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ARIEL ughh.. why did I say yes to Ariana to go that party? I should have known that these best-friends of mine will definitely talk me into drinking. I don't really drink a lot but I can hold my alcohol but my friends can definitely hold their alcohol better than me. That's why they totally look and feel normal except Emily, well she drank a bit much and you wanna know why, she challenged this stupid guy in the party last night that she could drink more alcohol than him which was true by the way; the guy was a total lightweight, he was out after like 8 shots but then another guy tapped in for that lightweight and that increased the intake of alcohol but my girl is a champ. She crushed the guy like a freaking bug.  "take this baby" "Thank you Angel" I say thank you to Angelina, she is the best person after we are suffering from a hangover. She takes care of all of us. She drinks too but she drinks a good amount not like us idiots who even after knowing the consequences still do stupid s**t.  "no problem babe. Just next time not more than 9 shots." "ok . I promise I will never ever drink again." "oh please I will see you drunk tomorrow " "why do you know me so well??" "babe are you forgetting that I have known you all since we were tiny babies" Angel says and we all chuckle. Yeah that's true. We all have been together since we were babies. We weren't all born at the same time except Ariana and Angelina, they are both twins but have very different personalities but they do some pretty freaky twin s**t, that at times scares the s**t out of me. They both are identical so they can switch places but me and Ems can differentiate between them pretty well so to us they are different but to someone else they are the same.  Mine and Ems' moms met while they were in highschool and were friends since then and still are. They both found at they were pregnant in the same year, I am six months younger than her. Our moms' met Ariana and Angel's mom in the Lamaze class, she was helping her pregnant friend because her husband left her for another woman so their mom stepped in and helped her. They all met and became great friends. "Nana help me" Ems calls out to Ariana. We call Ariana nana, my nickname is buttercup, Emily's is Ems and Angelina's is Angel. We started calling Ariana nana because we didn't wanna call her Ari because we all hated it and nana suited her better. They call me buttercup because I loved Lizzo's iconic Tempo and I love Missy Eliot, I am going to stop myself before I start gushing about the song so much and you all leave. Emily always preferred being called Ems also she loves M&M's.... I know I know hate crime against us skittles lovers. And we call Angelina Angel because she is literally one, she always helps us not that no one else helps each other, we all do but she is the first one to always volunteer. She takes care of us and did I tell you she is and ANGEL??!? So yea that's all of us. "Ems you need to stop challenging stupid frat boys" "but he was the one claiming that he could drink more than 20 shots and said any guy can challenge him because girls are f*****g lightweights. I needed to show that stupid jerk that girls are better. And---" "And also shout 'that all the bitches who think that girls or anyone else is less than those stupid frat boys can shove a dildo up their asses'" "I don't think I said anything wrong" "oh no no no then you went on to say--" "okay okay I get it standing up on a table while being drunk and shouting through a f*****g microphone was not the best idea" "wow now miss. I-can-do-what-I-want gets it" "okay okay pwease hwelp wme" "stop talking like a child and stop with all the pouting" "but you gotta admit the guy who caught me was H.O.T" We all start laughing at Ems statement. You can count one her to make a hangover even more funny than it already is. I love all of these girls. I am happy I have them in my life, I can always count on them. LADIES A LITLE PIECE OF ADVICE- use your highschool and school years finding your bestfriends and future bridesmaids rather than a boy or your future groom.
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