Chapter 4

1365 Words
Aurora's POV I awoke feeling warm, safe, and content. For a blissful moment, I forgot where I was as I stretched beneath the silken sheets. Then reality came crashing down. "Our mate marked us!" Silver purred contently. I stretched my hands towards Jason, but he was gone, his side of the massive bed cold. I sat up, clutching the black satin to my bare chest as I scanned the dimly-lit room. "Jason?" I called tentatively. Only silence answered. I wonder where he went to. Sighing, I rose and padded into the bathroom, determined not to let his absence discourage me. A steaming shower revived me, washing away the last groggy remnants of sleep. As I toweled off, a faded grey marking on my lower abdomen caught my eye. I gasped, memories of last night flooding back in vivid detail. Jason's searing mouth on my navel, teeth grazing sensitive skin. My ecstatic screams of his name at the peak of passion. Our bond was sealed; this mark declared me as his. Hope and resolve reignited within me. My stomach growled loudly, reminding me I hadn't eaten since yesterday. After dressing in a simple green gown left for me, I ventured out in search of breakfast. The mansion seemed less scary by daylight, though dust motes danced in the shafts of sunlight that managed to penetrate grimy windows. I wandered until a savory aroma drew me to the kitchens. But as I reached for the door, a booming voice behind me barked, "Stop right there!" I whirled around. The stern woman from yesterday loomed there, face set in disapproval. "What do you think you're doing, girl?" "I...I was just looking for something to eat," I stammered, confused. She clicked her tongue. "Still acting like you own the place? Come with me." Before I could protest, her vice-like grip enclosed my wrist, half-dragging me along. "Please, I don't understand," I pleaded. "Why can't I eat here?" "Hmph. Still playing dumb? You're no mistress of this house. Now come along, I'll show you to your real quarters." My mind reeled with confusion as she pulled me outside and across the grounds to a newer building separate from the main house. My sense of foreboding grew as we entered a spacious but sterile apartment. Three young women looked up in surprise from various activities. "Girls, meet Aurora. She'll be joining you for the next nine months." With that, the woman - a Beta I now realized - departed, locking the door behind her with a crude remark. "The delusional girl thinks she's the alpha's mate." I stood frozen, struggling to make sense of my predicament. The tallest girl, a pretty brunette with kind blue eyes, broke the silence. "It's okay, dear. Come sit down and we'll explain." Numbly, I let her guide me to a plush sofa where the others had gathered cautiously. The brunette smiled. "I'm Claire. That's Stephanie and Lizzy. We're all...previous companions of Alpha Ambrose. You're the newest, yes?" I nodded, throat tight. "Did I hear wrong? Agnes just said you're..." Lizzy queried. "Yes... last night...I found..." Stephanie, a petite redhead with freckles, gave me a sympathetic look. "Found what?" "We are mates." I blurred, not knowing whether it was a good thing to disclose the connection or not. But judging by their shocked expression, it's most likely not good. Claire was the first to recover, she tucked a lock of my hair back soothingly. "You're probably still in shock, but try not to confuse reality. The Alpha can be intense, but you can't afford to be delusional." I shook my head in denial. "No, you don't understand. I'm his mate, we have a bond." The three women exchanged uneasy glances. Lizzy, a tawny blonde with sad doe eyes spoke up gently. "Sweetie, I think you should get some rest." Pent-up anger and frustration welled up. Why couldn't they believe me? I touched my marked navel. "But the bite...the bond mark..." Claire's eyes widened in realization. She took my hand in hers. "Listen to me very carefully. Never mention that again if you value your life." Before I could argue further, Stephanie clapped her hands sharply. "That's enough for now. Let's get some food and we can talk more later." Still in a daze, I followed the women to a lively, bustling cafeteria. But the atmosphere shifted as we entered, whispers and pointing rippling outward through the packed tables. "They all heard about last night," Lizzy murmured apologetically. "Word travels fast here." I kept my eyes down, cheeks flaming. But I could still hear the crude remarks and mean-spirited laughter swirling around us as we collected our trays. Another unfortunate girl was disvirgined by the cursed Alpha. We had just sat down to eat when three tall, beautiful girls swaggered over, disdain etched on their flawless features. The leader flipped her long raven hair over one shoulder and glared down at me. "So you're the newest plaything. Aurora, was it?" She practically spat my name. "I'm Iris, so tell me, are the rumors true?" I blinked up at her, bewildered by the hostility radiating from these strangers. Is this what Claire was talking about? "What rumors?" "You being that bastard's mate of course." But before I could respond, she tipped her full tray over my head. Milk and food cascaded down my front as the entire cafeteria erupted with malicious delight. "Listen b***h, I know you're probably still high from his c*m, but you better pray to the goddess you're not. If not, we're going to make you pay for ruining our lives!" With that, Iris stormed out of the cafeteria along with her goons, while I was left sitting, the weight of her words slicing through my heart as reality sank in. "I should clean up." I whispered at last, my voice cracking. Shivering, I ran to the bathroom to get rid of the mess, with Claire on my heels. No matter how much I tried to tell myself Iris was wrong and I wasn't responsible for their pain, I couldn't shake the fact that my mate had been the cause of it. It was my –and all his previous mates' duties to birth him an heir, not innocent girls destined for other wolves. I was so happy to find my mate, disregarding the heinous crimes he committed to others. I know I cannot change the past, but maybe I can do something about the future. All the more reason for me to free Jason of his curse. "Aurora, don't let their words get to you. It's not your fault we're in this mess." Claire's voice took me from my thoughts. "Iris and her crew bully all the new girls. Just keep your head down and it will pass." I shook my head, despite her kindness, I knew they probably thought the same. "They are right Claire. They don't deserve this. None of you deserve to go through this." I thought of the ruined chamber, the ominous bloodstains... No. I could not let fear take root. Jason was still my mate, no matter how bad he is. I had to hold onto that lifeline. I rose on shaky legs, drying my cheeks. "Thank you, Claire. I know it probably wouldn't do much, but I promise to put a stop to this." She nodded and together we walked back toward the apartments, minds churning with troubled thoughts. There was more darkness lurking in this place than I ever imagined, but I could not turn away now. The girls need me to free them from this fate. Jason needed me, even if he didn't realize it yet. I would find a way to prove myself worthy and dissolve the shadows that haunted him. What new trials awaited me on this path? Could I endure them and keep sight of my goal? The answers eluded me, but one truth remained unshakable - I had to try. "Aurora," a voice called and shook me out of thoughts. A lot of murmurs started resurfacing. I turned and looked into the dark eyes of Jason, who was staring at me in a way that made my body shiver. "Come with me."
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