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Caylee My phone keeps going off the whole way home. I’m riding with Sean and Liam listening to Sean talk about the engagement ring he ordered for Violet. Surprisingly, Liam knows a lot and keeps asking questions about clarity and settings. “Umm do you have a secret girlfriend we should know about Liam?” I finally ask catching Sean’s eyes in the mirror. He shakes his head. “No but I’ve heard so much about diamonds when I took that geology class and then this one leaving jewelry pamphlets all over our apartment towards the end of the semester. I read, ok?” He looks uncomfortable though. I keep hoping Liam will find someone to seriously date. He’s a little more shy than Sean; though he’s had a girl or two in the past he took on a few dates. Nothing serious. At least he’s not tongue tied like Dad said he was growing up. Liam clears his throat. “Are you going to tell Joey to stop texting you every five seconds?” “I told him I’ll call him when we get home.” But I catch the look they exchange quickly. They aren’t his biggest fans. I remember when we got serious, they both went and had a ‘talk’ with him. Liam swore they didn’t get ugly just warned him about the amount of pain he’d be in if he hurt me. “He hasn’t come to visit you much at the house this summer, Caycay.” Sean says quietly. “Busy with baseball stuff. His coach told him he needs to do some things to get more exposure so he can get a better spot in the pros.” I tell them honestly. Liam turns to face me. “He’s not ignoring you is he Caycay?” His tone is soft like when he’s worried about me. “No, he calls me every day.” I laugh. “Sometimes twice a day.” Liam nods slowly. “We just want to make sure. You’re still our baby sister even if there’s another one younger than you.” Sean tells me sincerely. “I know. And if I ever need you to kick ass, I will tell you.” “We’re going to miss being at school with you. First time a Jameson kid is at Harrisville solo.” Liam observes quietly. Sean “At least we have Noah there to keep an eye on you.” My heart picks up and I avoid meeting his eyes. “I’m sure Noah has better things to do than worry about me.” “Maybe.” Liam adds in. He glances at Sean and then says “Don’t forget about our first game. You’re all coming and staying with me.” “Like I would miss that. Already got my jersey ready.” I grin. Sean laughs. “I think Mama bought out the entire fan site for merch with our numbers on it.” “She’s super proud of you two.” “She’s super proud of all of us, Caycay.” Sean rebukes me softly. I just nod. Once home, I skip up to my room and close the door. I press the video chat button to call Joey. His face fills the screen after like five rings. “There you are.” He says a little impatiently. “Sorry but we were driving home from dinner talking and you know I hate talking to you in the car with everyone else listening in.” I give him a big smile and he chuckles a little. “I know. You are so weird about that. It’s not like your family doesn’t know we are together.” I look into his dark brown eyes as he teases me. “It’s not that. It’s also dark in the car so you couldn’t see me well and Sean will NOT let me leave the back light on. Anyway, are you all unpacked?” I change the subject. “Mostly. Need to finish off my clothes. What time are you getting in tomorrow?” I frown. “I’m not coming back until Tuesday late. Did you forget?” “I thought you changed your mind. Why are you waiting till then?” He sounds frustrated again. “I’m shopping with Mama tomorrow and then we are coming Tuesday so Dad can go meet with the football coach about some visits.” He rakes one hand through his black hair. It’s really short and I think he keeps forgetting he almost shaved it off. I can’t wait until it grows back a little. He’d done it in some goofy team bonding thing at summer camp. “I miss you though. Was hoping you’d miss me enough to come back tomorrow and we could spend Tuesday together.” “Sorry. I had already promised Mama though. And we’ll have all of next weekend together plus after classes.” We have none together this semester which will be another first for me. He grumbles his eyes narrowing. “I think you love your mama more than me, kitten.” Ugh not this again! “Of course I do. She’s my mama!” I tease. “And didn’t we talk about you calling me kitten.” “Come on Caylee, we’ve been together almost a year. Don’t I get to call you some cute little nickname?” “Yeah but not kitten….I don’t know, I just don’t care for that one.” I tell him honestly. “Alright fine. I’ll think about it and come up with something else. But I’m supposed to be able to pick your nickname.” He grins. “I know. But would you like it if I called you schmoopy woopy or boo bear and you hated it? Especially if I did it in front of your teammates.” I laugh at how wide his eyes get and the look of absolute horror on his face. “Caylee don’t you dare!” He’s totally serious and I shake my head. “You know I would never Joey. Two brothers on the football team remember. I understand locker room ribbing.” I laugh as he relaxes. “Had me worried for a minute. I’d never live that down. Speaking of the team, there’s going to be a huge party the second weekend we’re back. Saturday night, starts around eight. We can go eat somewhere first.” He looks so excited. Not my favorite event but I’ll go with him. He doesn’t ask me to go often knowing I prefer something quieter. “Alright. Don’t forget, the weekend after that I’m going to Sean and Liam’s first NFL game.” He nods. A knock on my door has me holding my finger up to him. “Come in.” I call out. Mama pokes her head around. “Oh, sorry I didn’t realize you were on the phone Caycay.” I shake my head. “It’s Joey, Mama. What did you need?” She steps in. “Hey Joey.” “Hi Mrs. Jameson.” “I wanted to ask you if you got Violet’s birthday present already. If not, I was going to say we’d leave a little earlier in the morning to get something since she’s coming shopping with us.” “No, I didn’t get it yet. That would be great Mama.” She winks at me. “Alright, I’ll see you in the morning. We’ll leave around eight. Bye Joey, will we see you Tuesday when we bring Caylee back to campus?” “Uh, maybe Mrs. Jameson. I have to go to a team meeting for an hour but not sure what time it starts yet.” “Alright. Goodnight you two.” She steps out of the room. I glance back down at Joey. “You have a team meeting Tuesday?” “Yes. I think it’s at like two but I need to ask Mark. He got the text from Coach this morning throwing out some possible times. Violet’s going with you tomorrow?” I nod. “I hope you have fun shopping. Maybe think about your boyfriend and send me a text or two to stave off my loneliness.” He grins and I laugh. “You nut. You have Mark and Steven to occupy your time. I’m sure there’s some kind of gaming challenge you’ll all be joining in.” “Maybe. I’ll talk to you later babycakes. That one ok?” He eyes me and I shrug. “Don’t know yet. Better than kitten, I think. But I’ll let you try it and see what my reaction is.” “Bye babycakes.” I don’t like it already but maybe it’ll grow on me. “Bye Joey.” He opens his mouth again but closes it. I know what he’s about to say but thankfully doesn’t. We had to have a long talk about that already. My thoughts are interrupted by a loud knock that I recognize. “Yes Sean?” He pokes his head in. “If you’re done talking to shmoopy woopy wanna come play Monopoly? You can be on my team with Dad and Quinn.” I laugh. “You know we’ll lose. Alex always beats the crap out of us.” He shrugs. “Yeah but it’s entertaining at least.” I nod and get off the bed looping my arm in his. Board game nights end in lots of hilarious giggles around here. “And don’t call Joey that. He’d freak out.” He grins. “Then I guess he’d better treat my sister well. Or I might spread that around to all the sports teams.” I lean my head on his shoulder as we walk down the hallway. “I’m going to miss you two this year.” Tears start forming as he leans his head over onto mine. “Yeah, us too. Liam is not handling it well just so you know. He might have asked some of the team to keep an eye on you.” He whispers it and I shake my head. "It's nice to know someone cares." I tell him. "You have no idea Caycay." He adds softly.
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