Freya's soul stripped

1888 Words
"Freya" He just sat there looking at me stupidly. "Jensen" I roll my eyes in my mind "I know, you told the whole class" turning on my heels and walking straight out. I know because of my blood I can get away with being a smartarse. I shouldn't though. Mental note, stick to the plan keep your head down get out of here, run far far away from My father The Alpha. No distractions. Just keep going and just keep living for now. I pass down the halls of lockers I overhear the other human girls talking about our new addition to the school "He smells like pure hot s*x, like the kind I would take around the back of the stadium, strip and let him have his way with me" little did they know that Alphas have this effect unless your female like me, then other women are scared and kind of hate you, Men seem to think to use you as a pawn for more power. It is bullshit, constant fighting over money, Land, status and women. I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't even notice someone calling my name. "Freya, Hey wait up" he placed his hand right on my back I flinch one away from his hand and the pain but his smell at the same time soothed my pain. "Jensen, are you stalking me now?" I smile to hide from the pain. Something my mother taught me about being a woman any pain being physically or mentally can be hidden behind a pretty face and a smile. Sexiest s**t I have ever heard but it helps in situations like this I will take any advice I can receive. "You wish to love, I don't know anyone and well you talk to me like a normal person, not an object" sighing internally at least people talk to him. I only have Lawrence. I still not 100 per cent of why he even talks to me. "I'm a loner type of person so I wouldn't even know what that feels like. Being around me will ruin your status pretty quickly, you sure you want to do that?" I watched as the level of confusion takes over his face as he frowns deeply, a deep crease forms in the middle of his eyebrows. "I'll take my chances love, Now please inform me of where psychology with Mrs Oakley is please I would be forever in your low-status debt?" a deep chuckle falls from his broad chest. you could almost feel the vibrations come off his laugh. Bloody Alpha aura. Mine is weak. even so, I wish it could not be there at all. "My same timetable blonde. Looks like you might just be stalking me. come on follow me guess we will have to go together after all." I wish he was stalking me. Oh god, I sound Thirsty like the others. Stick. To. The. Plan. Freya. "Thanks, Ginger Princess" I side glance at him. I guess I had that coming but I still didn't like it. We walked through the halls and into building B in silence for what felt like forever. "Freya, I have to ask you something. I know you of Alpha blood, I can sense it, but I also smell fear and blood, and you flinched before. Has someone hurt you? I saw for a moment pain flicker in your eyes." I honestly don't know what to say but I know if I tell I will be left for dead by my father. I have a plan put my head down and survive. I have to Survive or it will all be for nothing "I don't think it is your place Alpha Jensen to assume things about me. Not that I have to explain myself to you but I fell in the shower and the smell of fear you might have confused with annoyance with some big blonde Alpha jerk trying to ruin my only quiet time I have" I stormed off thinking he was done with this conversation as I have made myself pretty clear. Just using his title was enough to let him know that I was not in a friendly mood. We tend to not let titles get used at school because humans don't know about our world and our politics. Just as I thought I made it clear of him I feel a large hand grab my waist and pull me backwards. My back was on his chest I felt his breath over my neck harshly and deeply he leans down to my ear "Just know if I ever see a bruise or a slight mark on you I will rain hell down on whoever hurt you. I know I'm not an Alpha yet but this is my promise" he lets me go and I just walked straight to my seat at the back. my face is all flustered and blushed, I didn't realise until now that I was holding my breath. I'm completely overwhelmed by this talk. I sit for 10 mins with Jensen turning his head towards me every 3 mins to look at me, I need to get out of here. My hand goes straight up and the teacher looks at me I mouth silently that I have cramps and need the toilet, Mrs Oakley uses her index finger to call me towards her "What's wrong Freya? you Ok sweetie?" she was a kind woman in her early 40's. I suspected she had an idea about the abuse I was receiving at home and always offered to have one on one talks to check in on me to make sure I have everything I need. "I have cramps, I ed paracetamol and a lay down till it kicks in" I felt bad for lying but I needed out of this room "Oh Hunny, go straight to the nurse okay, is there anything I can do or get for you?" She was the nicest person "No I'm good thank you, Just want the Cramps to go" she handed me a hall pass and I nodded to say thanks while trying to look in pain. I could feel a gaze burn a hole in my head and I knew whose eyes were doing it but nothing would make me turn around to match his gaze. I needed out of here. after going to the nurse's office persuaded them to let me go home early. I couldn't get out of there fast enough Once I got back to my house I felt slightly at ease, mainly because I was home alone and I could finally get some peace. I have one evil Alpha making my life hell than one super hot sexy blonde one making my life also hell. I have to make myself relax and get seductive delish Alpha off my brain. My panties start getting damp. I rub my hands over my clit. Going faster and faster. the more I think about him picturing him sucking on my n*****s. I put one finger into my s*x and pump hard until my walls start clenching and I explode squirting everywhere. Wow, now I have m*********d before but never like that. I slightly clean myself up and laid on my side on my bed adjusting myself so the pain doesn't sting as bad on this angle and drifted off for a nanna nap after exerting my energy. I don't know how long I was asleep but I felt something touching my leg then up to my thigh going closer to my sweet spot. with a jolt, I open my eyes to see my father and his beta beside my bed with the beta the owner of the hand touching me. "What the hell get off me, Father make him stop" a sadistic smirk came off the beta, "You smell like another wolf Freya" my father inches closer, I can smell the alcohol of both of them "Just wanted to check to make sure you're not a w***e like your mother" I know this is going to be a long night. I know they can smell Jensen. Why did he have to hug me and put his scent all over me? I should have known to have a shower as soon as I got home. "Get the hell off me! I was a school lot of wolfs going there, of course, I'm going to smell different. please father believe me. I wouldn't betray you like that." fear was rolling off me and they both knew it. I could smell the Beta arousal and my father's anger. The beta name is James, he is ruthless and was kicked out of his previous pack, I not sure why but I can only imagine. His hand inches close to my v****a "I always wanted an alpha Princess" F*ck F*ck "Now now James that's still my Daughter, even how with she looks. Plus she will be yours when she Turns, we made a deal I will honour it." I try pushing Bet James away as his hand is tugging at my shorts. I can not believe what my father is saying I need out of here now. That will ruin my plans for a mate or to get out of this forsaken place. "Please father you cant. The moon goddess would have a mate for me. Please father No I won't do it, You can not make me" begging him to see reason. " How F*cking dare you, you selfish little dog. I am your Alpha." I feel his aura all around making me submit. He ran straight over to me grabbed me by the throat, lifted me into the air. I could feel his claws digging into the skin around my neck. My free hand fanatically tried to claw his hands from my throat. His other free hand, he punched into my stomach. tonight I am going to die the pain is unbearable. The punching stopped but I a slight relief when he dropped my whole body onto the ground while half my body felt ripped apart from his fist "Like I said James, she will be all yours in a few nights" I stare at this man who is meant to be my father instead stood a sadistic excuse of a man. I need to get out of here as soon as I can. My body wants to give up and pass out but I won't give them the satisfaction nor do I know what will happen to me if I do. just as James is about to talk one of my dads Omegas stands outside my door "Excuse me Alpha, Acting Alpha Jensen is here on his father's request for a sit down" thank the goddess for the interruption, the omega Sarah I think slightly gasped while seeing me curled up on the ground in the corner. "Clean yourself up, you should be ashamed of how you make me act, Omega let that idiotic Alpha know we are coming now" they walked straight out I caught Beta James turn and smirk in my direction "ill be seeing all of you real soon Freya my princess". As soon as they leave I pick myself up and lock the door. As soon as I know I'm safe I pass out.
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