Loosed Control

1638 Words
Patrick just finished rubbing his arms and thighs when his room door flung open. He was without clothes and had thrown his white towel away to the couch when the young lady, carrying a tray of food in her arms, stepped into his personal bedroom without warning. "Oh my!" Loveth gasped, as she hadn't thought of seeing the young master without clothes. She almost lost grip of the tray of food in her hands. But remembering that his mother had told her that he had a weak stomach, she clutched tightly to the tray and immediately stared downward, apologizing, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," Loveth spoke. "Hmm.." Patrick stared at her for a few seconds, confused, as he hadn't thought of someone invading his privacy. His blood boiled hot, and he also lost the words to respond to her as she stood there with the tray that he had previously seen her with. Not hearing any response from him, Loveth contemplated if she should drop the tray around in his large bedroom or walk out back with it. But she heard him question, "What are you still doing in here?" "I..." Loveth slowly raised her head up and stared at Patrick, but her black eyes came in contact with his erect member. She gulped and immediately stared downwards as she spoke, "I came to deliver your dinner to you, sir. As mother said that you had a weak stomach, and I felt it important to bring your dinner here to you, as she looked sad and worried when I told her that you didn't respond to me and you left me and went back into your room." Patrick didn't respond to Loveth, and she slowly raised her head up again. She saw him walking back to the blue chair beside his bed and realized that he loves blue and purple colored seats. Patrick picked up his white towel and tied it around his waist first, then he stared back at her angrily and spoke, "Bring it over here and drop it on this table and leave!" Loveth immediately sauntered closer to meet Patrick as he stood beside the table, but as she approached the table and wanted to drop the tray, her arms mistakenly brushed against Patrick's arm, and she froze as she felt goosebumps all over her skin. "I'm sorry, sir.. I didn't mean to," She tried to apologize, like a whisper, as she became afraid, knowing that the handsome man was subtly aroused before she stepped in. She hasn't slept with a man before, but her best friend Nancy Leo in the village, a fair 22-year-old young lady like herself, had spoken to her before, so much about men and the advantage of dating richer men. Loveth was from an average home, and they weren't poor, neither were they rich, but they lived a standard life, as her mother worked with the local council as a servant, while her father was a taxi driver. She felt her blood become hot as the shameless handsome dark-looking man leaned closer to her, and before she could jump away from him, he grabbed her by her slim, curvy waist while she was still in her pink maid uniform, and she hadn't retired back to her room to change into her nightgown. "What do you smell of.. milk?" Patrick asked Loveth, as he sniffed her again, and Loveth tilted her head to meet his gaze on her, so close to her view. She lost the words to reply to his question as they stood so close to each other, and she felt something rigid poking her beneath, making her shudder. Patrick finally let go of her a little as he stared at her pretty yellow face again and asked, "Have we met before?" Confusing her more, Loveth gulped, as she didn't know what to say. But before she could respond, Patrick's sinful lips brushed hers, and next, he drew her close and without warning, he sealed his hot lips on hers, kissing her hungrily, giving her the utmost shock of her life, as she hadn't kissed a guy before, not even her village boyfriend asking her out. Patrick deepened the kiss, and he slid his second hand downward and behind her back to grip one of her buttocks, squeezing it gently, while Loveth moaned. She felt the urge to push him away, but with the new surge of feelings that splashed through her, her hands rather betrayed her and encircled around his waist, and next, she found herself succumbing to all the dirty kisses that he did on her. Patrick carried Loveth up, and she held onto his shoulder for support as she kissed him back too in return, while responding to his fervor. She was weak, and she knew it. And she hadn't thought of falling so cheaply for her madam's only son. Loveth thought of how her parents would react when they found out that she has shamelessly slept with her madam's only son on the second day of her working with them, as she was only a 20-year-old young lady, and the handsome man, like he knew her weak spot, carried her up and placed her gently on his king-size bed covered in a white bedspread, and he removed his white towel, exposing his full hardened length to her view. Loveth feared, and she immediately sprang up on his bed. As she was afraid of what he wanted to do to her, she begged him, "I'm sorry, sir, please let me go." Patrick met her pleading black eyes on him, but he was already hot and knew so well that she was scared of him because she was new and also his mother's new maid, but he felt she knew that he was without clothes and she purposely came into his bedroom to offer herself to him. Patrick was already feeling hot before she entered, and now he wasn't going to let her go. "Why are you calling me sir? I'm not old," Patrick said as he cupped Loveth's chin and tilted her head up to face him. He brushed his thumb on her lips again and asked, "Your lips look so naturally pink. Did you rub something on it?" Loveth was surprised by his question and stammered in reply, "No, sir, but..." As Loveth wanted to move away from Patrick on the bed, her right hand mistakenly touched his member, and he moaned, making her gasp out again. She stared at his hard little man that she had mistakenly touched and immediately apologized, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to touch you there." "Shh..." Patrick hushed her up as he stared intently at her face and smiled. "You can touch me there if you want. Isn't that why you're here?" "No, I..." Loveth tried to speak, but Patrick leaned forward to her and kissed her neck, tracing it up to her lips, and he captured her lips, kissing her so passionately. Patrick felt all his previous anger about Willow Albert cheating on him with his rival calmed and disappeared away by the touch of Loveth's smooth body. He slid her maid gown upwards to find her center as he really wanted to feel every corner of her inner walls, ranging from her outer cave, her navel button, her boobs, and every God-given feminine bodily asset that she had. He wanted to ravish it all. Loveth melted down at Patrick's touch as whatever magic his hands were doing, her body obeyed like it had a mind of its own. She forgot that she brought his dinner to him, and he was supposed to eat it, but instead, she ended up in bed with him. Patrick slid his finger into her p***y and touched her center, but Loveth immediately jerked away from him, pulling away from their kiss, and she stared at him afraid. "What's the problem? Haven't you done it before?" Patrick asked her, subtly raising a brow and staring at her pretty, chubby yellow face. He wanted to kiss her again, but Loveth shook her head instead, and Patrick sighed as he loved the taste of her lips and didn't want her to step down from his bed or stop him, as she kissed him so softly, a taste different from other ladies he had met. Patrick touched her thigh again, but Loveth pushed his hands away from her thigh as she stared at his face, and Patrick rather played with his hard little man, giving himself a hand massage. He felt hot like he was about to explode, and not having any warm place to relax and discharge all his seeds into. Loveth saw him massaging himself, and she felt her center dripping wet, as she felt drawn to his size, and it was big, far bigger than all the little street boys she had seen. A soft gasp escaped her lips as Patrick finally removed his hand, and he used it to touch her lips, speaking to her, "Can you suck it for me? It will make me feel better." Loveth shook her head in disbelief as she stared from Patrick's rod and up to his face, shaking her head again, and she replied, "No.. How can I do that?" Patrick frowned, not wanting to believe that Loveth was innocent and hadn't slept with a man before. He got annoyed and wanted to step down from his bed, but Loveth immediately grasped him back and pulled him back by his left hand, causing him to fall on top of her on the bed as he was a little drunk. He stared at her pretty yellow face beneath him. His head rested on her big bosom, and at that moment, he wanted her maid gown off and to feel every touch of her huge watermelons.
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