
1196 Words

The next morning, I wake up to the sound of my sister's shouts and laughter. I furrow my brow and step out of my room, not understanding what's happening. I descend the stairs, and the shouts become more intense as I approach the first floor. I see Michael in sportswear and my mother in a swimsuit heading towards the backyard. "Good morning," I greet. Michael is the only one who notices me; the others are outside. "Hello! Go change to enjoy a day in the sun," he tells me. It seems like a good plan, so I return to my room and change clothes. I have to say it's only eight in the morning, and I stayed up late reading a book, still a bit sleepy. But my sister's screams were what woke me up; otherwise, I probably would have slept until noon. Also, I spent many hours in the early morning th

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