Chapter 3

1465 Words
Mia’s POV We enter Hunter’s office and the minute he closes the door, he grabs me and pins me to the wall. He buries his face in the crook of my neck and inhales deeply. “I’m so glad you’re alive, Mia. I’ve missed you so much. You don’t know the agony my wolf and I have been in,” he says while rubbing against me. I can feel his hard on, pushing against my core and light tingles, wherever our bodies touch. I came to my senses and pushed him off me. “Don’t touch me and don’t waste my time with your lies,” I said in almost a growl. My wolf is pissed too. She hates him as much as I do. The rejection was harder for her, and she went dormant for months. All I felt was her pain. She wouldn’t talk to me, she just whimpered and howled. “Say what you need to, or did you bring me here to waste my time?” I said through gritted teeth. “I love you Mia, I should never have let you go. I was a fool; I should’ve told you the truth that day.” He says with tears in his eyes. “You are wasting my time, Hunter. I don’t give a f**k, the damage is done. You broke our bond, for a useless skank by choice. Now, if that’s all, I will go.” I said, walking towards the door. “I know you are the goddess’s gift.” He says in a whisper. I froze with my hand on the door knob. s**t, how could he know? I was alone when I shifted for the first time, and he never saw me when I shifted to escape. “Me? Why would it be me?” I asked, trying to keep my passive mask on. “I saw you shift and run into the woods, the day you ran away. That was the first and only time I saw your wolf. I knew exactly what it meant, and tried to run after you. I was close to catching up when I was tackled by those rogues. I finished them off, but when I followed your scent, I came across a rogue at the edge of the cliff, where your scent ended. After I tortured him, he said he pushed you over while you were fighting. We searched for weeks for any sign of you. My dad was convinced you were dead, because no one could survive that fall. I never believed that. I kept looking for you. I’ve been going to that cliff nearly every night, just to feel close to you.” He says with sadness in his eyes. Fuck, what am I going to do now? “So, what are you going to do with this information, Hunter?” I asked, still with my passive mask on. I can’t show him my inner turmoil. “I will protect you with my life Mia, I love you. I always have, and always will. That fucker will never get his hands on what is mine.” He growls the last part and I know his wolf has come forward, because his eyes are black. “What is Yours? You lost the right to call me yours. I belong to no one.” I growled back, and I knew my eyes had changed color too. When our wolves take control, our eyes turn black. Mine, however, shines a bright silver. Athena, my wolf, is pissed and is trying to force a shift, to rip his throat out. “You are mine!” he growls again and pulls me closer to him. I grab him by the throat with my claws, and apply enough pressure to puncture his skin. “Stand down Odis! Your human broke our bond. I am not yours!” I growled, letting my aura roll off me, to force him to submit. He closes his eyes and whimpers, and when he opens them again it’s the blue eyes of Hunter. “I’m so sorry Mia, he overpowered me,” he says. “We both love you, Mia, and I have been paying for breaking our bond, every day of my life. I have been in misery and Odis hasn’t spoken to me in years. He hates me for what I did to you. I hate myself. Please forgive me and give me another chance?” he says pleadingly. “I’m sorry Hunter. Nothing you do or say will ever erase the pain you put me through. I will never forget what you did. I’m just sorry that Odis has to suffer.” I said. “I am truly sorry; I wish I had a time machine. I wish I could fix everything. I understand if you don’t want me back, but I will not abandon you. I will protect you from rogues. You can’t shift until we catch the rogue alpha. I need to keep you safe.” He says seriously. “I don’t need your protection, Hunter; you don’t owe me anything. I have a pack that can protect me, and I am not that weak Omega you thought I was. I can handle myself.” I said and squared my shoulders. “I know you think you don’t need me. The day you left, I realized that the Goddess paired us for a reason. I am meant to protect you, and I will. The Goddess came to me in a dream and forgave me. She told me that I will get a chance to right my wrongs, and help you be who you are destined to be. That’s why I never stopped looking for you. I never gave up hope, because I knew I would have a chance at redemption.” He says with sad eyes. I know he is telling the truth, because one of my gifts is to discern whether people are being truthful, or not. It doesn’t change the fact that he is an asshole, who does not deserve any chances from me. “I need to go check on my pack. Please let me know if you find out where the rogue pack is situated. We can do a joint raid and end this before anyone else gets taken or hurt.” I said as I turned to leave. “I will, I love you, Mia. I will be in touch.” He whispers. I close the door and lean my head against it. What the actual f**k? Maybe my gifts are a bit wonky. I felt nothing but sincerity from him. It can’t be. Where is the cold-hearted asshole that rejected me, and marked another in front of me? I need to get out of here. I feel like I can’t breathe. I open my eyes, and Julian is looking at me with a worried expression. “Are you okay, Alpha?” he asks. “Let’s talk in the car. I need to get out of here.” I said and walked away. We walk in silence, and only once we exit the pack lands do I speak. “He knows, he saw me shift the day I left. The day you found me.” I said in a whisper. “f**k! What’s he going to do?” he says with a low growl. I spent the next few minutes explaining to him in detail what happened in Hunter’s office. He laughed when I told him how I made him submit. I do feel bad though. Odis is not the one to blame. He just wants his mate, that’s all. He also got hurt that day, and he didn’t deserve it. “What are we going to do? I still don’t trust him or that b***h. If he was so in love with you, why is he still with her? And how does he mean to protect you? You both have your own packs, and your dad hates him. He won’t allow him on packed land,” he says. “I don’t know what we are going to do. I know that I have a purpose and a mission to fulfill, but the Goddess never mentioned him. She never told me that she spoke to him. Why would she keep that from me? I have done everything she asked of me thus far, but I don’t want to let that man into my life again.” I said and sighed. I know I have many trials still to face, and I am up for the challenge. I just don’t want to feel that type of heartache again. Something in me broke the day he rejected me and marked Sandra. I don’t know if I will ever be whole again.
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