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"WHAT?!" Ate Leia shouted loudly when I finished telling them. We are currently in the theater room of the Mansion. Here we chose to talk about what happened at the Mall and why Eunice treated us like that. I don't even know what Ate Leia said to our other cousins ​​because we are complete now. Kuya Andrei, who is the busiest of all of us, also went home because of this. Justin, Andrel and Ygrette were quiet in a corner while listening to my stories. Can I say that I'm proud of myself? I was able to talk about my grievances without crying in front of them. It still hurts while I'm talking to them and sometimes it's hard to breathe but now that I know and I can control it, it's easier for me. Maybe I was tired of crying because I had let it all out before so now I couldn't cry in front of them anymore. Maybe it's because the wounds it gave me are slowly healing. All the men were silent while bowing and still absorbing what was heard from them. I looked at my brother and even he had the same reaction. Almost all of them were shocked except for my three cousins ​​who knew. "T-It's over again. It's all happened." I said softly but it was enough for everyone to hear. I explained to them why can't I tell anyone. "It's over but you're still hurt, Ariya. For f**k's sake, that's abusing already! They are abusing you! We need to contact the school and punish those f*****g students who bullied you for the entire 4 years." Kuya Lance is on Saturday. "Brother, please. I don't want any more trouble. It's over, it's all happened. I'm okay now." "Are you really okay?" Kuya Drew suddenly asked a question so everyone became silent again and waited for my answer to his question. Even if we say that my cousins ​​are very annoying, I still feel that they care for me-a lot. Abuelo was the one who taught us that your family should be your greatest foundation at all times. That's why even though we have different parents, we are all like brothers. That's why I'm so glad that I have them. I'm so glad that they are my family. They are often angry and agitated, but I know that's their way to show that they care for you. Besides, when teasing we all know our limits. If it's below the belt, whoever is at fault will immediately apologize. As much as possible we all avoid being proud. They all looked at me. I nodded at them and smiled. "I consulted with the help of the three. I didn't want it at first but they forced me. Thanks to them, I felt better now. Doc Fe also said that my recovery process is fast so don't worry about me. " When the three found out what happened to me, they forced me to consult an expert. When it came to the payment, the four of us split. Again, they insisted. They said that it's the least thing that they can do for me after all I've been through. The good thing is that, I didn't have to take medicine for it. All I really need is counseling. I haven't even been able to complain because my parents might wonder why the deduction is so big and where I spend the money given. "You three! I will reduce your parents' allowance." Sister Leia said again, causing the three to look up. They were not able to complain anymore and it seemed that what Ate said was okay with them. "Sister, you don't need to do that. I told you already, they did something wrong and they did something wrong, but they shouldn't be the only ones to blame. I'm guilty too." I repeat to him. Sister Leia growled in frustration because even after going back and forth I was right. Kuya James, Ate Jamie and Kuya Andrei as well as the two children were just listening to us quietly. They still haven't said anything since earlier. I don't even know how many hours we have been inside the theater room of the Mansion but all I know is that we have been here for a while. "I'm so disappointed at SFA. It's impossible that they don't know what's going on. At the entrance, you won't enroll at SFA." When our cousin's agenda was over, we went out and saw that there were already prepared meals on the table, so we ate before saying goodbye. When I got out, Kuya Andrei immediately approached me and hugged me. "Sorry I wasn't there when you needed someone." He said while still hugging me. I hugged him too and I felt his hug even tighter. I didn't say anything and I just let Kuya hug me. When it was released, he looked at me. "Next time, don't hesitate to call Kuya okay? Or just a text will do." I smiled at what he said and nodded. We went to his car and he offered to take me home even though it was close. Arissa was going to sleep with Jazziel so I didn't go home with her. Our other cousin rode in Kuya Andrew's car or Kuya Lance's. They let Kuya Andrei and I go because they know that we like each other. Before I could get out of his car, he kissed me on the forehead. He always does it so it's not new to me. "You're a brave person, Skye. And I know you'll be even braver." He said after that before finally leaving. The whole family had already planned the upcoming outing, so for the next few days, we were all busy organizing our things. Nagbalak We talked and said hello after I said that. After a while we said goodbye to each other because it was early morning. Because it was night when we left and now it's dawn. I didn't have anyone next to me because I chose the back seat. There is more space because we are only cousins. The people next to us are just our things. I was on the left side while Andrel was opposite me on the right side and like me was also alone and there was no seat next to me. It is currently closed with headphones plugged in. Because I know it, I know it's not sleep. I was surprised when Justin suddenly stood next to me. It might not be able to sleep so now it will growl. "Ygrette putek hates her. She just doesn't want to stand aside. That girl is really very artistic. I think she is the most artistic of us all." It was like a child reporting it to me so I just laughed. "Stay next door? It's boring when you're alone. Andrel also doesn't want someone next door because I might disturb him. Tsk, tsk. I'm so smart." He said while shaking his head so I was also shaken by what he was saying. "It's because you talk so much that they don't want to be next to you. I have no choice because you suddenly sit down." I jokingly told him that's why he grabbed his chest and acted. "Aw, you're hurting your feelings, huh. It's not like family!" I laughed at his cuteness so he also laughed at the silly thing he did. "Hey you're making noise Justin you see we're sleeping! If you don't want to sleep, go to sleep you're crazy!" Kuya Andrew slapped so Justin gasped. "You guys are really hurting me. Why does it always seem like I'm the one to blame. Alright, it's all me. Blame everything on you. Where you're happy, go ahead." He said he was still acting like an artist. "Drama bro!" Kuya James said to his brother while throwing an empty plastic bottle of water. Because Justin was able to dodge, I was the one who got hit because I was right next to him. "Oops?" I glared at it but it just laughed loudly. Even the others who saw it laughed too. Especially this shameless one next to me who laughed so loudly. I mentally rolled my eyes. Seriously, my cousins ​​really love me. My other cousins ​​also woke up because of the noise and our car became even louder because of it. Ate Leia played and Kuya Lance immediately replaced her because her songs were still broken hearted and it was still too early for her. "Where do broken hearts go at this hour? Really Lei?" Sister Leia just rolled her eyes at Kuya Andrew's tease. "Move on because that's your ex's cheater." Kuya Lance said this time. "I've already moved on! Besides, that's the first thing that played on my playlist after I shuffled." "Gosh, excuses. Don't want to admit that you can't move on from your ex."
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