Chapter 8

1588 Words
Aurora's POV “So sorry we almost got you in trouble,” Claire said with a worried look as she sat beside me. I let out a sigh, and pulled off my boots. “It's okay, besides I had a lot of fun and kinda want to do it again.” “Really?” Lizzy asked. “Of course, the mansion is really boring and it's not like the alpha king will give me any attention. So, I'll just use the time I have to have some fun instead,” I said, lying on my bed. “You all should go to sleep, we have no idea what awaits us in the morning,” I said, letting out a long yawn. I pulled the blanket over my body and shut my eyes. And the other girls quickly went to their beds to get some sleep. After the lights went off, my mind turned on. I had a blissful dream. I was in a strange land, hopping from building to building, laughing and running with all my might, and with Jason, the alpha king, my mate. We danced under the moonlight. We shifted into our wolves and wrapped ourselves within the warm fur coats of our necks. Nothing could ruin this moment, for once in my life I felt alive and free and, with those thoughts in my mind, a smile grew on my face. I turned and I felt the sunlight hit my face and realized it was morning again. The other girls and I felt even more tired than we were when we got back the night before. “My back hurts,” I said, letting out a groan. “Same here, I need more sleep,” Lizzy replied. “Is it always like this when you guys go out?” I asked. “Yeah, the after effects of having too much fun. Which doesn't even make sense because we're werewolves,” Claire replied with a sore voice. We all got off our beds and headed to an inbuilt bath house meant for only the women in the mansion. It was the same as the one we had back in my pack, but larger and a lot more spacious. There were fewer women, so we had a lot of room to swim around in. As the four of us went in with just towels around our bodies, we found that only Iris was in the pool and all the other girls just sat along its edges. “What’s going on?” I asked softly. “Well, you see, it's a thing here. Iris was among the first girls to be brought here and she holds the keys to the bath area. No one is allowed to enter until she finishes,” Lizzy explained. “Keys? To the bath area? That doesn't make sense,” I said, staring at Iris and she slowly washed her body in the warm water. The slower she got, the more annoying it was to watch her. I had only just gotten to the mansion and she was already making it a really uncomfortable place for me. I had to do something about her. As she used her finger to gently massage her shoulders, she turned around to look at me, and smirked mischievously. “Alright, that's it! I'm getting in this water and there's nothing you can do about it!” I yelled. “Hey, just wait a little longer,” Claire said, trying to stop me. I stretched my leg forward in an attempt to get into the bath area which was like a pool, but a wooden door slid out from the width of the pool to block my foot from touching the water. As I stepped on the new floor above the water, I turned to Iris with an upset expression on my face, “Why are you doing this,” I asked in a measured but stern tone, then continued, “What makes you think the fact that you were here before the others makes you better than them. We are all in the same predicament, we should treat each other kindly and not enemies, but I guess you wouldn't understand that because you're so selfish and short sighted…” Iris' eyes widened in surprise as I turned around to leave. “You know nothing about me,” She said softly and I was shocked at her response. I'd expected her to lash at me. I stopped at the door and turned around. “I may not know anything about you, but that's not a reason for you to treat the other girls like trash. It's not a reason for you to speak to them like they are worth nothing. You can have the bath for yourself. I will go find somewhere else to bathe,” I said, feeling a lot more courage, and then marched out of the area. “Wait, there's another bathhouse somewhere in the mansion?” Lizzy asked as she followed behind me. “How would I know that you were here before me!” I replied, sounding a little annoyed. “That was really brave of you. I really didn't expect those words to come out of you so early in the morning,” Claire said as she placed her palms on my shoulder. “Really? I felt a little nervous,” I replied with a soft smile. “Yeah girl, it's about time someone talked some sense into that b***h…” Stephanie said, “but where do we bathe now? There's no way she's gonna let us in after that show you put on,” she continued. “Yeah, sorry about that. I shouldn't have dragged you guys into this mess,” I said, feeling a little awkward. “Don't worry, we'll figure it out,” Claire said with a comforting smile. *** A few hours after walking around the outside of the mansion, we found a hot spring far away from the main building, a place where no one was allowed to go but the alpha king. Omegas came here once in a while to remove dirt and purify the water, but no one was allowed to bathe in it as we were told. “Are you guys sure about this?” I asked. “Yeah, there's nowhere else for us to go, right? We'll just go in and get out as fast as we can. We'll bathe one after the other so we won't end up making too much noise,” Claire replied. “What if the alpha king catches us here?” I asked again, sounding very nervous. “No he won't, he usually bathes very early in the morning. I'll go first, then Lizzy will go, then Stephanie, and you, Aurora, can go last just so you'll be safe,” Claire said with a smile as she took off her clothing piece by piece. She got in the warm water while we waited behind a bush, close to the spring. “This mansion is way bigger than I thought,” I said. “Oh, this is but a scratch of what's to come. Concerning the size of the mansion, that is,” Lizzy said. “Yeah, not the entire mansion is boring. There are areas that are really fun. But our dear cursed alpha is the only one allowed in those places. If we ever got too close to him without prior permission, we'd be torn to shreds,” Stephanie said with a bright smile. A few minutes later, Claire got out of the spring and Lizzy went in. “How was it?” I asked. “Well, it was far better than the one inside the mansion, that's for sure. The water is cleaner and a lot more refreshing to the skin,” She replied, putting on her clothes. “Wow, now I feel the urge to try it out myself,” I said. Lizzy spent a couple of minutes in the spring, and as she got out, Stephanie went in. “You really have to get into that water, Aurora, it's amazing,” she said, sounding very excited. Hearing her speak about how wonderful the water was, got me very excited to have a feel for myself. Although I knew I was breaking rules that would get me killed, I felt really happy being with them as I realized I could call my friends. I'd never had one back in my pack. I guess being the Alpha King's harem of breeders brought about this stroke of luck. A few minutes passed and Stephanie got out. It was finally my turn. I went through the bushes and took off the clothes I wore, then quietly stepped into the hot springs. The moment I felt the water on my skin, I knew the other girls weren't lying. It felt far better than any bathhouse could offer. I used a small wooden bowl to fetch the water and pour it over my body, standing still on one side of the spring. Suddenly, I felt a sudden shock in my heart. I could perceive his scent coming from behind me. My entire body went stiff from fear and I asked myself why I had so much bad luck. He slowly rose out of the water, his masculine physique casting a shadow over my back, “What are you doing here, Aurora?” He asked with a booming voice that made me realize I was f****d again for the second time.
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