Caylee I cheat and text Quinn this morning. “Do you know what Mama is doing today?” My phone rings and I realize she and Alex are driving to school. “She was talking to Dad and mentioned being back by the time we get home from school. And she’s coming your way I would bet with ALLLLL the aunts.” “All?” I gulp. She laughs and I hear Alex in the background. “All of them Caycay. Like Aunt Trisha changed the carpet guy’s schedule to come today.” “Damn.” I mutter and Quinn loses it. “They are invested sis. Pop is busy today. Fifi is making him go with her to the doctor. Be thankful for large favors.” Alex calls out “More like obsessed. I swear they are plotting this like it’s some kind of bank heist.” “Anyway, good luck sis. Call me later and tell me all the fun.” “I will. Bye guys.”