine
Updated at Jan 31, 2023, 01:57
It is the year 1915, and the British and Ottoman Empires clash in a deadly struggle in the Middle East. Tasked with keeping the Ottomans out of Suez Canal, Major Andrew Selkirk discovers that his real assignment is to retrieve a Bengali spy working for those who vow to see British rule out of India. After landing on the west coast of Palestine, Selkirk discovers the Ottomans have taken the spy captive. Even more troubling are the plans by Ottomans and Germans to draw Afghanistan and Persia into the war against Great Britain. Fighting a personal feud with a vengeful German, Selkirk leads his men across strife-torn Palestine: a land that everybody claims as their own.
Jack Windrush
Updated at Jan 31, 2023, 01:56
Egypt, 1882. Jack Windrush has to combine his role as Lieutenant-Colonel of the Royal Malverns with an unwanted position as a spy for General Hook. Colonel Arabi has led an Egyptian rebellion against the Khedive, hereditary ruler of Egypt for the Ottoman Turks, and the British fear for the security of the Suez Canal and the passage to India. Jack and his men have to compete with the heat, insects and General Wolseley. Adding to the complexities of war, Jack’s old adversaries of the Fenians become involved, as does Major Costello of the US Marines. Together with the Royal Malverns, can he find the way through and emerge victorious? The 11th novel in Malcolm Archibald's Jack Windrush series, A Ditch In Egypt is a riveting story of a Victorian military officer's life set in the Eastern Mediterranean.
Warrior's Path
Updated at Jan 31, 2023, 01:56
After surviving the Battle of Culloden in 1746, young Hughie MacKim swears a blood oath to avenge the murder of his brother. Trained as an infantryman in Fraser's Highlanders, Hugh joins the Army himself and follows the trail across the horror of war in North America, through to the Battle of the Plains of Abraham in September 1759. But how can he trace the men in the anonymous ranks of the British Army? Winner, SAHR Prize for Military Fiction, 2020-2021
Jack Windrush
Updated at Jan 31, 2023, 01:55
In the ninth book in the Jack Windrush series of military novels, Jack and the 113th Foot join the British invasion of Afghanistan in 1878, trying to counter an alleged Russian threat. Training the young battalion for the trials he know will come, Jack's unit is assigned to Afghanistan, to a war created by Russian interference and British politicians. As the Amir of Afghanistan, Sher Ali, objects to the invasion, the British invade in three columns, with Jack's 113th joining a group led by General Roberts. Between bloody battles, treacherous spies and friends who may be on either side, Jack must guide his men through a morass of dangers. But can he succeed and return home safely, or will he never see his wife Mary again?
Jack Windrush
Updated at Jan 31, 2023, 01:35
Jack Windrush and the 113th Foot are commissioned to Sevastopol during the Crimean War. As the great storm of November 1854 rages, Jack's unit is rescuing survivors from a wrecked ship and finds out that one of the survivors is Helen Maxwell, his former sweetheart. Soon after, they find themselves opposed by the Plastun Cossacks, and the siege of Sevastopol starts to take its toll. With British casualties mounting, Jack and the 113th need to take drastic measures to survive.
Jack Windrush
Updated at Jan 31, 2023, 01:20
In the seventh book in the Windrush series, Jack is sent to infiltrate the Fenian Brotherhood, who are threatening to cause mutiny in the British Army. The journey will take him from deepest England to Ireland and across the Atlantic to the United States and Canada. Jack discovers that another nation is using the Fenian cause for its own ends, and gets involved in battles and intrigue. But what's most worrying of all is the involvement of Helen, Jack's old flame. What is she doing with the Fenians?
Jack Windrush
Updated at Jan 31, 2023, 01:15
Years after leaving the 113th Foot, Jack Windrush is sent to the Northwest Frontier of India to investigate reports of gun-running among the Pashtun tribes. When he discovers that the reports are not only true, but run deeper than initially believed, he is assigned to stop the rogue group and prevent an uprising. Soon, old friends turn into mortal enemies and loyalty becomes a scarce commodity. As the Islamic revolt against the British rises across the Frontier, can Jack and his unit stop the rebel uprising?
The Rise Of An English Lawbreaker
Updated at Jan 31, 2023, 01:15
Kent, England, 1762.  Bloody smuggling wars are raging on England's southern coast. It's a time of daring men and bold women, and deadly skirmishes between rival gangs and the law. John Smith, a man both hanged and drowned, returns to his home village, swearing vengeance on the landowner who killed his father. There is no quarter asked or expected when Smith begins to carve out his place among the Free Traders of Kent. With guile and violence, he is determined to make his mark. What he doesn't know is that the Preventative Service has sent Ambrose Grant - their most effective man - to hunt him down. Soon, the two cross paths with life-changing consequences. A riveting adventure set in mid-18th century England, Dancing is the first book in Malcolm Archibald's The Rise Of An English Lawbreaker series.
Jack Windrush
Updated at Jan 31, 2023, 01:05
Malta, 1854. Jack and his disreputable 113th Foot are stationed in Crimea. A lieutenant in British Army's worst regiment, Jack hankers for recognition to regain his true station in life. At the Battle of the Alma, Jack is sent to General Campbell of the Highland Brigade to offer the assistance of the 113th. After burying the dead, he meets the beautiful Helen Maxwell, but soon after receives orders to leave the country. Facing the formidable Russian army led by the savage Major Kutozov, Jack learns that life in the front line is tough, with only the wayward Helen to alleviate the horrors of war.
Jack Windrush
Updated at Jan 31, 2023, 01:05
Shipwrecked on the African coast, Major Jack Windrush and his wife Mary find themselves embroiled in a war, as the Ashantis attack the British colony of the Gold Coast. While Jack leads a company of the West India Regiment, Mary tries to help the refugees in Cape Coast Castle. Soon, they both find themselves deeply involved in the war, and will need to make sacrifices they could have never anticipated. The City Of Dreadful Death is the eighth novel in Malcolm Archibald's series of historical war novels, this time set in the tumultuous late 19th century West Africa.
The Rise Of An English Lawbreaker
Updated at Jan 30, 2023, 18:40
John Smith, ex-smuggler and highwayman, and now Lord Fitzwarren, a respectable London ship owner, has an unscrupulous rival. Charles Shapland hopes to destroy his trading empire by any means possible. However, Smith and Bess, his wife, are prepared to defend their position. When Kate Rider, a woman with a grudge against Smith, joins Shapland, the situation becomes complicated. Add in the mysterious Mr. Jay, a group of scuffle-hunters and the Bow Street Runners, and Smith’s life once again becomes a series of adventures. Facing his most dangerous foe yet, Smith will need to rely on his loyal friends, Bancroft and Judd. But is there more to them than meets the eye? Set against the background of the American War of Independence, Reigning is the third book in Malcolm Archibald's 'The Rise Of An English Lawbreaker' trilogy of historical adventure novels.
Detective Watters Mysteries Collection
Updated at Dec 12, 2022, 23:45
All five books in Malcolm Archibald's 'Detective Watters Mysteries', a series of crime mystery novels set in 19th century United Kingdom, now in one volume! The Fireraisers : Dundee, Scotland, 1862. After the mill of businessman Matthew Beaumont burns down, Detective Sergeant George Watters is sent to investigate. When a mysterious man is found dead in the hold of a trade ship, George discovers a shocking connection between Beaumont and foreign powers threatening the very country. But what connects the enigmatic Beaumont to the murder and the strange events taking place in the Dundee shipyard? The Atlantic Street Murder : Sergeant Watters and Detective Silver are sent to investigate a tangled mystery in London, involving the murder of a guardsman and the vivacious wife of an Austrian diplomat. With the help of the Irish woman Rowena, Watters trawls through the back streets of London, encounters female prize-fighters and suave cracksmen, and finds himself in the savage world of espionage. But can he find the meaning behind the mysterious words: ‘There is a storm from the east and the west’? Murdered On The 13th : Dundee, 1860s. Sergeant George Watters and his team investigate the murder of a local banker, found dead on the 13th tee of a local golf course. Illicit prizefighters, merchants and prostitutes all seem to be connected to the murder, and even the toughest of Dundee are refusing to talk. In a case that stretches him to his limit, Watters' enquiries take him from the lowest brothels to the elite of Dundee society. But can he crack the case before more lives are lost? The Scuttlers : When Sergeant George Watters is assigned to a scuttling case, he thinks he can solve it in a few days. Instead, he discovers a connection to a string of burglaries across Dundee. After one of Watters' informants tells him that someone from the police force is involved in the burglaries, he realizes that the mystery runs deeper than expected. Can Watters solve the case and bring the burglars, and their accomplices, to justice? Not a Pukka Gentleman :Sergeant Watters finds himself overwhelmed with three simultaneous cases. With a case of poisoning, a series of child kidnappings and somebody with a seeming dislike to clocks and watches, Watters and his team are stretched thin. Things become even more complicated when a circus comes to Dundee, and Watters has to help raid an illegal gambling den. Fortunately, Dr. Beaton is there to help. But who is the mysterious man who crosses his path in Dundee, and why would anyone wish to kidnap boys from impoverished backgrounds?
The Swordswoman Collection
Updated at Oct 19, 2022, 02:55
All five books in Malcolm Archibald's 'The Swordswoman', a series of historical fantasy novels, now in one volume! The Swordswoman : Melcorka is an ordinary young woman from the Isles. But when her homeland of Alba is attacked by the Viking horde, Melcorka abandons her life of luxury and chooses the path of a warrior. With a ragtag band of companions, she heads south to unite the clans and free the land from the Norsemen's scourge, and claim her destiny. The Shining One : Melcorka the Swordswoman is unsettled. She wishes revenge on Egil the Norseman, yet knows that Defender, her magic sword, cannot kill without cause. After receiving a dire warning from the seer Fitheach, Melcorka and Bradan head toward the Western Isles in search of knowledge. Facing many dangers on their path, they forge on toward the Standing Stones of Callanish to face the most fearsome foe of all: The Shining One. Falcon Warrior : Sailing west across the Atlantic, Melcorka the Swordswoman and Bradan the Wanderer encounter a strange woman entombed within an iceberg. On her is a headband decorated with the symbol of a falcon. Heading towards Greenland, Vinland and eventually, the New World, the two face powerful foes. But can they find the ancient pyramid city of Cahokia and learn the mystery of the strange falcon artifact? Melcorka Of Alba : Melcorka and Bradan find themselves in dangerous waters when a storm sends them hundreds of miles off course. After countless days at sea, they find themselves in a strange Eastern land, in the city of Kollchi, surrounded by supernatural forces they have never seen before. With her trusty sword Defender by her side, Melcorka sets to overcome the odds. But in this dangerous land of monsters and demonic power, will it be enough? Loki's Sword : Facing war on two fronts, the High King of Alba orders Melcorka to hunt down and defeat the Butcher - a savage who wields Loki's Sword. Fighting through a variety of increasingly dangerous enemies, she and Bradan make their way towards their formidable, final foe. But is there something more to the Butcher than meets the eye - and what is the secret of Loki's Sword?
La Espadachina
Updated at Mar 22, 2022, 00:39
Bienvenidos a la Edad Media de Escocia que nunca ocurrió. Melcorka, una chica que vive en la aldea de una pequeña isla, se entera que Alba, su patria se encuentra bajo ataque por una horda invasora. Abandonando su vida superflua, ella decide tomar el camino del guerrero y emprende el viaje para liberar a su reino del flagelo de los vikingos. Acompañada de un grupo de compañeros disparates y desharrapados, Melcorka se dirige al sur para unir a los clanes para enfrentar al enemigo imponente.
Shadow of the Wolf
Updated at Mar 7, 2022, 18:37
A dark force has awakened in the Highlands. Scotland, 1388. After Fergus Scott of Eildon travels north to investigate reports of a malevolent presence, he encounters the ferocious Alistair Mor. Drawn into battle against enchantment and death, Fergus is aided by the lovely but quick-tempered Seonaid. Meanwhile, Donald of the Isles and his army march to confront Alistair, and trouble is brewing as the witches of Scotland gather to recreate the Book of Black Earth. But when the forces of good and evil collide, can Fergus save his soul and his country? Inspired by the story of Alexander Stewart - The Wolf of Badenoch.
Not a Pukka Gentleman
Updated at Mar 3, 2022, 01:03
In the fifth novel of Malcolm Archibald's 19th century detective novels, Sergeant Watters finds himself overwhelmed with three simultaneous cases. With a case of poisoning, a series of child kidnappings and somebody with a seeming dislike to clocks and watches, Watters and his team are stretched thin. Things become even more complicated when a circus comes to Dundee, and Watters has to help raid an illegal gambling den. Fortunately, Dr. Beaton is there to help. But who is the mysterious man who crosses his path in Dundee, and why would anyone wish to kidnap boys from impoverished backgrounds? Find out in 'Not A Pukka Gentleman', a riveting historical mystery set in 19th century Dundee, Scotland.
The Scuttlers
Updated at Mar 3, 2022, 01:02
When Sergeant George Watters is assigned to a scuttling case, he thinks he can solve it in a few days. Instead, he discovers a connection to a string of burglaries of high-value shops and hotels across Dundee. Things take a turn for the worse when one of Watters' informants tells him that someone from the police force is involved in the burglaries. Soon, George realizes that the mystery runs deeper than he expected. Can Watters solve the case and bring the burglars, and their accomplices, to justice? Set in Scotland's fourth-largest city in the 1860s, The Scuttlers is the fourth book in Malcolm Archibald's Detective Watters Mysteries series.
La Espada De Loki
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 19:07
Después de sus aventuras alrededor del mundo, Melcorka la Mujer Espadachín ha regresado a Alba, su tierra natal. Enfrentando la guerra en dos frentes, el Gran Rey de Alba ordena a Melcorka que persiga y derrote al Carnicero, un salvaje que empuña la Espada de Loki. Luchando contra una variedad de enemigos cada vez más peligrosos, ella y Bradan se abren camino hacia su formidable enemigo final. Pero, ¿hay algo más en el Carnicero de lo que parece? ¿Cuál es el secreto de la Espada de Loki?
The Shining One
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 18:31
After the campaign against the Norse, Melcorka the Swordswoman is unsettled. She wishes revenge on Egil the Norseman, yet knows that Defender - her magic sword - cannot kill without cause. After a visit to the seer Fitheach, Melcorka receives a dire warning. They head toward the Western Isles in search of knowledge, facing many dangers on their path. With the help of pirate leader Osprey and Hector, leader of the Ulvust, they forge on toward the Standing Stones of Callanish to face the most fearsome foe of all: The Shining One. This a standalone novel, and can be enjoyed even if you haven't read other books in the series.
Edge Of Reason
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 18:28
Canada, 1759. After the capture of Quebec in the Seven Years War, Corporal Hugh MacKim of the 78th Highlanders attempts to desert the British army. But when Hugh is caught in an ambush, his loved one, Tayanita, is mortally wounded by a tall, tattooed Canadian. MacKim swears vengeance. Suffering from nightmares, he returns to the army, transfers to the Rangers and decides to fight in a series of skirmishes through the winter. When the French attacks on the British outposts become more frequent, General Murray organizes the Flying Picket: a group of men dedicated to preventing the French attacks. Certain that his sworn enemy, Lucas de Langdon, is among the attackers, MacKim joins General Murray's group. But can he exact his revenge, and has the strain of war tipped him over the edge of reason?
Melcorka of Alba
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 18:15
Melcorka and Bradan are returning from Cahokia. Their plans change abruptly when a storm sends them hundreds of miles off course. After their encounter with the demon Kanaima, Bradan notices something strange in Melcorka's behavior. After countless days at sea, they find themselves in a strange Eastern land - in the city of Kollchi - and surrounded by supernatural forces they have never seen before. With her trusty sword Defender by her side, Melcorka sets to overcome the odds. But in this dangerous land of monsters and demonic power, will it be enough?
The Atlantic Street Murder
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 18:05
From hunting pickpockets in London omnibuses and ghosts in Hesse Square, Sergeant Watters and Detective Silver are led into the notorious Wild Geese public house, and a tangled mystery that involves the murder of a guardsman and the vivacious wife of an Austrian diplomat. With the help of the Irish woman Rowena, Watters trawls through the back streets of London, encounters female prize-fighters and suave cracksmen, and finds himself in the savage world of espionage. But can he unravel the mysterious words: 'There is a storm from the east and the west'?
A Sacrifice of Pawns
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 17:59
Caribbean, 1762. With the French in Canada defeated, the focus of Sergeant Hugh MacKim's war shifts to the West Indies. Still with Kennedy's Rangers, a French privateer captures his ship off the Bahamas, and the French captain murders the crew. From that point on, MacKim and the Rangers fight their way through the campaign, with battles on Martinico and Cuba only the backdrop to their personal war with Captain Rene Roberval of Douce Vengeance. In the third book of the Warrior's Path trilogy, MacKim faces hurricanes and meets slaves while hoping to survive and return to the arms of Claudia, his French-Canadian sweetheart. But life does not always go according to plan. This book contains graphic violence and is not suitable for readers under the age of 18.
Murdered On The 13th
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 17:49
Dundee, 1860s. Sergeant George Watters and his team investigate the murder of a local banker, found dead on the 13th tee of a local golf course. Illicit prizefighters, merchants and prostitutes all seem to be somehow connected to the murder, and even the toughest of Dundee are refusing to talk. In a case that stretches him to his limit, Watters' inquiries take him from the lowest brothels to some of the elite of Dundee society. But can he crack the case before more lives are lost?
Farewell To Afghanistan
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 17:46
Afghanistan, 1880. Major Jack Windrush of the 113th Foot is given a mission to convince Batoor Khan to support the new Amir. However, when a rival to the Afghan throne, Ayub Khan, appears to threaten a British garrison, Jack joins the army sent to restore order. From that point, Jack’s time in Afghanistan descends into chaos. From major battles and savage skirmishes, family feuds, an enigmatic woman and a mysterious Timuri, Jack finds that Afghanistan continues to be a dangerous place. In the tenth book in the Jack Windrush series of historical military novels, can Jack survive one of the most famous marches in Victorian military history, and finally gain promotion?
Falcon Warrior
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 17:29
Sailing west across the Atlantic, Melcorka and Bradan encounter a strange woman entombed within an iceberg. On her is a headband decorated with the symbol of a falcon. Soon after, they meet a fleet of Norse ships and set sail with them towards the New World. Fighting their way through skraeling hordes and facing the mysterious Ice Giant, they find the ancient pyramid city of Cahokia. But what is the secret of the strange falcon artifact? This is a standalone novel and can be enjoyed even if you haven't read other books in the series.
Loki's Sword
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 17:17
After her adventures around the world, Melcorka the Swordswoman has returned to her homeland of Alba. Facing war on two fronts, the High King of Alba orders Melcorka to hunt down and defeat the Butcher - a savage who wields Loki's Sword. Fighting through a variety of increasingly dangerous enemies, she and Bradan make their way towards their formidable, final foe. But is there something more to the Butcher than meets the eye - and what is the secret of Loki's Sword?