Chapter 4

1184 Words
Hunter’s POV My mind is still reeling. She is alive, and I got to see her again. She smelt so good. How could I ever have denied my love for her. I have loved her since I first laid eyes on her. I was only 6, but I felt this need to be near her and protect her. Mom always told me to treat her like my little sister, and I did. We used to have so much fun together when dad wasn’t around. After mom died, dad became violent towards her and at first, I tried to stop him, but then he would beat me too. I quickly learned that the best way to help her was to go along with my dad’s orders. She doesn’t know that I was the one who cleaned her wounds, and cared for her when she was unconscious. I am also the reason that no one picked on her at school. I tried to lighten her work load as much as I could, without her knowing. She doesn’t know anything, because I did it all behind my dad’s back. I knew she was my mate the day I shifted for the first time. I didn’t tell her, and continued to ignore her in front of everyone. I had to protect her from my dad. He would never let us be together. He thought she was too weak, but I saw the fire in her. Her defiance that I loved so much. I loved everything about her, and she didn’t know. I should’ve told her. I should’ve stood up to my dad. I was a coward back then. My dad forced me to mark Sandra, because she is my dad’s Beta’s daughter. I didn’t want to be with that slut. My dad threatened to kill Mia when he found out we were fated. I had to reject her to save her, and I needed her to hate me until I fulfilled my plans. I thought I would bide my time, until I knew she was safe from my dad. I had a plan to get us both away from him. Then she ran away, and was presumed dead. Sandra is still around for appearance’s sake. The pack needs to see a united front. I hate her with all my heart. She is a nasty piece of work, nothing like Mia, who was pure and innocent. I know I went about things the wrong way; I should’ve told Mia about my plans. Maybe we could still have been together. I have to win her back and keep her safe. I am drawn from my inner thoughts by Sandra barging into my office. “Is that b***h gone?” she asks me with a scowl on her face. “The only b***h here is you. I’m busy, go away. You should learn to knock before you enter the alpha’s office.” I said, not even looking at her. I busy myself with the contracts on my desk. She scoffs, “Did you forget my love? I am your Luna. Not that slut or any other. You will show me respect,” she says. I rushed towards her and grabbed her by the neck, lifting her off the ground. She is kicking and trying to get my hand off her neck. I let my alpha aura roll off me, and said in a low, menacing tone. “You forget who you are speaking to. I am your alpha. Don’t tell me what to do.” She whimpers, and stops trying to escape my grip. “Yes Alpha” she says through gritted teeth. I drop her and scowls at me and scurries out the door. She is going to be a bigger pain in my ass, now that she knows Mia is alive. She has always been jealous of her. I need to get rid of her, but for now I need to concentrate on keeping Mia safe. “James, please come to my office”. I mind-link my Beta. I chose my own Beta and Gama when I took over as Alpha. I did not like nor trust my dad’s Beta. He was just as sick and evil as my dad. “Yes Alpha, give me 2 minutes.” He says over the mind-link. Exactly 2 minutes later, he walks in with a big smile on his face. “I knew she was alive. She looks amazing and so strong. That aura is out of this world,” he says, deep in thought. He knows that Mia and I were fated mates. He is my best friend, and often helped me to watch over her. He, however, didn’t need to hide the fact that he liked her. He was one of the few kids in the pack that would play with her, and help her with her chores when my dad wasn’t around. “She does look amazing. She is so strong, she even made Odis submit to her when he forced me back.” I said, laughing. “Wow, that’s some strong juju she has. But you know Odis is just a puppy when it comes to her. Is he at least talking to you now that he got to see her again?” he asked. “Yes, but he still hates me. He says he will rethink the hatred when I win her back.” I said. “Do you think she will ever forgive you? You should’ve told her the truth back then. I could’ve kept her safe for you while you got things ready.” He says with a sigh. “I know, but I can’t go back in time, even if I wish I could. She says she will never forget what I did to her. I will never stop until I have fixed things between us. I have to, I can’t live without her.” I said the last part in a hoarse whisper. “Look man, I will help with whatever you need. She loved you once, that love is still there. In the meantime, let’s try and track down those rogues. I got some info from a lone wolf that I think will help. He says he was also approached by Rouges to join them, or die. He managed to escape with his life, but he knew where they were camping out at that time. Do you want to go with us to check it out?” he asks. “Of course, get some warriors together. We leave in 30 minutes. How far is it?” I asked while putting my documents away. “It’s about an hour’s drive north. It’s between the Forest Pack and the Desert Storm pack. Essentially, no man’s land,” he says while getting up to leave. “Okay, I will just go change into something more comfortable and meet you out front.” I said as I exited my office too. “I will keep you safe Mia, even if I have to hunt and kill every rogue myself,” I said softly to myself.
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