"AAAAAHHHHHHHH!" We turn to the door.
"Nadine, if it is a hard knot, inform me please. I want to check that as well."
Elkie throws a veil over my head as I go to Trauma 2.
"Hi I'm Dr. Nadia. I see you are having some issues. I want you to try and relax. How many babies are you expecting today?"
I rub her arm. "I know it hurts. I'm going to strap your feet up and check you."
Sure enough, it's the hard knot again.
Elkie runs in. "I'm the assist."
"Grab Cruor please. It's the hard knot issue."
"It's going to be ok. You've got some kind of blockage. I'm bringing in another doctor to see if it can be removed."
"What if... AAAAAHHHHHHH!"
"Then I will cut you to get the baby out. But let's try this first."
Sanesco and Cruor walk in.
"This is Dr. Sanesco and Dr. Cruor. They are going to examine you as well. Try to relax."
She holds my hand.
I feel around her stomach while they examine her. Trying to figure out where the baby is. But it's nearly impossible with the pressure.
"I think we can unplug it. There seems to be a jam going on. We're going to unplug it. You may feel some pressure."
Poosh. Both doctors are suddenly covered in blood and liquid. "That seemed successful."
"Yes, but now we've got a leg."
"AAAAHHHHHH!" She makes a big gasping sound. "PLEASE HELP ME."
"I'm going in. ELKIE BRING THE BABY CART IN." I grab the sword off the wall. "This will hurt, and then it will be over."
I cut through slowly. I block out her screams. I get close enough to find the baby and I pull it out. The doctors are already gone. I turn and hand the baby to Elkie. Then I feel around in her stomach. It takes me 3 seconds to find an arm. I pull the second baby out. "VITCHEN GET IN HERE." I mess with the 2nd baby and she screams.
I look at Elkie. "What's going on?"
Dipak flies in.
"GET THAT BABY TO TRAUMA 3." Dipak takes the baby and runs out with Elkie.
"WWWAAAA!" The second one is still screaming.
Elek runs in. "WE DON'T KNOW WHERE SHE IS."
I hand him the second baby. "JUST GO OUT THERE."
I put my hand back in the mom's stomach and feel a damn foot. "VITCHEN." I get the 3rd baby out. It cries right away.
Elek is standing there again. "Dorseti took her." I hand him the 3rd baby and he leaves.
Then I put my hands back in her. "That's it. You did it. I'll be back. DO NOT MOVE."
I run into trauma 3.
Vitchen is in trauma 3 with Dipak and Elkie. There is puke everywhere. Dipak's the one who cleared it.
"I f*****g hate that. I'm so sorry."
Dipak smacks the baby's butt. "WWWWAAAAAAA!"
"Vitchen, I need you back in 2. Elkie, you stay with this baby. She needs cleared before she gets out of trauma."
Dorseti is taking the baby the prince has and switching it with the clean one. "Dorseti, the baby in 3, needs cleared. But you can clean it up when you're done with that one."
I rub the moms shoulder. "3 babies. All awake and alert." I put my hand in her stomach and clear out the goo. "Your body had a lot of trauma. I would suggest being unconscious for 1 day."
"Who will take care of them?"
"The nurses and castle servants."
Vitchen smiles. "You will be unable to take care of them with your stomach like this. You will not be able to get up."
"Can I see them first?"
"Of course. Let's get you to your room. Then we can bring the babies in for you to see."
Dipak is holding the baby in 3, and it is staring at him.
Elkie laughs. "That was fast." Dipak winks at me.
I shrug my shoulders. Then I sit by him. I check over the baby and everything seems fine. "Go ahead, Elkie. I think Dorseti was giving them baths." She takes the baby out.
Dipak puts his arm around me. "Someday sweetheart."
"Sometimes I wish someday wasn't so far."
He kisses my head. "I'll make you a momma someday."
I snuggle into him. "I'll make you a daddy someday."
"Let's go get cleaned up babygirl."
We go back out to the desk.
Dorseti is coming out with the 3rd baby clean and wrapped in a cute blanket. "3 babies. 2 girls and 1 boy."
The doctors are cleaned up now.
"I'm going to take a shower again. She wants to see the babies before she gets knocked out."
Cruor nods. "1 day?"
"Yes sir."
"You get cleaned up. I'll supervise the visit and dose her."
"Thank you."
After my shower, I come out combing my hair. The girls and princes are at the desk passing babies around. I sit on the desk and cross my legs. "Someone baby me."
Elijah laughs and hands me one in a little pink blanket.
"You are so precious. Your perfect little fingers."
Dorseti smiles. "See how much hair mine has."
"She's beautiful."
Elkie hands a baby to Elek. "I want to see her hair."
I hand Elkie the baby I got and take the one with the hair. "I wanted that one."
"Let me at least hold each once."
"You held them first."
"It doesn't count if I'm ripping them out by a foot. She does have beautiful hair."
Elek's got the boy. I haven't held him yet. Elek looks at me and his eyes get a little dark. I raise an eyebrow. Elijah glances at his brother, then he takes the baby from me.
Elek hands me the boy.
I snuggle him. "A new little boy." I kiss his little head.
"First kiss from a princess." Dorseti smiles. "I don't think he can improve on that."
The boys laugh.
I snuggle him for a couple more minutes. Then I kiss his little head again because he's so damn adorable. Then Vitchen takes him. I glance at Elek again. His eyes are dark. But I don't know if he was watching me. I wasn't paying attention to him.
Cruor and Sanesco come from one hallway and Dipak comes from another. Dipak took a shower too.
Dipak hooks his sword back to him. "You can go take showers down there. I had clothes sent for you."
"I'm good. It was my brother that kept getting babies thrown at him."
"Sorry about the goo-covered babies. Good catches though."
He chuckles. "I'll be right back."
"Those rooms aren't good for delivering babies. 1 baby I think would have been ok. But once everything began it was to much. I was handing them to Elek. Telling him to leave. I had nowhere to send him. No place to put the babies down. We couldn't work on the baby that wasn't breathing. It was a mess. I do not like it."
"Yea, that's not going to work. We'll have to deliver babies in a regular room and move the stuff we need every time."
Dipak shakes his head. "Can't we assign 1 room? Like that one, right by the trauma room. Make it into a delivery room? It can work like the trauma room, but have stuff for only the babies."
Elkie nods. "There is plenty more room in there. We would have no problems getting as many baby beds as we need. And room to work on them too."
I smile. "Yes, I agree. The trauma rooms are amazing and wonderful. But they are good for 1 patient. When 1 patient becomes multiple patients, it's to much. I like the idea of having a delivery room."
"I won't have to give babies baths in the hallway that way."
"Design your delivery room. We'll make it happen."
"Thank you sir."
Elek comes out of the shower room towel drying his hair. He is sexy with wet hair. I wonder what Marcus looks like with wet hair.
Dorseti spins me in a circle, so my back is to Dipak. Elek smirks as she pulls me off the desk. "Let's see the med room."
I scratch my head. "Why are we in here, Dorseti?"
"I didn't want Dipak to see the dark eyes. You saw Elek and your eyes went dark."
"That's weird. He wasn't doing anything."
"He is sexy, wet like that. That's probably what got you."
"Are they good now?"
"Yep let's go."
We turn to leave and both doctors, both princes, and Dipak come in.
Dorseti yells over everything, "IF SOMETHING HAPPENS WE'RE STUCK IN HERE."
"This room is only big enough for 2 people." Dipak tickles me and I bust out laughing.
"This is the med..."
"Where are you going to run to? You're stuck getting tickled."
"Don't pee on me." He stops tickling me.
I laugh even harder.
"We need out before she pee's in here." Dorseti plows us a way through. She drags me out.
Takes me a few minutes to get calmed down.
Cruor goes by. "We'll be upstairs if you need anything."
"I'm going to do a round and make sure everyone has blood for the night."
"Should probably remind people that visiting ends at dinner hour too."
I take off with some blood bags on a cart.
The last room I check is my lost prince. I feel bad for him. I change the blood around. He's so much better now. He doesn't look like a mummy anymore. He has the same hair color as Elek and Elijah. That's different. I wash him up and put a clean gown on him. I comb his hair. "Looking very good today, sir."
The boys are standing around at the desk when I get back.
"We're going to eat dinner in the ballroom again, are you ready?"
"Yes, I am."