Chapter 4: Broken leg

1207 Words
Sandra's POV I was never a weak girl. I always joined the training since I was a child. I fought those who were older and bigger than me. I always ended up injured but that was okay by me, because I still learned. My father constantly told me how proud he was of me. This world isn't a place for good souls like us. It is a world filled with evils. We always thought that the monsters lived under our beds, or in our closets, but it turned out that they lurk in the dark outside of our homes. I never would have thought that I will watch my parents getting killed. I thought that I will always go back home and find my mom baking her famous cake, and dad reading his journal. "You know that this is considered kïdnapping right?" I snapped at Serafino. The bästard laughed at me and with an amused grin he winked. "Do you think I give a fück?" He smirked. "Apparently not." I muttered. After the incident that occurred 5 minutes ago, he pushed me back inside the car and locked it again. I wasn't an i***t. I can't outrun a pack full of psychos. They will catch me in a blink of an eye. But I have to leave this place. I can't be mated to an alpha, and especially not alpha Serafino. He will kill me after he takes what he wants. "What do you want from me?" I snapped at him. Serafino only smiled a dark smile and focused on the road. Why couldn't the moon goddess bless me with an average man? A simple warrior would have been fine with me. "Get out." I looked up at a big house, most probably, the pack house. “Really dumbass? You literally locked me in here with the child lock.” I snapped. Serafino growled and left the car closing the door with a bang. I jumped but didn't cower in fear. He opened the door forcefully and grabbed my elbow shooting sparks all over my body. He didn't hurt me, but he scared me. “Let go of me!” I yelled getting the attention of all the pack members around us. I glared at them. “Don’t you ever talk to me like that again. I don’t tolerate disrespect.” He said in a low voice. I shivered and looked up at his cold eyes. All the people around us stopped walking as they looked at their alpha treating a new girl like a rogue. They snarled when they smell my smell. I don’t belong to the pack. “Follow me inside without anymore sound. I hate when my pack members get distracted.” He said slowly like I’m 5 years old. I wanted to slap him, but I had no chance against him. He will snap my neck in seconds. “Cool.” I couldn't stay silent. He didn't comment and chose to ignore me. “Caroline!” I jumped at the sudden yell. A small middle-aged woman emerged from what I guess is the kitchen. I couldn't look around and admire the inside of the pack house, I only focused on Caroline. “Yes alpha?” She looked at me with curiosity. “Take my mate to a room, and lock the door and windows.” Her eyes widened. “A-alpha, she’s the luna!” She exclaimed. “She is here for a f*****g purpose and nothing else. Take her.” His cold voice hurt me, and I don’t know why. He pushed lightly towards the stairs. I turned and glared at him. “Follow me, Luna.” Caroline said and I waited for her to move so that I can turn around and run. I am not his släve. I won’t sit like a scared cat inside the wolf’s den. “Don’t think about it.” Serafino stood behind me. I followed Caroline up the stairs, and she led me to a huge room. It was beautiful. There was a king-sized bed in the middle, a nightstand on the right side of it. The walls were light pink. A small bookshelf on the left, and two doors. I guess one is for the bathroom and the other is a walk-in closet. “Here’s your room.” Caroline smiled and once I was inside she followed me and locked the window. She then closed the door and I heard the click of the door. “Go to hell!” I screamed to everyone that can hear me. Now what? It wasn’t planned for me to get locked in here! ‘Let's break down the door.’ Cali said. ‘Ah finally you talked to me!’ I snapped at her. ‘Stop whining and break the dämn door.’ Cali said. ‘Fine.’ I took steps to the back and ran with full power and kicked the door. And it broke. My leg I mean. “Shït.” I fell on the floor with a bang holding my leg and crying in pain. ‘Bad idea.’ Cali winced and I growled at her. “Luna are you okay?” I saw Caroline looking down at me with worry. “No!” I snapped. “Kevin come help me.” I heard her say. Suddenly I was in the arms of a man. He was holding me bridal style. He put me on the bed. “Take your hands off.” A growl was heard in the room. I was in so much pain, but Cali was helping me healing faster. “Alpha.” They all said. “What happened here?” Serafino asked. I wanted to tell him to shut up and leave but he was everywhere. His smell was surrounding me and his presence was so powerful. “Were you trying to escape, little mate?” Serafino smirked. I didn't reply. I only felt the pain and wasn’t in the mood for his shït. “Call the pack doctor.” Serafino said exiting the room. Ouch. That’s all? I mean he could have pretended to be more concerned. That a push to leave this dämned place. I don't want to stay here. “Kevin mind link the pack doctor.” Caroline said in a motherly tender voice. “Done. I will wait outside for you.” Kevin said leaving Caroline and I alone in the room. “Don’t try that again, Luna. You know you can’t outrun a pack full of members and warriors everywhere.” She sighed. “I am not sitting here doing nothing, I want to leave.” I glared at the poor woman. “You will stay in bed for at least 2 days in order for your leg to heal.” “Hello Caroline. Heard the Luna is hurt.” A man said holding a bag. “Yes, doctor Peter. She most probably broke her leg.” I screamed when I felt an immense pain in my leg. “We have to take her to my clinic. There's nothing to be worried about. Her wolf is already helping with the healing process, that’s why she is in pain.” Kevin entered the room again and took me to the doctor’s clinic.
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