Jensen pov

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I don't know why I feel the urge to protect her so much. I know I promised her brother and mother to keep an eye on her. It upsets me that she doesn't even understand her power and strength. I keep eyeing her off every few minutes or so. something isn't right with this pack I can feel it. being a leader or a good leader is about putting the needs of the pack before your own, it is about faith in your people and protecting them and what they recognize as important to them. if you care for your pack and protect them, the people will become family and help you in turn. I notice she gets up and goes to the front to speak to Mrs Oakley I use my wolf hearing, I know she is lying right now her heart is beating fast. she is trying to get away from me. I don't blame her I came on a little strong before by grabbing her waist and pulling her into me. Lucas my wolf chimes in with his usual bad idea "you should follow her and make her come back with us." seriously this wolf "k********g isn't what I won't get arrested for Lucas. I won't force her. plus we have no idea what is going on" I mind link Lawrence "Hey bro you sleeping already?" "nope just bored in class, what's up?" "I met Freya. I think I scared her off" "You i***t I told you she was fragile and to leave it to me, What did you do?" "I grabbed his waist and told her I would kill anyone who hurt her." "Oh wow, why would you do that? One day you have been here and you have already stuffed up the plans" "I don't know, I got the sudden urge to protect and place my scent all over her" "Jensen for f*ck sake you did what? I hope for your sake she showers. I'm certain her dad is an overprotective violent asshat, I mask my scent so she nor that disgusting excuse for ann Alpha knows. Why do you think she is only most of the time. If she gets hurt I blame you and your implosive shitty behaviour." I am gobsmacked with the way Lawrence just spoke to his Acting Alpha. I went to rip him a new asshole when Lucas pipes up "don't even think about it, you deserved it. You knew we were grabbing intel. k********g doest sound so bad now does it." As if I don't feel bad enough both of them have had a dig. I reluctantly go back to my mind link with Lawrence "She just left. Keep an eye on her, I might set up a friendly meet with her father tonight to discuss a few trades and alliances I would like to see how she is living and what her father is like as a leader." I waited for a few minutes I know Lawrence cares for Freya, he was placed to watch over her, he has been here for a fair while. Even the states she keeps her distance from most and of recently she had been looking weaker more thin and fragile. Her brother was a huge bloke, waiting to get back here to take on his father, save his sister. He could be A Alpha of his pack but he states he doesn't want to end up like his father so he would rather be my Head Gamma train the rest of the pack when I take over for my father and mother. It takes a honest and good person to be able to stand back from a status and a title. Lawrence finally reply's, I know he was letting me stew in my own thoughts "I will keep watch you didnt need to ask. She is a good person Jensen. Im sorry if I came across as rude I just want not see any harm her way. Do you think she could be your Mate? Its strange to hear you be so protective straight up." Lucas stirred and let out a little growl. "No I dont think so. I repect Josh, She is his sister after all" She did make me feel calm with her scent, She maybe my mate, I guess we wont know until she gets her wolf.
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