4966 Words

The rest of the day I didn't see Julian or Damien, and I wanted to keep it that way. After Damien left I scrubbed myself raw to take his scent off me, but it was pointless I cried my eyes out frustrated from everything. At the office I kept my head down all morning until, Kasey pulled up a chair and came to sit in front of my desk. "Go away." I said and it was an order, when did that start happening? "Oh, I felt that, so I'm guessing there was some claiming last night?" "Kase, I don't want to talk about it." "Just a simple yes, or no is fine." I looked up at her, annoyed, but she wasn't budging. "Yes." She sighed like she was finally relieve it happened. "So why are you so bitchy this morning? What did my big brother do this time?" "Said it was a mistake." "Wow, all this time he

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