Chapter Thirty: Three Roses

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Their return to camp was in no uncertain terms a joyful occasion. The severely wounded who had been treated the night before, were now laughing and talking, as if they had not been injured at all. Around them formed a crowd, to view the gifts they had been given. "All right, where are they? I wish to see the gifts we have traveled so far to find. Come now, don't be shy," Sir Alfred said with a smile and twinkling eyes. Donovan withdrew the Sword of the Blue Flame and handed it to Sir Alfred, for his inspection. With a flourish, the gleaming blade whistled in the air, as the knight expertly tested the blade's balance. The awe in his friend's face, spoke of the joy which filled him. Turning to Prince Donovan, Sir Alfred returned the sword upon his outstretched forearm. "I have held many blades in these hands Donovan. What you now hold as yours, is truly a masterpiece. Its balance is superb, and it has no appreciable weight. You have been given a mighty gift, my friend," The large man said with a wide smile. Everyone huddled around, admiring Elliana's gifts. Their beauty was matched only by the power each held. Donovan thought about the wisdom and planning which Elliana had provided, to assist the alliance. He could not fathom its complexity. "You must not forget the key reason we were sent here, was not these gifts. We were sent upon this quest, to send forth a call to Dragon-Kind, requesting aid from them in the coming war," Brenna explained. She brushed some dust from her robe and gazed upon them with a gentle smile and steady gaze. "Until recently escaping from the Black Dragon, I had thought dragons were merely creatures of the imagination, told in fanciful stories to children," Prince Everin commented. "Clearly, much has been forgotten over the centuries, and we desperately need to relearn all we can." "Prince Everin, much of what is told in stories and legends, had a basis in fact, long ago. Mankind has a pitiful memory when it comes to recalling what has happened in the past," Aberith said with a grin. "We tend to remember what is immediately snapping at our heels; instead of remembering why we should never have faced the beast in the first place." Fenwildre inspected each of the gifts they had received. Afterward, he walked towards Donovan and sat down beside him. The tall man proceeded to fish a shiny plum from his pocket and worked on polishing it lightly. "This has been my home for a long time, and it seems strange to think of leaving it. But, I long to feel the wind, a soft rain, and the warm Sun upon my body once more. It will be good to once more be able to travel and meet new faces," Fenwildre said with a kind smile. "I thought you were here to protect the Sanctuary of the Living Waters?" Donovan asked. Fenwildre's comment had taken him by surprise and he did not know how to respond. "I was to protect the sanctuary, until you arrived and make sure the transition went smoothly. It will once more be sent into set-aside space and will be continued to be protected by the Fetwyn until it is needed once more. I am now to travel with you and will now take my rightful place in the coming war," Fenwildre said with a wink of an eye. He proceeded to devour the plum with obvious relish. One of the Fetwyn walked up to Donovan and held out his hands. Nestled within them was an ornately sewn leather bag, from which he showed Prince Donovan one of the amafruit. "My name is Naden. We expect you will be leaving in the morning. A number of these bags have been made and they have been given to your friends as well. Each one of them is blessed with abundance," Naden said graciously and bowed as well. "Thank you, my friend," Donovan said. "The amafruit are a great gift from Amarava. Remember, if you are in danger, call on us and we will come. My friend, we all fight this war together," Naden said. He then offered his hand for Donovan to shake. "No words can ever express our gratitude for the kindness you have shown us," Donovan stood and gripped Naden's hand firmly and vigorously shook it. He had no doubt, they would meet again, and he firmly hoped it would be under more pleasant circumstances. Prince Everin walked over, with a stick in hand. Pausing, he turned to face Donovan and the rest of their small force. "Donovan, I doubt Bemenah will simply allow us to return to Cairnstone without attempting to destroy us again. He will commit everything he has, to stop our return and end our threat once and for all," Prince Everin said. He turned to look at each man and woman standing around him; it was evident by their nodding heads and measured looks, all agreed with his comment. "Up till now, we have managed to survive because we had the element of surprise working in our favor. We have managed to keep the enemy off-balance and we have forced them to pay heavily in blood. Now, we must be prepared for an enemy who knows we must return, for they will hit us with everything they've got." "Of that, I have no doubt my friend. We have managed to accomplish only half of what we were sent to do. The second and hardest half will be to return to Kandalare, where we can use what has been given to us," Donovan acknowledged solemnly. "Exactly, what did you have in mind?" "We need to exploit every advantage we have, to its maximum potential. Six mental adepts accompanied us here. They have the ability to project illusions, read thoughts, and tamper within the mind, so to speak." Prince Everin said to all gathered before him. "The adepts can show there is nothing to see, to anyone who happens to glance in our direction. In this manner, we should remain undiscovered, provided the illusion is maintained. The Dreena can also continue to act as advance scouts, alerting us to the enemies' presence beforehand," Prince Everin explained simply. "Can the mind adepts effectively conceal a force our size?" Donovan asked. "The idea was intriguing." "It depends on how many are looking at us, at a time. Small bands of scouts would be no problem at all," Etony said with a grin. Celete walked over to join them. She carefully inspected each of the gifts before turning to face Donovan. "My people have been scouting for any sign of the enemy since yesterday and have found no sign of them. Even the Black Dragon has vanished. It appears the dark filth has chosen to withdraw for some reason. Perhaps our disappearance has served to confuse them as to our whereabouts." "Interesting, very interesting. Though, I would feel a great deal safer, if we knew where the Black Dragon is currently. About the idea of using the mind adepts; I like it," Girard said with a nod of his head and a wolfish grin. He took a bite of a plum he had been holding and began eating it with obvious pleasure. "At any rate, we have the remainder of the day to rest up. Let us enjoy the day with our new friends. But first, I'm in the mood for a walk." Donovan said as he helped Morgan to her feet. With faint grins, Changa, Girard, Prince Everin, and Sir Alfred helped head-off anyone else from bothering them. Prince Donovan turned his head and winked to them over his shoulder, thanking them for their kind gesture. It had been some time, since they had last enjoyed any private time together, other than sleeping. Quietly, they walked down the road leading towards the beautiful white bridge and the thundering waterfall. "I was wondering if we would ever have any time we could call our own?" Morgan smiled as she looked at Prince Donovan expectantly. Then and there, Donovan decided the markswoman was the most beautiful woman in the world. There was an air about her, which captivated and intrigued him completely, making him whole. Simply being near her was a heady experience. "For so long, our duties to our respective countries, the alliance, and our friends have demanded we put aside our interests for the sake of others. You are so beautiful I must say here and now—I love you!" Before Morgan could respond, Prince Donovan swept her closer, and kissed her soft lips tenderly and she responded in kind. For a few minutes, both stood still, as if suspended in time. Nothing else but the here and now mattered, as they held each other in the warm sunlight, among flowery shrubs and brightly colored blooms. Donovan released Morgan, and they walked over to a rose garden, where beautiful blooms waved gently in a gentle breeze. Quietly, he stepped forward and worked for a few minutes before he returned to stand before her once more. In his hands were three gorgeous roses, which Prince Donovan held out to Morgan. "Each red rose represents you and me, and the white rose stands as my love for you." "Donovan, I love you." Princess Morgan's eye shone, as her face seemed to glow in the sunlight, as they approached the bridge, spanning the rushing waters of the river. "Yes, Changa, I believe you're right. I believe I have found a kindred spirit." If Prince Donovan had not known better, he would have said he was under an enchantment. Quietly, they once more kissed and finished the walk to the bridge, where they took their boots off and dangled their feet in the river's cold clear water, while laughing and talking. About an hour later, Donovan and Morgan returned to the friendly banter and wide smiles of their friends and allies. "Life is so precious; all it takes is a few moments peace to enjoy its beauty." Prince Donovan thought, as he sat on a wooden bench beside Morgan. Between the great food and company, the remainder of the day and the following evening, sped by rapidly. Almost before they knew it, Donovan and Morgan excused themselves and retreated to their tent for the night. In no time at all, within the protective grounds of the sanctuary, sleep conquered all.
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