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Raine bought herself some breakfast when we reached the cafeteria. I decided to join her since I have nothing to do to be sensible this morning. We also didn't talk about the issue of Math and Charline because we also couldn't think of a good course of action. Since Raine is still eating, I thought of playing Mobile Legends first. "You're playing?" Raine asked me. I nodded. "Yup. Need to practice so I can savage again later." "You’re a jerk. Just, that's our strategy again ah? Chou again. I need an initiator who knows how to disengage." Raine instructed. I smiled at her as an answer, but didn't say anything anymore since I was busy playing. I showed her again my phone while on it. "Savage again. Karina is also strong, isn't she?" "Yeah, that's a tough opponent." Raine said. "Wow! Savage!" I turned my back because of that. I instantly frowned when I saw Fend behind me. Without saying a word he sat next to us next. "What are you doing here, Reviere?" I will ask. Fend smiled at me, then he sat there in the empty seat beside me. "I haven't had breakfast yet so I came here to buy something for myself." he answered. "Okay." I have a short answer. Luckily, the game I played was over so I hid my cellphone in the bag. "By the way, Joseph. Do you remember what you told my Dad the last time?" Fend asked suddenly. That question made me frown. "What do you mean?" "About the Sportsfest. You told him to invite collegiate scouts for the school event, remember?" Fend's smiling reminder. "A lot of universities confirmed to send scouts. They will be here tomorrow to watch the championship for basketball and volleyball." Gradually, my face lit up because of that. "That's good news!" "Sure is. As I've heard, they'll be here to observe the players who'd perform well. Hopefully, they'll be recruited for scholarships. If ever, the school will be recognized because of it." "Hey, Fend!" Raine groaned. "What scout is that? Those who recruit for professional plays?" Fend nodded. "That's right, Girl friend." Raine glanced at me, then back to Fend. "Is there also for e-sports?" Fend just shook his head because of that. "Sadly, no ... There aren't even e-sports in the UAAP." "What the f**k was that ..." and then she continued When I got up, I could fell some annoyance in my spirit. I did not know why. All I know is that we don't have water. Plus, we didn't have coffee. They contributed to what I was feeling. I was thinking if I will buy water or not. I started to think 'stinginess'. We would all suffer if I would not. Thus I decided to. However, it annoys me again. Water supply truck arrives not. I also shed tears when Flor becomes irresponsible in waiting the truck. I pitied myself for being too kind and noble. I shouldered everything. We only lunched in pasta because we do not have rice. After lunch, I tried to nap, though it was so warm. Good thing is water supply truck arrived early. It reduces my anger especially when I took a bath. Then, I pursue 'baby book making'. Five-twenty, I was cooking our dinner. My head was already cold. Minutes after I woke up, Chris came over. I was then taking care of Yoshimi because her parents were still sleeping. She has been so inquisitive about mu plan of going to Bulan. It annoys me. However, I managed to answer her patiently. Ten, I was in the midst of confusion. I was anxious too. I was waiting for Raine to give birth so that we could have a reason to escape from spending in daily needs here in our house. It was ten-thirty when I decided to hide inside our room and pretended to forget the time by doing his own packing of my stuffs. I wanted to flee from buying rice and viand for our lunch. Minutes after I have started it, Tita Be arrived. She has brought yummy bread. Taiwan tried to ask from me a share. I told him to buy on credit instead, because I couldn't partake to our expenses. I explained to him that we were saving for Raine's ultrasound, since we're worried. I thought he's not going to buy on credit but he did. However, I was the one who cooked. It's okay! Afternoon, I was already cold-headed. Dinner time, Taiwan asked what would be our viand. As usual, I shouldered the expenses. Raine pushed me actually. Raine and I were anxious (so much anxious) to see our second child. Raine was starting to worry too. However, we tried to console ourselves that it's really not yet the due date. Tomorrow is the date set by the midwife, who last checked up Raine. We would wait till tomorrow evening. "Lord God, thank You very much! You're not giving us problems that we couldn't bear. Please, don't put us on hodgepodge. Amen!" When Jano and Gie arrived at past twelve, we're all awakened. I also have learned that Raine was undergoing a so-called 'labor'. That was when I stay alert. Any moment she's going to give birth. Thus, I conversed with the Lord again. I asked for help The pain, Raine was feeling was getting worse. She tried to wait for 'cool' but I couldn't take it anymore. Thus, after I put water on an electric airport I woke Mama up and told her about it. She commanded me quickly to fetch auntie Ruby, Flor and I called out for her many times. I was so anxious to bring her my wife. However, she suggested that we must send Raine to the nearby clinic ot Holy Chaplet. I did not waste any second. I talked to Roy and asked him if we could use his trike. Without further ado, we rush Raine to Dra. Alcala. She was shouting in pain. She actually bites me due to pain. Though she's crying in pain, it doesn't scare me. I worry not. I knew God is with us. I only got mad when she was complaining to a slow response from clinic crews. I have condemned the 'ale' there who tried to get the doctor's attention. Without ten minutes, after Raine has lain down, she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. It was 12:50 AM of March, 2007. I was so glad to see him. I expect for him, actually. His gender is a God's sign. Lord God gave and showed me a sign. Thus, when I saw his genitals, I was a mere half-surprised.
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