Turnabout is Fair Play

1616 Words

Noah “Hey Mom.” I got to class early today so I could see her after the text message she sent me. “Hey sweetheart.” She hugs me and I worry she’s got bad news. “I hope you didn’t rush here.” I shake my head. “Is something wrong? Dad’s ok?” “Dad’s fine. We’re going to have a big family barbecue Sunday around eleven and I really want you to come. Maybe Caylee can ride with you. Sofie’s already texted her but I’m going to tell her too.” “I can be there. I’ll ask Caylee if she wants to ride with me.” And if she is ready to tell them we went on a date. If we don’t I imagine I’ll get more vision boards and books. If we do, I’ll be threatened and still get more vision boards but of our future together from Pop considering his comments from the diner. Just a normal Sunday barbecue in NutTown

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