Pizza-flavored kisses.

1094 Words

My breathing quickens when I realize what I've done. I'm kissing Ethan Davis! I'm kissing my stepbrother! The last time this happened, it ended badly. I remember he claimed I did nothing, that it wasn't a real kiss. So this time, I decide not to hold back. It won't be just a peck; I slowly move my lips against his, trying to figure out the elusive art of kissing. Damn, I'm inexperienced, completely clueless about kissing. Ethan takes control, and at this moment, it feels like the best option because I was panicking about not knowing what to do. Ethan's hands rest on my hips, moving my chair much closer to his. One of his legs is between mine. I reach for Ethan's hair, tilting my head slightly to kiss him better. Ethan's lips feel cool and moist against mine. He bites my lower lip gent

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