8.The Verdict

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Arya's POV I was walking to the King's court. All chained up and soldiers around me. I was looking down, I had no courage to lift my head up and even look at the soldiers. I was like floating unconsciously. My heart was aching, thinking of my brother. what will happen if he has already admitted. Why God? Why? it is us in this position. didn't we always act for the betterment of others? Have we ever make other people hurt? So why you treat us so wrong? "Doctor," someone said. And all the soldiers suddenly halt. I raised my head to see where the voice coming from. It was Prince Ernest. Glowing and Bright. He looks much healthier and all refreshed. his face lit up with a beautiful smile, the moment our eyes met. "Prince Ernest!!!" I bowed my head. Seeing him all bright and refreshed make me really happy no matter the situation I am currently in. "I am so happy to see you are doing good. I hope you have no pains now" He signed the soldiers to move away from me and he walked up to me. He took my hand from both of his hands and placed a small kiss on those dirty, wounded palm. "It's all thanks to you, doctor" "Prince!!!" his action make my eyes filled with tears. He was nothing like his brothers. It is true He has a well-developed body structure may be 5 8" still when compared to his brothers' masculine, more than 6-foot body structure he looks almost a kid. But he is so cute, when he was young I am pretty sure he was the cutest baby on the Earth. He was looking at me for about a minute. His eyes curled with pain. His face covered with sadness. "They have treated you so brutally. How dare them" he said. "Oh! Your Highness.... this is nothing.... people are normally getting treated worst than this in prisons" I said with a smile. "I know... but still... " he was still holding my hands. "Beg your pardon Your Highness, but we may get late to the King's court" One soldier may be the leader of this group of soldiers bowed to Prince Ernest and said. "Hmmm..." Prince took his hands off mine. "Stay Strong!!!" he whispered and then left us. **************************************************** we entered the King's court. Prince Ernest and Prince William were sitting on both sides of the King's chair. King has not arrived yet. My mom, dad, and my brother were already there. My mom's screams got even louder after she saw me. "You bastards!!!! You have hurt my little girl!!!! how you did this to an innocent girl like her" she started to yelling and cursing. I wanted to run towards her and hug her tightly. And assure her that I am fine. But I couldn't. "Mom!!! Don't cry!!! I am fine..." I shouted that's all I could do. I looked at my brother. He was not even looking at me. his face was expressionless. Has he confessed? Is that why he is avoiding my eyes? Anyway, I felt a bit relaxed to see that they haven't hurt my parents or my brother. They were all chained up and look like a total mess, still, there were no scars or anything visible. It is a relief. You can get hurt and humiliated to the worst level, but even thinking of your loving ones get such treatment. Oh my God, it is beyond what you can tolerate. "Everyone stands up for the King!!!" A soldier announced. The whole place echoed with soldiers shouts. "Long Live the King!!!" King Edward in his fullest glory and pride entered the hall and he stands in front of his chair. I know I am really dumb to feel like this in this worst situation, but it was the time that I saw him most handsome since we met. He was in his full royal suit. The crown fitted him so well that it seems like it is a part of him. He looked so handsome as a Greek God. He stared at me for a few seconds and then sat. "King Edward Hamilton, The King of the Great Mid Valley Kingdom, The King of the East Hills, The Undefeated. Your Majesty, I beg your permission, to begin with, court procedure" someone who looks like an official bowed to the king. "Wait for a second Lord Jonahs. Doctor Arya I would like to give you one last time to express us the truth" King Edward gave me a deadly look. Like he was going to kill me from his gaze if I don't tell the truth. "Your majesty, I spoke the truth" I managed to say. His face shrank with anger and I could clearly see the disappointment in his eyes. "Lord Jonahs you may begin the procedure" King Edward shifted his eyes away from me and said. "Your Majesty, We are gathered today to hear the verdict of the case against Gilbert family. They were accused of supporting the enemies of our kingdom by supplying a deadly poison to use against our royal family. After the investigations your majesty we have concluded that the person guilty for supporting treason is Aron Gilbert!!!! " What!!! So has he confessed?? No!!! No!!! "It is not true!!!! it is not true!!! I am the one who gave the poison. It was me!!!" I screamed loud as much as I can. "How the hell you found him guilty...he has nothing to do with this" I yelled. I felt really crazy. I couldn't even come up with any reasonable thing to say. Still, I was shouting. "Shut up!!!!!" King Edward yelled. His face looked like it was going to burst with anger. It made me really scared. but I can't shut my mouth I can't. "You have no proof... you don't have..." a soldier slapped me and another one covered my mouth with his hand. "Can't you see, nothing good will happen with your shouting" whoever the soldier covered my mouth whispered. But How Can I stay like this? I tried to escape from him, with all my strength. But he was much stronger than me. "Will you stop deceiving us at least now?" It was King Edward. His voice filled with intolerable anger. "Arya!!! I am sorry. I couldn't keep my promise!!! I am sorry!!!" It was Aron. So he has confessed. It has actually happened. All the horrible things I have gone through these couple of days has no worth anymore. I collapsed on to the floor, but the soldiers grabbed me and make me stand up again. " Your Majesty! I beg you to proceed with the verdict" Lord Jonahs said, bowing to the King. "After considering the confession from Aron Gilbert, it was clear that he is responsible for the incident. But since there is no evidence that he did this with an intention to make any harm to the royal family or the people of the Kingdom and since he supports us in the process of finding all the other key persons involved, we have decided not to give him the death penalty " What!!! did I hear it correct or am I dreaming again... Did he really say that he is not giving the death penalty? Oh My God, I want to run to the King and kiss his feet thanking him, This is the best news I got in my entire life. I am pretty sure that I will not have great news than this in the future as well. "But Aron Gilbert is guilty of giving a deadly poison to our enemies, even though he was under difficult circumstances. Therefore as a penalty for his wrongdoing, the King's court decides two years imprisonment for Aron Gilbert and also we have decided to revoke the rights of Village Horsforth to operate as an independent village anymore. From today onwards Horsforth may have a special Royal army barrack. Charles Gilbert can continue leading Horsforth as he used to. But he always has to consult and inform my officers in the to be established Army barrack." "Thank you Thank you, Your Majesty, we are admitting to all the conditions. " my father kneeled down and he bowed to the king a thousand times. "Your majesty... You are God. Thank you!!! Thank you" My mom was also kneeled down crying and praising the King. Whole place filled with happy cries of our villagers. "Long Live the King!!!" "I am not done with the Verdict yet." The King yelled. Everyone stopped shouting. the whole hall was silent so I could even hear the soldier next to me breathe. "There is another crime happened here." The King said. What? What the hell is he talking about? "Since I sit on the throne I declared that everyone in the Kingdom should always be loyal to the royal family and also tells the truth no matter what are the consequences. But We have witnessed a huge breach in these terms. If there is anything that I hate most it is lying. I have given adequate chances to Arya Gilbert to come up with truth but until this moment she refused them. She told lies and tried to deceive the whole investigation" King Edward said. He was not even looking at me. I felt really embarrassed. I remembered the day he came to visit me. I remembered the pleading tone in his voice when he asked me to speak the truth. Didn't he ask me to trust him? And surely I could have done that. At that moment he may have known the truth. And he just wanted to hear it from me, But I rejected it. "I can forgive Aron Gilbert for his crime, because he didn't have any evil intention and when he gets the right time he confessed his sin. But Arya Gilbert you were not. It is true you have tried to save your brother. But as the King of this Kingdom, I came to you personally I asked you to trust me, you always have to trust your King, which you have failed to do " "As the King of the Great Midvalley Kingdom, I am not ready to endure such dishonored behavior and I don't want to see such kind of people in my kingdom anymore. Therefore Arya Gilbert my verdict for you is You will be Banned from my Kingdom forever. "
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