4574 Words

Was I dead? Am I going to be left out here on the cold ground for my body to be eaten by other animals? Wait this wasn't dirt. I bolted up right so fast, my body hurt so much, but I found I was on a bed. How? I looked around it was a semi empty room, I was looked at a bacholar pad, blues, grays, and white colors all  in perfect combination, king size bed, plasma tv, small couch, walk in closet. That was all fine and good but what really had me on edge was the scent I was picking up, it was Damien's. I gulped a couple times my throat had gone dry. I carefully got closer to the door there was a small hall that went to the rest of the house, I could hear Damien's  voice on the phone I'm guessing. "I found her, she's sleeping off the silver, She was pretty bad, the kids couldn't see her like

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