Chapter Three: Journey to Silverpine

595 Words
The following morning, the pack house buzzed with activity as preparations for the trip to Silverpine commenced. Kali and Mason packed their essentials, ready for the journey that could finally bring answers to Kali's past. As they moved through the hallways, pack members offered words of encouragement and curiosity, though some still held reservations about Kali's vampire heritage. Standing at the entrance of the pack house, the current Alpha, Mason’s father, approached them with a stern but supportive expression. "Mason, Kali," he began, his voice carrying the weight of his authority. "I’ve arranged for a small escort to accompany you. It’s important to stay safe, especially with rogue sightings near Silverpine." "Thank you, Father," Mason replied, clasping his father's hand firmly. "We appreciate the support." Kali nodded in agreement, feeling a mix of gratitude and apprehension. "We’ll be careful," she promised, meeting the Alpha's gaze. With the arrangements in place, they set off towards Silverpine, the forest paths familiar yet imbued with a sense of new purpose. The journey was filled with quiet conversations, the rustling of leaves, and the occasional howl of a distant wolf. As they neared Silverpine, Kali's thoughts swirled with anticipation and anxiety. What if this lead turned out to be another dead end? She glanced at Mason, who offered her a reassuring smile. "We'll find them," he said, as if reading her thoughts. "No matter what it takes." The small town of Silverpine was quaint, with cobblestone streets and modest homes. The townsfolk eyed the newcomers with curiosity but continued about their daily routines. Mason led the way to the local records office, a small building nestled between a bakery and a bookshop. Inside, an elderly clerk greeted them with a warm smile. "Good day. How can I help you?" she asked, her voice kind and welcoming. Kali stepped forward, taking a deep breath. "We’re looking for information on a family named Soren," she explained. "I believe they might be connected to my biological family." The clerk's eyes sparkled with interest as she motioned them to follow her. "I’ve been the keeper of these records for decades," she said proudly. "If there’s anything to find, we’ll uncover it." Hours passed as they sifted through dusty ledgers and faded documents, the clerk proving to be an invaluable guide. Kali’s heart raced each time they came across a new name or date, the pieces of the puzzle slowly falling into place. Finally, they found an old birth record—an infant girl named Kali Soren, born to a vampire mother and a werewolf father. Kali's breath caught in her throat as she read the names. "This is it," she whispered, tears welling up in her eyes. "This is my family." Mason wrapped an arm around her shoulders, his own eyes glistening with emotion. "We found them, Kali. We found your family." The clerk beamed at them, clearly moved by the discovery. "It looks like your parents were quite well-known here," she said, pointing to a faded photograph of a couple in one of the ledgers. "They were beloved by the community." Kali stared at the photograph, her heart swelling with a mixture of sorrow and joy. "Thank you," she said to the clerk, her voice trembling. "This means everything to me." With newfound knowledge and a sense of belonging, Kali and Mason left the records office, ready to explore more of Silverpine and connect with any remaining relatives. The journey ahead was still uncertain, but they faced it with hope, strengthened by the bond they shared and the truth they had uncovered.
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