
1282 Words
VALERIE I felt so mad and angry even though I shouldn't be. I shouldn't expect anything from someone like Adam and I was angry at myself for actually expecting him to be a better person. How could he let me be the only one stuck in the middle while he acts as if nothing happened? As if we never had an argument right there at his study? He really is the mean type. I wonder how I managed to fall in love with him throughout the precious time of my life. I regret not meeting Kenneth earlier! I regret every decision I made up to the morning Analisse and Adam betrayed me. I started to regret the moment I agreed to come here in search of my son's too. He is surprisingly and amazingly good at acting nonchalantly. I don't know why I'm getting all worked up when I shouldn't even care but it hurts to think that none of my pain means anything to him. I bet he's just trying to help me because he contributed to the creation of those boys. I bet he didn't want to look like a coward and the bad guy to others and that's why he's being helpful. 'We shouldn't think of that asshole, Val, we shouldn't' I told myself sternly and headed towards the palace's main door as I concluded to take a quick walk around the walkable path of the pack to gather my thoughts and feel better. Taking a walk with Kenneth has always calmed me down, it shouldn't be any different now. I took steady steps towards the main door, but just as I was a foot away, a flood of guards came rushing by, as if to stop me from moving further. I frowned, glaring at them and hoping they’d be frightened but they didn’t even blink in surprise. The worst thing is none of the guards seemed familiar, and I didn’t think my empty threat would work on these people. “What the hell is going on here?” I inquired silently and a sigh left my lips when they didn’t reply. “I understand that you think going around won’t be too safe for me, but still, I’ll need my privacy so I can’t allow any of you following me, talk more of the whole pack of guards. I’ll be fine on my own” I assured them and made to walk out of the pack house but once again they stopped me, by moving tighter against the door, their eyes as stern as any other thing. “I’m sorry ma’am, but the Alpha had instructed not to let anyone out of the pack house until some children are found. “Hey! I’m not anyone. I’m Valerie, the one who had those kids with your Alpha! Now move before I make you lose your job” I threatened but they remained unmoving. “You’re not actually the deaf type, are you?” I asked in frustration as I watched them stand all rooted to a single spot. “Call that Alpha of yours and let’s make things clear, right here and right now” I growled, yet, none of them moved as much as a finger. I took in deep breaths, gathering all my energy, just to push past them. They wouldn’t dare to touch me anyway Just as I was about to jump at them with full force, Analisse chose that moment to walk in. She had this frustrated look on her face, which obviously did a good job in pissing me off. What? She’s frustrated because of me? When she’s in no damn position to? At first I thought we could still make up a little since it seemed like she changed but I was wrong. I could see the big similarity between her expression and the one she had shot my way eight years ago. I saw this same expression the moment I set my eyes on her a few days ago but I thought it could be an imagination, seeing how gentle and meek she was when she persuaded me on getting on good terms. I could vouch for her stupidity and craziness right now but I choose to be silent and hear what she has to say first. The lying slimy little b***h! She didn’t change one bit. “Can you just comply with the rules, Valerie? You know better than anyone that you should be extra careful and not even this place is enough for you to hide… to keep you safe” she quickly corrected but I couldn’t shake off the strange feeling that tugged at my guts when she said that. It almost seemed like déjà vu, but I know it couldn’t be what I was thinking. “I’m not saying this to scare you but those kidnappers could be after you too, Valerie, a plausible reason why you should be careful and not put Adam’s life in danger” she said slowly and I glared into her eyes. Why do I feel another meaning to all she said to me? It feels like she was passing a message through desperation, yet, she didn’t want me to find out what it was but the mention of Adam in her statement made me voice out. “What does Adam’s life have to do with this?” I asked in anger, expecting her to come up with some bullshit excuse and of course, she did. “Think about it Valerie, if something happens to you, and Adam has to look for you three, wouldn’t it be too much? What if he lost his life because of you? Because of your carelessness?” she said in an anger-pitched tone but I ended up rolling my eyes, even though her reasoning ate my conscience to the core. Without uttering another word, I turned to leave again but she held me back herself this time. I couldn’t really understand her. It seemed like she knew surely that something bad would happen to me, as if she was part of the plan and she knew the next scenes but was trying to delay it to keep her faults out. Another part of me was convincing me, telling me I was wrong and that no matter how greedy she might be, she would never hurt me. I wish that part of me had the top say, I wish that part of me was right. I pulled my arm out of hers roughly and immediately pushed her out of the way before storming out, right through the door. I could see how she lost her balance but I couldn’t care less, seeing how one of the guards had held her and kept her from falling. Everything about her disappoints me! The moment I saw her walk into the scene, her extremely short skirt barely covered her ass, her heels as high as a hill, making the skirt length even more obviously revealing. Right there, I couldn’t help but mistake her for a slut. A bloody w***e! For her to get intimate with Adam, a day after I confessed my feelings to her is a good start for someone who was bound to become a w***e! I shouldn’t be more surprised if I heard her body count numbers up to ten. A sigh left my lips as I found my way down the wide desolate path. She was right after all. No one was allowed to step out, but of course not me. Being alone, stuck up here makes me feel damn suffocated and I need to keep my cool before I go insane with anger, resentment and frustration.

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