Chapter Twenty-Nine: A Gods Favor

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A short while later, Donovan, Morgan, Changa, Girard, and Brenna stood inside the stone entry, which led deep inside the pyramid. The white polished stones of the floor glistened in the gentle light, which filtered down from above. Set within the wall before them, were small alcoves where various items were stored. Soft silvery-blue light bathed the interior of each cubicle. Donovan walked over to stand beside Morgan. She stood in front of the first white stone recess and he stepped up to look inside. Upon a stone pedestal rested a bow and quiver of such beauty, they took his breath away. Upon reaching for the bow, he encountered an invisible barrier which blocked any attempt he made to touch it. "It appears this bow is not meant for you, Donovan. Perhaps, it awaits Changa instead?" Brenna commented with a smile. "Sister, a powerful bow should be in the hands of a great archer, whose abilities can best use it. This bow was placed here for Morgan. Her skill with a bow is unmatched by anyone here," Changa stated firmly. Morgan stepped forward and extended her hand towards the bow. She picked up the bow and quiver without any difficulty. "Why, I can scarcely detect any weight at all. Look, upon its side are written the words Sefri Anetu." Upon her pronunciation of the words, silvery-blue bands and inlays gleamed within the bow. "It literally means, Light Slayer. You shall never lack arrows Morgan. For, the quiver is blessed with abundance. The bow is blessed with unparalleled accuracy, strength, and range." Brenna said, while admiring the bow. "Let's see what else awaits us," Donovan said, while struggling to remain calm. In the next alcove, a pair of swords gleamed in the light. The beauty of their workmanship was breathtaking. Each blade was intricately etched, depicting Elliana blessing the sword. The mirror-bright etchings gave the appearance of constant movement. "Girard, none of us are the Sword Master you are. I believe these blades are waiting to be wielded by you," Donovan said kindly as he stepped aside. "By Elliana's grace Donovan, I am not worthy of such a gift. I only desire past wrongs to be righted and the evil upon this world defeated forever," Girard said. "This gift—" Brenna turned to gently place a hand upon Girard's arm. "Elliana has chosen us to lead the battle against Bemenah's evil. Before you, lies your birthright, Bene Eter av Sudenei, or Twin Blades of Vengeance. They are blessed to provide increased dexterity, strength, and endurance." Donovan gently, but firmly pushed Girard to face the stone niche. "Go ahead, pick them up. Your blades have been looking rather worn lately anyways." Girard grinned and reached inside to retrieve the twin swords. His face betrayed the joy which filled him when he gently picked up the marvelous blades. "These are less than half the weight of my other swords and are mirror bright as well. The blade sharpness, is par exellance." "Shall, we see what waits for one of us in the next bay," Donovan said. As one, all of them stepped in front of the next stone alcove. For a few minutes, everyone stood there, while staring at the masterpiece inside. Displayed within, was a wondrous set of armor. The craftsmanship was exquisite. Patterns of silvery-bluish trees and leaves were entwined with one another, and in the center stood a great silvery-bear, surrounded by many symbols. From its gleaming surface, a slight silvery-bluish shimmer emanated. The armor was crafted to be worn by a Centaur. "Behold, here stands Elliana's Eduneta, or Elliana's Embrace. The armor is blessed to provide increased protection, endurance, and augment your powers as a Wind Walker as well." "Never, have I seen such armor. This set is meant to be worn by you Changa. Elliana has given you a mighty gift," Morgan exclaimed, urging him forward. Changa stepped forward to look upon the suit of armor. The look upon his face amused Donovan. For, his expression was a mixture of joy, awe, and surprise. The Wind Walker carefully lifted the chest-piece, looking as if he fully expected it to shatter. With the help of all of them, his old armor was quickly replaced by the new. Finally, the last piece was adjusted, completing the thing of beauty which Changa now wore. "No man, or Centaur had ever worn such beautiful armor as this in their time." Donovan thought. Beyond the alcove which had held the armor, a larger alcove stood before them. In the recess was a stone pillar, upon which rested a magnificent hand and a half long sword, made of polished steel which glowed silvery-blue. Behind the blade was a scabbard inlaid with gold and softly glowing stones. Placed within the hilt of the sword, was a blue stone which was the equal of the one which graced Brenna's staff. Without a moment's hesitation, Donovan stepped forward to quietly pick up the gleaming blade, while gazing down at it with reverence. Upon touching the sword, the blue stone within the hilt flared brilliantly, while silvery-blue flames licked along its gleaming length. Whispers filled the air about them, as Prince Donovan stared at the blade in wonder. Each whisper spoken, seemed to increase the brilliance of the silvery-blue glare. Donovan swung the blade, as the air about them hummed with the power emanating from the sword. The tongues of silvery-blue flame became greater still, speaking of the untold energy waiting to be unleashed upon the enemy. Suddenly, a vision of a woman with hair the color of sunlight appeared before Donovan. "Wield N'seerti av dei Bearoneth, Sword of the Blue Flame, the true Sword of Power. Lead forth the alliance, from which bravery will flower. In battle joined, rend our enemies to dust and return this world to the hands of the just!" Elliana said. The ground under Donovan's feet began to shake, as a nimbus of silvery-blue light enveloped his body. Around him, a whirlwind began to blow and grew into a shrieking maelstrom which forced everyone to back away. Prince Donovan heard many words whispered, while every bone in his body burned with great heat. He felt and heard the words of power which filled the air, finally, all went silent. "It is done." The words rang powerfully through the air and the vision of Elliana faded away and left them staring at one another. "There remains one final task, with which we have been entrusted. Long ago, a pact was made with Dragon-Kind. If ever, we needed their assistance, we only needed to send a signal. The signal can only be sent by those who carry the tears of Elliana," Brenna explained, as she turned towards Donovan. "To send the signal, we need to reach the center of this pyramid. Come, follow me, Prince Donovan. It is time to send for additional allies. The signal we are about to send, is the main reason why Bemenah has hunted both of us. Of all things, he knows most of Dragon-Kind have long hated his cruelty. They are an enemy of all he represents." Brenna led them, to a wide set of stairs which wound upwards, towards the peak of the pyramid. "You must all remain here, while Donovan and I send the signal. It will not take long." Donovan matched Brenna step by step, as they climbed the stone steps, towards the center of the device. Reaching the top of the steps, Brenna guided Donovan to stand upon a polished white flat stone. She then stood upon a similar smooth stone, located across from him. Instantly, Prince Donovan felt himself hurtling away from the world beside a gleaming silvery-blue spear of light. Onward they sped, past what could only be other worlds and suns, until only a black void surrounded them. Threaded through the darkness was a curtain of faint white light. This, he sensed, was the home of Dragon-Kind. Suddenly, they stopped, amidst the darkness, it was beautiful to behold "Oh, mighty foes of Bemenah, we seek your aid, in countering his dark power. The dark one has awakened and now threatens all which lives upon Aederan," Brenna said. "We ask for you to join us, in battling his dark armies. Help us rend his armies and sew ruin amongst them." The dark silence, remained unbroken, save for the starlight which shone from a myriad of distant stars. They lingered for a moment, or two, and then began their journey back to their bodies with a rush. Streaking across the heavens, they continued until with a soft change of awareness, Donovan found himself standing once more upon the polished block of stone. Upon, returning to the others, who awaited them, Brenna, gestured with her hand. "Come, we have done everything which was required of us, here. We must return to Cairnstone, to prepare for the journey home."   
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