10. Have A Drink

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I go to a bar. What pirate wouldn't have a drink? "PIRATE." The customers run out. The person behind the bar shakes her head. "Money first or no drinks." I sit down at the bar. "But it's my first time being a pirate. What kind of pirate am I if I don't have a drink?" Thora sits down. "Me too." She smiles at me and Tre throws some money on the counter. "You have money?" "Not that much, woman. Have a drink." "Whatever that buys." "That buys some hard stuff. Not sure if you want to go that hard." Thora nods. "WE DO." I smile. "We're pirates." Kane sit down beside me. He gets out some money. "I'll buy everyone a drink." She pours me and Thora a big glass of something. Then she gives everyone else a drink. Except Dipak, he doesn't take anything. "Oh that burns." "Yes it does." We take another drink. "It still burns princess queen." "Yes it does." "But we're pirates. We have to drink it." I plug my nose. "We can do this." "Yes we can." "STILL BURNS." "JUST DRINK MORE." The boys laugh. We finish our cups. "Thank you for the drink." "Yes, it was very pleasant." "No problem, you 2 come back anytime." We try to get off our chairs but fall right to the floor instead. Tre and Tye pick us up. "That's a very high chair you have." Thora holds onto Tye. "Very odd." The lady cracks up laughing. Then the boys laugh again. We go back to the boat. I manage to walk. Tye has to carry Thora. I sit down by the wheel. "What are you doing sweetheart?" "Wondering if we're leaving." "No, if we leave now, we'll look guilty. They might not let us back. We'll leave in the morning. We'll let anyone who wants to search the boat first." "Dipak." "Yes." "Their s**t is all over, and we have chickens and pigs in jail cells." "Yea, but I won't let them on that level. That's the servants' level, anyway. No way to tell the cells are in the back. The clothes are already hidden in the rooms. It will be better if we let them look around and prove we're innocent before we leave." "Fine. What were you doing?" "Making sure Thora passed out ok." "She good?" "Well Tye, banged her head off the wall. But other than that, she's good." "What way is home?" "North east. Why?" "I was just wondering." "No, why sweetheart?" "The lady told me, my necklace will always point me home." I pull it out and show him. "South east." "It's probably broken. It's only a necklace. I do love it. It reminds me that I'm a pirate." He wraps his arms around me. "The pirate princess." "The pirate princess in your bed please." I lead him away. "Yes ma'am. Anything for the crown." Then I fall down the stairs. "I'll carry you, sweetheart." "Make sure you don't have pants by the time we get there." "Of course, and I'll be making you scream my name, as soon as possible." "Thank you sir." "My pleasure, pirate princess." I wake up at nearly lunch again. We're back on the water. 2 days until we're home. I'm going to miss this. I get cleaned up, and my hair combed before I go up on deck. The boys are sitting up on the benches by the wheel. I change my mind and go to the servant level. They are standing around being green. "Do you want to go up to the deck and see the water?" One of them stares at me with tears in her eyes. That's all I had to see. "Come on. All of you. We'll come up with new rules while we're on the boat. No reason for you to stay down here. Follow me." I go to the deck with 15 servants following me. I stand in front of the wheel deck. The servants gather in front of me on the lower deck. "You're free to be on this level. But do not come up on the wheel deck. The one you are on and the one in the front of the boat is fine. Feel free to sit up here. Try not to fall off the boat. I do not know if the kings will stop and get you, if I am not up here." The boys chuckle. "We will come up with new rules for the boat, but I don't see the point of having you crammed down there constantly." Some of them have tears running out their eyes. Then they go to the front and sit on the benches. They watch the water. "Was that so hard?" Kane shakes his head. "They can't be up here if it gets rough again. They'll fly off the boat." "If it gets rough. Tell them to go back down Kane. You're a damn dragon. They aren't going to argue with you." Tre stands up. "It's lunchtime. Let's go get some food baby." He goes over to the servants and says something. A couple of them go back inside the boat. "They're making lunch now." I cross my arms. "They should dress like pirates on the boat too." "Baby, if they do that, we won't be able to pull off not being pirates if we get searched again. Let them wear their uniforms. They are fine. No one is overheating or anything." "Fine." Tre gives me a hug and rubs my hair. Then he turns to Tye. "You have to remember to feed her. She does not do well without breakfast. Something in the room. Some fruit and bread or something if she wakes up late." "Wasn't me this time." "I forgot, I was dealing with that ass hat who did the search." Dipak kisses my head. "I'm sorry sweetheart." "Did they find anything?" "No, he was an i***t. But also a gigantic ass. But no, we are innocent and welcome to come back." I smile and give him a hug. "My eyes are black aren't they?" Dipak nods and laughs. "I did that one myself, I can't even yell at the 2 of you." They start laughing. Tre scoops me up. "Let's go get some lunch." Everyone comes to lunch but Dipak. He stays up top to drive. Tre sits right beside me and feeds me. He's so sweet. After we eat, he fixes my hair. "You're beautiful baby." He kisses my cheek. "You need more to eat?" "No, thank you. I'm full." He smiles. "I need to check some charts. I'll be in the office if you need anything." He kisses my head before he goes.
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