Chapter Three : Meeting friends

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Naomi's POV, "Woah! She's real!" A guy with square specs stared down at me. Afraid, I sank back into the big, soft ball I was sitting on and stared back at him. "Of course, she is real. Why the fu- why would I lie about something like this?" Nolan kicked him on his rear and smiled looking at me. I didn't smile back. There were so many people in this room. After scary guy stormed out of the house, Nolan had called someone and in five minutes, the room was bustling with so many people. There was this guy with specs, another scary looking guy with a big scar on his arm and was wearing a metal ring on his left eyebrow, a girl with short black hair, she also had so many tattoos on her hand. All of them looked scary but no one was scarier than Jason. He was scarier than the monsters in Courage The Cowardly Dog. The guy with specs had yelped loudly and jumped back a little when Nolan kicked him and glared at him while he spoke. "Naomi, thi-" "Her name is Naomi?" The girl whipped her head towards Nolan with so much force, I was afraid she would break her neck. I don't like her. Nolan's smile faded and he pressed his lips together, glaring at her. "Yes. You got any problem?" He looked scary. "No." Shaking her head stiffly, the girl turned back at me and smiled, "Hi, Naomi! I am Courtney." I smiled back. "Finn here." "And I am Carter, the most handsome and funniest guy in this group." The specs guy smiled widely and hugged me. I squirmed and let out a whimper when pain shot through my body at the touch. "Don't touch her. She's injured." Nolan suddenly shouted causing Carter to leave me immediately. "I'm sorry, I didn't know." He apologized but I was too busy wanting to relieve the pain. "I think we should take her to hospital." Courtney suggested. Boom. A dreadful image surfaced in my mind making me panic and I shook my head no. I don't want to go back there, please. "Naomi, crap!" Nolan shot up from his seat and came to sit next to me, cradling my face between in hands. "No, no. Listen to me, no one is taking you to hospital. No one's going there." Slowly, I stopped panicking and set my eyes on Nolan who was looking at me concerned. He is your brother. You have to trust him. Slowly, I nodded and pressed myself a little closer to him, seeking comfort. Still cradling my face with his hands, my brother kissed my forehead. "Are we missing something here?" Finn asked. Letting go of me, Nolan looked at all of them with a serious expression. "She looks like her." "You can't be serious." "Are you kidding me? She's dead." "So, what? You are replacing your sister with someone Jason found rotting on a road?" These words came out of Courtney's mouth. I glared at her. I really really really don't like her. "No." Nolan sharply turned at her. "I'm not, I'm not. . . replacing her. It's just, I just- f**k - she just looks so alike her that I can't stop myself from wishing that she actually is her." Huh? "And what if sh-" "" Jason spoke as soon as he entered the room. Why does he always come when people are talking and cut them off? Are they talking about me? "We don't know for su-" "We know." Jason suddenly shouted, "We all know she is dead. You yourself saw them put her in her casket, Nolan. She is not her." "What about the deep resemblance, then?" I pressed into Nolan more. Jason is silent for a moment and then - "She is her doppelganger." "This is not vampire diaries, Jason." "I don't care. I say she is not her and she is not living here anymore. I am going to shift her into hospital right now and the doctors will do whatever they want to do with her and call the cops or whatever, I am not dealing with this shit." Nolan stood up and got in his face, "She is not going anywhere. She is going to live here and you are going to provide her with everything she will need." "I didn't sign any contract of becoming random people's babysitter." "Jason!" He grunted and turned his glare at me. And swiped his thumb across his throat in a suggesting manner making me shrink back. "Stop glaring at her, you bozo." "I am not." He stalked towards me. "I am still taking her to hospital." Widening my eyes, I shook my head so fast, I almost snapped my neck but ignoring everyone's protest, he gathered me in his arms ignoring my crying and struggle to get out of his hold and started to stalk towards the door. "She is afraid, Jason. You can not do anything with her forcefully." Nolan said. "She's injured, she needs medical checkup." "Look at her state! Can't you see how agitated she became at the mention of hospital?" "Yes, I can but she needs to be checked up. She is badly bruised, what if the damage increases due to lack of treatment?" "Jason, sto-" "Stop moving." Jason abruptly stopped and glared at me. "I will break your remaining bones too if you move even an inch." "Jason!" "Shut up, Lan. I am taking her to hospital." Shutting the door behind him, Jason trudged towards a black car and placed me in, buckling my seatbelt. Moving around, he also settled in the car and started driving after throwing me one more glare. I didn't dare move or make any noise the whole ride to hospital even though the images started flashing in mind, making me want to throw up. I don't want to break anymore bones, it hurts so much. With another of his scary glare my way, Jason carried me into the hospital, with me practically shivering in fear and placed me on a bed similar to the one before after talking with a nurse. In my panicking state I didn't remember much, only seeing a doctor coming in my room and talking with Jason and then darkness, utter and horrific darkness. When I woke up, Jason was talking with Nolan, both of them looking at some papers and Finn and Carter sitting on a couch. When did everyone get here? I stared at all of them as they talked between themselves with hushed tones until Finn glanced at me looking at him and yelped. "She was staring at me!" He accused looking scared. "f**k, I was really scared for a moment." I cringed at the bad word. Everyone ignored him and came rushing to me, "Why didn't you tell us you were awake?" That was Carter. "She's mute, idiot." "Oh, sorry." He laughed nervously. "I forgot." I just stared. I couldn't feel much of my body, nothing was aching and I didn't even have the urge to scratch my body. "Do you want water?" Nolan asked. I nodded. After I had finished drinking water, Jason looked up from the papers in is hand. "Are you in pain?" I shook my head no. "Good. Let's go. I don't have money for another hour." Even though all I wanted to do was lay here in the comfy bed, I didn't protest. I was too happy and relieved to get away from hospital. Nolan told me that doctor gave me some d**g and that's why I wasn't feeling any pain. This time around, it was Nolan who carried me to Jason's car. After reaching home, everyone bid me goodbye and only Nolan, Jason and Courtney were left with me. Nolan said Courtney didn't come to the hospital because she had bad memories there. That made me not like her even more because I had bad memories there, too, still Jason forced me to go there. While everyone was at hospital, Courtney had bought food for us and Nolan made me take the medicines doctors gave after eating. Nolan got angry when I didn't eat anything and forced me to eat a whole dish of noodles saying at I was too thin. I had not had a proper meal in so long, so it was very difficult for me to eat so much but one deadly glare from Jason made stop whining and eat all my food until the dish was clean. Jason practically forced them both out of his house after we were done and turned to me. "You" He narrowed his eyes "and I have a lot to talk. But not now, right now you need rest." And started dragging me up the stairs but whatever drugs the doctor had given me earlier had started to wear off and my body ached in protest of being dragged like that. I whimpered making Jason loosen his grip on my arm. "You're annoying." I stared at him. He shuddered. "And creepy too." He started stalking upstairs, leaving me by myself to walk and I glared at his back. I still didn't like him. He always left me behind even when we were kids. "Sleep safely and don't wake me up even if you are dying." He started to turn around after tucking me in bed but I grabbed his hand and stared at him. Furrowing his eyebrows he stared back. "What?" I stared some more. O really don't like sometimes that I can't speak. "You . . . want to know about your test reports?" He asked uncertainly making me smile a little that he understood and I nodded. "You really need to learn sign language." He muttered as he went out of my room making me frown. He could atleast tell me if he understood what I wanted to know. He was so mean. But to my luck, he came back with the papers he had with him earlier at the hospital and sat next to me. I felt proud of myself that I didn't flinch back at the proximity. I was getting strong. I smiled widely at that thought. "Stop with that creepy smile." Jason muttered looking at me weirdly and then pulled out a paper and showed it to me. "This is the x-ray of your ribs. She these black lines? It shows the damage in your ribs. You don't have any newly broken ribs but there are some ribs broken from long ago and haven't healed completely." He pulled out another paper. "This is a prescription of the medicines you need to take to heal your body. You are lucky most of your wounds have healed by themselves. Those are old wounds you have and you could have been badly infected if they were left open." Putting the papers aside, Jason stared at me with a serious expression. "Say Na - aomi, were you abused by your family?" My family? No, they never abused me. Daddy and mommy said I was their princess and Nolan said I was the best sister ever. Yes, he sometimes pulled my hair and pushed me down but that is not a***e, right? I shook my head. "Hmm." He scratched his chin. "How you have so many old bruises, then?" Not being able to speak anything, I stared at him. Simone and his men hurt me. Please, understand that like you understood that I wanted to know about my reports. Jason sighed, "You are such a mystery. Have you lived in this town forever?" I shrugged, I really didn't know when Simone kept me. "You know where you are?" He asked. I nodded and made a shape of a house with my hands. I hope her understands what I was trying to say. Narrowing his eyes, he scratched his chin, "Home?" I nodded. "I was born in this town, I would've known you if you were from here. I think you misunderstood." He rambled on. "This is Lordson town in USA." I nodded eagerly and again made the gesture of a house. "Ugh!" He groaned. "You are too confusing, such a mystery. I never want to be a detective." Then got up and trudged out of my room after bidding me good night. By bidding me good night, I meant throwing me the last glare of the day. Felt alone in the dark room, my thoughts went to today's and last night's events and I thanked God to make me meet my brother. I was so glad that I escaped Simone. With a smile on my face, I let sleep take over my mind. "T-they bea-at m-me everyd-day." I told the nurse with shaky voice. "P-please, I don't w-want to g-go b-back. Please." "It's okay, honey. We won't let anyone hurt you from now on, okay?" She patted my head gently. Believing her words, I smiled up at her and let her inject me. I was in a wheelchair when I woke up. "Don't move too much, dear." The nurse from earlier cooed at me and started dragging me out of my room. "The men who brought you earlier are not here. I'll get you out of here safely." Suddenly, the doors of my hospital room were burst open and Simone came in, a revolver in his hand. "k********g our doll, are you?" He drawled out, smirking. Boom. Before anyone could even blink an eye, the bullet had been buried deep down the nurse's head and all I could hear was Simone's cruel laughter and my hysterical crying. Coming forward, he dipped his hand in the pool of blood that was spread on the hospital floor and on the dead nurse's body and stood up. "You b***h!" He yelled smacking me with his b****y hand. "How dare you tattletale on me!" Bringing his b****y hand down to my face, he dragged it down my cheek and smirked. "You like the taste of blood?" I shook my head rapidly, begging him to stop. Forcefully, he opened my mouth and pushed his hand in. "Nmg-" "Lick it, you b***h!" "Nmmgg-" I woke with a jolt, my whole body covered in sweat and my face stained with tears. I could almost taste the blood in my mouth and I threw up on the tiled floor near my bed, tears streaming down my face. Feeling something creep up behind me, I froze and slowly turned back to look at Simone's smirking face. I quickly ran out of the room, not daring to look back and down the stairs. Tripping on the stairs due to the darkness I rolled down the room and landed on the ground with a loud thud. Afraid that Simone would be chasing after me, I quickly sat up ignoring my pain and went to the couch where Jason was sleeping. He groaned and swore loudly when I started to shake him violently. "Naomi?" He asked in a thick voice but quickly sat up when he saw me crying hysterically and shaking with fear. "s**t! What happened to you?" "You had a nightmare?" He asked when I just sat there clinging to him and cried. Nodding and looking at him through teary eyes, I pointed at the stairs. "Someone was up there in room with you?" I nodded and he sighed. "I don't think if someone was up there with you then you would be here. Just try to sleep again, you probably had a terrible nightmare. He started to tug me up to take me back to my room but I refused and pulled him down with me and clinged on his arm, refusing to let go. After some time of sitting stiffly with my grip getting tighter and tighter, Jason sighed, "Alright, come here." Standing up from where he was sitting on the couch and laid me down. "Sleep here, I am with you." Deciding to trust him, I nodded and closed my eyes tightly. My hand still clutching his arm in a firm grip, I only drifted of to a dreamless sleep. Just as I was about to succumb to darkness, I felt a tender fingers running through my hair.
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