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Elara. We eat and drink under the stars and the moonlight until I can barely keep my eyes open. I say goodnight to the men and head to my tent, staggering a bit as I walk. The spirits seemed stronger tonight. I look up to the sky and see a cluster of shooting stars. It is breathtakingly beautiful to watch. “I like to think that’s how you came here. A falling star”, Rion whispers beside me. I look up at him and see he’s watching the sky too. We stand there for a moment, neither of us moving as the falling stars dance across the sky. “The men like you, you will be a good Queen to my people.” “Queen? What are you saying?” I take a step back and look up at him. I’ve never seen him so serious before, he looks down at me with a smile. “You will become Queen soon enough. Better get used to it” I continue to watch the stars falling, thinking back to home. I don’t miss it much. I thought I would but there was nothing really holding me there and now there’s nothing pulling me back. When Rion told me I was his mate, I wasn’t really shocked. He has been flirting with me for weeks now, and I felt something for him from day one. Him keeping it from me was the shocking part, and that I’m human. I didn’t think I would have a mate in this world. I’m not like them. “What are you thinking?” He asks, pulling my attention back. “In my land, we make wishes on shooting stars” “I have everything I could possibly want” He leans down and kisses me, soft at first, but it deepens quickly. The need and desire knocks the breath out of me as I push myself into him more, wanting more of him. “You should get some rest” He pants as he pulls back, holding me at arm's length away. “Oh alright”. I go inside the tent and get ready for bed, I have my bath and crawl under the furs. Waiting for him to come in, I try to stay awake but he doesn’t come and eventually I fall asleep. The rest of our journey home is more of the same. Rion doesn’t come to my tent anymore. I feel like he is avoiding me. I sit in my carriage all day and play with my dagger. I make a note to ask Yazier to show me how to use it when we get back. When we finally get back to the castle, Rosa seems very excited to see me. She pulls me inside the castle and takes me straight to the bathhouse to clean up. “I bet after such a long journey you need a good soak!” She smiles and adds random-looking things to the water. “Actually, I was able to bathe every night” I tell her as I undress and get into the pool. “Well, I’m glad they took care of your needs on the road, now I have a surprise for you” She disappears for a few minutes, giving me time to wash my hair. She comes back holding a rich purple gown, it is stunning. It has lace sleeves and gemstones sewn into the hems. “I had this made special for you, Lady Elara” I get out of the water and Rosa helps me into the gown,”Is there something special happening?” “The Lady of the court must be properly dressed… and I may have heard a rumor.. about you and King Rion…” She smiles ear to ear as she does my hair. “Who all knows?” I feel nervous now, will everybody treat me differently now? Will it be awkward passing by people in the castle halls? “Oh everyone in the castle will know by the months end. Summer Solstice is in a month and a half, it will be your coming out celebration I’m sure” She smiles brightly at me, “I’m very glad to have you home” I excuse myself from Rosa, taking my dagger with me. I have had it by my side for days now. Rosa asks me where I’m going when she sees me heading for the front door, “I just want to get some air. I’ll be back soon” I assure her. She looks unconvinced but gives me a small nod of approval before going back to her chores. The sun is shining and I can hear men training from the courtyard. I walk with purpose through the courtyard and up to Yazier. He gives me a sideways glance but continues to train with his partner. They throw punches back and forth, disabling one another. I stand and watch their movements, like I’m in a trance. I memorize every motion. Finally, after about half an hour, they stop, “Can I help you?” Yazier huffs, finally caving in. I haven’t taken my eyes off him the entire time. “In fact you can. I want to learn how to use this” I gesture to my dagger. He eyes it for a moment before holding his hand out, I unsheath it and hand it over to him. He holds it in his palm for a moment, weighing it. He grasps it by the hilt and slices it through the air, “It has seen one life end already” He murmurs as he slides the air over and over, almost like he is reliving a memory. “I killed an eel with it,” I say as I watch him lost in thought. He nods slightly, keeping his concentration on his movements, “I can show you how to use it.” “When do we start?” “After Summer Solstice” He hands me the dagger back, “Why wait so long? Can’t we start sooner?” I ask disappointed. I was hoping we could start right away. “What’s the rush?” He eyes me carefully, “Rion or I will be near to protect you. Learning this is not required…” “I want to start right away. Tomorrow. I want to be an asset, not a burden” I declare. He thinks for a moment before bowing, “As you wish my Lady” Really? That’s it? I had expected more push back from him. He gave in so easily. “Well.. Good. Tomorrow then” I awkwardly sheath the dagger and nod. “Tomorrow then” He walks away. I sit on the grass and watch the wind on the trees, the way the branches sway. The flowers dance in the wind, everything here is so calm and beautiful. I cannot think of a single place I’d ever been before in my own land that can compare to this. Rion doesn’t come to dinner, I eat alone and go to bed early. By myself. It’s official, he’s avoiding me now. In the morning, Yazier is waiting for me in the dining hall, “You can’t train in that dress”. He says as he looks me up and down. I look at my dress, the heavy material will only slow me down. He’s right, I cannot learn how to fight wearing this. Rosa fusses around in the wardrobe for a few minutes before coming out with a pair of slacks and a long sleeve top. It is a loose fit but Rosa promises to have some more appropriate clothing made for me by tomorrow. “Better, let’s go” Yazier nods in approval before turning on his heel and walking outside. Instead of training in the courtyard with the others, he takes me behind the castle to a small field. There is a strong breeze that makes goosebumps rise on my arms. “First lesson, move with the wind. Become the wind” He says “What do you mean? How do I ‘become the wind’?” “You will figure it out. Once you do, come find me” He walks away, disappearing around the side of the castle. Become the wind… I listen to it intently, hoping it will whisper the answers to me.
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