Looking For Loveth

1591 Words

"Babe!" Willow yelled and called Patrick back, but Patrick didn't paused nor stated back to her as he exited the sitting room and entered into the elevator that took him downstairs as he didn't wanted to think much about the fact of Loveth becoming pregnant. He stepped out from the elevator and saw his mother retuning back to her room and she stopped. "Son. Where you inside all this while?" Mrs Eleanor questioned as she paused and stared back to Patrick whom walked into the living room dressed in a yellow robe that made him looked breathtakingly handsome as part of his chiseled chest was showing. "Yes mom, I was in my room sleeping. Remember I told you I wasn't going out today, till Monday or whenever I felt like" Patrick raked his short brown hair and he stared to Loveth and Aria arran

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