
Everything She Is

childhood crush
first love

She was his childhood love. But before he could tell her that, she went away.

He was the one she hated the most, the one who tormented her to no ends. But before she could stand up to him, she was kidnapped.

Seven years later, he finds her unconscious on the side of a road, he takes her home.

He wants to help her, but the problem is that she doesn't speak anymore and he is not who he used to be.

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Chapter One : Run and find
Run . . . Hide . . . Run . . . Hide . . . Run . . . That was exactly what I had been doing for the past three hours now. I knew I couldn't keep running for so long, my legs would eventually give out. "Look behind the garbage bin. She must be hiding there, after all that is where she belongs." Simone's gruff voice and cruel laugh boomed out in the empty road. . Oh god, oh god, oh god . . . "Ah, here she is. Exactly where she should be." Someone grabbed me by neck and lifted me up from behind the garbage bin where I was hiding. I started thrashing and flailing but the man who grabbed me started dragging me with him by neck. I don't even have the strength to cry now. After some time of dragging me they threw me on a concrete road, "I don't think she will be able to even move, we can take a piss." Simone said and went into a building near the road, leaving a skinny man to guard me. He kicked me in the stomach, "How many times do we have to remind you that you can't escape from us, huh babydoll? You were made for us to use, it was written in your fate." He snickered cruelly and kicked me on my legs. " Stop defying your fate." Just lift your leg, one move and you can run. I did as my gut feeling said and weakly attempted to get up. I was harshly pushed to the ground by a kick and felt someone hovering over me, way closer than he was before. "You are going to get punished for being such a bad bad girl. Ugh, I can't wait to get back home and punish you." This is your chance. Do it. I slowly lifted my right leg which wasn't kicked at and bent it by knee. "I wonder if you ever tried ana- aahh, you b***h!" He was cut off as I kicked him between his legs. I didn't waste my time and sat up and started running with all the energy left in me. I knew better than to look if he was really hurt or not, from past experiences. I ran as fast as I could, one leg lending in front of another. That was all I did, I kept running, running for my life. I didn't want to go back. I didn't want to get caught again. Keep pushing. Run, run, run. My eyes started closing, my legs tangled themselves in one another. I could feel the darkness starting to surround me, slowly seeping in and in until I couldn't see anything but darkness. My body kept getting weaker and weaker, my steps slowing, coming to a halt when numbness took over and I wobbled on my legs and fell onto a hard surface. Please don't find me again. Jason's POV, I punched him in his face repeatedly as he laid beneath me unmoving. The cheers of the crowd becoming more and more aggravated as I stood up from on top of my opponent. Jace. . . Jace. . . Jace. . . I was suddenly tackled to the ground as my opponent grabbed my legs and fell face first, now me being beneath him. Jace. . . Jace. . . Jace. . . I managed to stop his hand from hitting my face and kicked him from behind with the help of my legs. In moments, I had him down in a headlock, our positions rewinded. 3. . . 2. . . 1. . . "And we have our winner for the championships 2018, Jace Bryant. Don't stop cheering you motherfuckers, keep shouting. Jace. . . Jace. . . Jace. . . " My best friend Nolan, shouted in the mike as I stood up and raised both my hands upwards, looking at the crowd. Nolan threw the mike away and ran towards me, shouting, "f**k yeah, baby." And jumped on me, making us both fall on the mattress. "Get off me, you fat riot." I pushed him away from me and laughed standing up once again. I had known Nolan since we were in diapers and ran around n***d. Just like he knew every deepest, darkest secret of mine, I knew his. We were practically brothers. "Yo Jace. I effing knew you would win." Carter, my other best friend slapped my back and grinned. Nolan and I met Carter in sixth grade, when he was trying to save someone from being bullied but ended up being bullied himself. He was the most decent guy of our group, fucker didn't like to swear so he used meaningless words instead of swear words. How could he speak without swearing even a little is beyond me. Courtney, another best friend of us came pushing through the crowd and hugged me towards her, her hands sliding behind my back and her face in the crook of my neck. "I knew you would win, Jace. You're the best." "I know." I smirked as I returned her hug. Courtney was like the baby of our group, everyone pamperd her. She had been living with Nolan ever since her parents died in a shoot out four years ago. She lived a life of a princess. Being the only girl in a group has its perks. "Conceited as ever, I see." She pinched my waist making me push her away with a yelp, her soft laughter following. "Can we go now? I am dying to get wasted." Finn whined, pouting like a child. He looked like someone stapled his lips. We all met Finn at one of the fight I took part into. He was that guy who looked lanky and weak but could break your bones in a minute if you piss him off. He went to our school but was a year junior than us and the biggest goofball and prankster we had ever met. "Yes, yes. My tongue feels deserted without even a drop of alcohol on it." Nolan stuck his tongue out like a dog and Courtney slapped his head, "You just want to get laid, Lan." She scoffed. "That you are right about." He flashed her a wicked smile. "So, your room or mine?" And wiggled his eyebrows at her in a teasing manner. "Ew, shut up Lan. I'd rather drink cow pee than sleep with you." I always thought Courtney had a soft spot for Nolan. . . guess not. "I am going home, guys." I told them. "What? Why?" Finn asked bewildered. That's understandable because I never turn down a party. "I am not in the mood, Finn." I told him and started walking to the exit of the arena. He looked at me like I killed his hamster and then turned to Nolan, "Is he drugged or something?" I slapped the back of his head, "No, fucker. I am just tired. Didn't you see how much energy it took for me to beat that guy?" I nodded towards my opponent who is glaring daggers at me from the other side of the ring. "But-" "Let him be Finn. We will meet him tomorrow at school." Nolan stopped Finn and nodded at me. He knew the reason why I didn't want to go to the party tonight. I sent him a grateful nod and turned my back to my friends after bidding them good bye. I took a quick shower after reaching my home and put on a pair of dark washed jeans and a white shirt. I took my car keys and locked my house after getting out. Parking my car in the parking lot of the city hospital of our town I made my way towards the hospital. "I am here to see the patient in room 204." I told the receptionist, Maria. She typed something in her computer and then looked up, "You are good to go." I nodded and made my way towards room 204. Opening the door, I peeked in to see her motionless body lying on the hospital bed wrapped in stupid hospital clothes. She was still the most beautiful girl I have ever known. I stepped in and dragged a chair near her bed, sitting down. "Hey, ma." I greeted her taking a hold of her pale hand. "I won today, too. Against my opponent, I uh-I don't remember his name, but he was big. Yeah, maybe twice my size but I still beat him up. I am great aren't I?" I smiled looking at her, willing her to open her eyes and scold me that I shouldn't take part in these activities. She didn't. "Of course, I am great, after all I am your son." I blinked, willing the tears gathering in my eyes to go back. "Dad came today, he wanted me to go with him. I refused, how could I go with him when you are here mom?" I wiped the tears that started to escape with the back of my hand. "Why don't you wake up, mom? I am tired of living without you, I need you. Please wake up mumma. Please. . . " But she didn't. She didn't say a word. She just laid there unmoving. I stayed with her for about two hours, talking about what happened in the past week and then it's time to go home when a nurse comes to tell me that visiting hours are over. I didn't exactly come here at visiting hours, but my dad literally owns this hospital. They can't say no to the son of the person who pays their salaries, now can they? With a last kiss on her forehead and a silent prayer for her to wake up, I made my way towards my car in the parking lot. "Aw, man!" I groaned when I saw all the tires of my car slashed. Should've expected it, after all this is the great revenge of the losers. This happened almost every time I won a fight, I mean, can't they grow up from middle school? A loud thud echoed on the silent street as the pebble I was kicking collides with a dustbin. I continued walking ahead leaving the pebble but stumble on my feet when they hit something soft and big. Groaning, I bent down to see what the f**k that thing was. My eyes widened as I took in the form of a girl lying on the road, her whole body covered with bruises and her clothes teared apart. Swearing, I leaned down to inspect the girl and touched her cheek. A pained whimper left her mouth when my hand touched her skin and I quickly retracted it back afraid I might have hurt her more. As I looked closely at her face, I found myself seeing someone else's face in hers. She looked so familiar, so alike her. Shaking my head, I closed my eyes, she could not be her. She was dead for god's sake. I rubbed my face, groaning in frustration as her face came to my mind, haunting me with memories. Opening my eyes, I looked at the girl lying in front of me. Something terrible must have happened with her for her to look like this. Not a part of her body was bare of any bruise. Even I was not that cruel to do this to someone, especially to a girl. Contemplating if I should just leave her here or take her, my stupid heart wins against my smart mind and I gently slipped my hand under her limp body and tried to lift her without hurting her too much. She must have sensed that she was moving as she started thrashing and flailing her hands to break free. Her black hair brushed against my face as I struggled to walk with her flailing around like a fish. "Will you stop struggling for one second, damnit!" She instantly stopped struggling and looked at me with wide eyes full of fear. Her big, green eyes flashed in my mind and I am once again taken aback by the similarity of their eyes and feel my heart struggling to beat against my chest. f**k, I am going crazy. "Look, I am just taking you to my place so that you can get a place to stay, okay?" I looked down at her as I walked towards my house. She once again started thrashing making me tighten my grip, "Stop struggling I said." I glared at her and once again she looked at me like I was going to kill her. "I am not going to hurt you. Whoever did this to you, is not me. Can you believe me on that?" I asked trying to be calm. She shook her head no. What the. . I sighed. She was probably scared for her life. Why did I have to find her? "Well, I am taking you home either way. So, I suggest you stop struggling if you don't want to get hurt anymore than you are." I looked down at her ready to shut her up but she was already unconscious, with her head dangling limply and eyes closed. "Let's take you home, little girl." I murmured looking at her and kept walking.

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