the colour black

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Blake was woken up by a loud commotion that was happening outside his room at first he thought that he was dreaming and then he remembered that he bought Tiana back home last night.. The moment he realised that he got scared and asked himself what if she is causing some physical harm to herself??, he quickly got up and ran out to her room that is when he saw several people outside Tiana’s room and her door was open wide.he heard her giving some men orders and saw how they were all getting in and out of her room with painting materials, they were also dressed in coveralls. When he got into the room, he saw her wearing the same coveralls as the men that were there and they were painting her bedroom wall, everyone was so busy that they didn't even acknowledge his presence. He had to speak up because he couldn't understand anything that was happening,“what is happening here”, he asked no one in particular but one of the men answered him “we are painting” when he said that he shrugged his shoulders and answered in a tone that showed that he was clearly annoyed because Blake was asking a question that had an obvious answer. “I can see that, but why you are painting and that too so early in the morning” he said in the same annoyed tone used by that man, but this time Tiana turned around and answered, “I couldn’t sleep, the red paint and the décor in this room was annoying and depressing, so I am changing it”, she then looked back and resumed her work. When she turned around he focused more on her appearance than her words, she looked good no matter what she was wearing and seeing her out of those scrubs was the highlight of his day, she actually looked normal .. Blake could not understand her, she called red depressing and yet she was painting her room in black, isn’t black the most depressing colour since its dark? he had feeling that he was never going to understand her. But red was her favourite colour , does that mean that she doesn't like the colour anymore??? Before he decorated the room he first asked Titiana about what decor to use and he remembers how Titiana was so sure that red is Tiana's favourite colour so what happened?? Tiana couldn't sleep all night because of the decor in her room ,she truly appreciated Blake's efforts but she didn't love red anymore... Back then red represented love but now all it represents is blood, the blood of her unborn baby that was killed by those monsters ,the blood of everyone who died trying to help her and free her from this conspiracy... She wanted to wake Blake up so they can repaint the walls but she knew that he must have been tired and he surely has to go to work the next day so she didn't want to be a burden... So the next day she woke up early in the morning and asked Maria to call people who could help her repaint the wall... She chose black because it reminded her of how she felt, her heart has been darkened just like the walls of her room are now, she also now has the same dark walls around her heart... Most of the things about her have changed and she hoped that after all this she would find closure and maybe love but for now she had to focus on one thing and that is revenge... She first had to get better but no one should know,not even Blake.... She wanted to know what actually happened to Adrian. his car accident looked suspicious to her although it was ruled as an accident , who would kill Adrian and why??? it's obvious he had accomplises but why would they kill him since they were all in this together?? did Adrian grow a conscious and most importantly why did he send Blake to take care of her, is her life in danger and why does Adrian care about her now he obviously didn't care back then. . Everyone knows that as long as she is with Blake she cannot be messed with, I mean Blake is one of the ruthless and powerful men of Seattle and they wouldn't try to harm her and if they did they wouldn't be successful.. she remembers the look on his face when she told him that red is depressing, he looked so confused and it's like he is always like this around her.. they went to the same high school together and Blake was always there, just in every corner ...Tiana's friends had this huge crushes on the two brothers and who would blame them, they were and still are handsome and most importantly they are rich... so in their world if you are rich you need to get married to a person on the same or higher status than you and your family and the Simon are that higher status girls are looking for... Being called Mrs Simon would have been a great honour to them but to Tiana it was a huge curse and she wished that she never knew or met that family... when she was locked up she kept wishing that this should be a huge nightmare and she is going to wake up and find herself in her room but every morning she woke up to the dark room, everyday she lost hope and also the light in her soul dimmed little by little.. Painting her room is a way of reminding herself how she feels on the inside.. In India when they apply henna to the women they say that the darker the colour of the henna the stronger the love, so for her the darker the room the deeper the hatred.... She didn't know how many people they are to hate but she knew she had enough of that to go around..
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