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I stood outside long after he was gone, staring at the empty space before me. I couldn’t process what happened. I kept saying to myself that it was not possible, but… I know what I saw. After what seemed to be an eternity, I shook my head and got inside. I started pacing around, my mind full of confused thoughts. Do I have to call the police? But what would I tell them? That I saw a werewolf, who had threatened me? I stood next to the window and looked at the forest. It didn't seem romantic anymore. It seemed scary, dark, disturbing. The next morning I felt calmer. It was strange, like if I had taken a pill to relax. I felt more confident. As I recalled the event from last night, I was determined to do my own research. I didn't know where to start, but I knew the man, or what he was, will come tonight and couldn't just go on with my life as nothing had happened till his next appearance. I wanted answers. Maybe I've lost my mind. Maybe it's all a prank. But after the shock withdrew from my mind, a tiny little part of me wanted all that he's saying to be true. I walked outside and turned left then headed to the book store. I knew the books I would find there are filled with folklore, but I was curious anyway. At least tonight I'll find out which of the stories are true If any. After I bought a couple, I head straight home. I made some coffee and got to work. It took me about 4 hours to flip through the books. It was eight pm and I was getting anxious. At 11 pm someone finally rang the doorbell. "Well, now he had decided to be polite." I opened the door and saw him standing in front of me. I gestured with my hand for him to come in. We both stood in the middle of the room, facing each other. “Well, this is much better. I can see you really just needed some time. Now, may I introduce myself. I'm Zargos, a werewolf and a big friend of your grandfather, the great Alpha Brett, who was a werewolf and a witcher. His son and your father Alpha Brett was a werewolf but had no other powers. That is why, I believe, you have it. You must have it. You were extraordinary from the moment you were born and your birth triggered the events, which get us to the situation we're in right now.” “What situation? What happened? And If I’m really who you think I am, how did I end up here?” “Easy, I’m here to tell you everything. Now, after you were born, those, who already was scared enough of the power of our pack, apparently realized that something even bigger had happened. We suspected that you pose more power than your own siblings together, that’s why your grandfather ordered to keep it secret. But obviously, somehow the news spread, and the rest of the packs allied and attacked us. They killed every member of the Carlwood pack. But the main target was you. Fortunately, your parents had a plan, they were prepared and managed to take you away. That's how you ended up here. Your so-called “grandfather” was a friend of your real family.” “I…don't understand. You told me that the… Carlwood pack… right, was the most powerful one? So how come they managed to kill everybody?” “Powerful or not, we were attacked by every single pack there and we were taken by surprise. It was our mistake to underestimate their fear and hatred towards us. The thing is that there were more powerful creatures in our pack than in all packs together. And we were a threat to them, we really were. We were getting more powerful by the second. We were mostly werewolves, but many of us had other powers too. And those powers made the ordinary werewolves, like me, even stronger, than the average. And most importantly, the Alpha King was on the side of the Alliance, because even in the Royal pack, they didn’t have that many powerful creatures as we had in our pack. So, the Alpha King closed his eyes, while the Alliance was destroying the Carlwood pack.” “Are we the only ones left alive? Only you and I? Didn't they spared at least the women and children?” Zargos stared at me for a while. “What didn’t you understand of “they killed all". Every member of the pack was killed, even the babies. No one was spared.” I watched him in horror, as I processed what I had just heard. What kind of people…I mean werewolves and other creatures… would kill an innocent baby? Is all of this true? Could I trust him? I had so many questions. “I guess I'm gonna need some time to process this information, but… I certainly don't want to wait another 24 hours to get some answers. Would you mind If I make another cup of coffee?” As I walked through the kitchen door, I thought that I didn't ask him If he wanted something, but I was too perplexed to worry about good manners. I grabbed my coffee and returned to my spot against him. “You know, I don't know why or how, but you really managed to make me believe you. Although I still have lots of questions. The biggest one is why? Why do you telling me this now? What do you want me to do with this information? What do you expect from me?” I watched him with a mix of worry and confusion. He kept staring at me, in his eyes I could read determination. “I want revenge"
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