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  The cafeteria was crowded and noisy as Ellen took her place in the queue, looking for an empty table and knowing full well that it was lunch time and she would likely be able to get one. She stood with her plate of porridge and two roasted chicken pieces and was heading to get a cup of coffee when she saw her flat mate Nysa Jacob waving at her from across the room and she hurried in her direction with great relief.   Nysa had already spotted Ellen, when she entered the cafeteria and was observing her with great interest, as she had taken some extra time off in her lunch break. She had been working in the labour ward, back and forth and had helped deliver four babies at a stretch and was really tired and hungry and it was past the lunch time. Labour ward usually has very few cases in a day but that day it had been really busy.   She was smiling at the thought of what had happened in the morning, as usual Ellen had got up late and She was wondering whether she had reached on time but looking at her having late lunch confirmed her doubts that she did not reach the hospital on time to punch in.   Ellen was a different character altogether but she really liked her a lot and treated her like her younger sister. Probably because she had always taken care of her younger sister who was three years younger to her.   Ellen put her tray down and coffee on to the table before sliding into the seat. “Thank goodness. You were here Nysa or I would have had to eat standing up and I don’t have the strength.”   “Oh, I somehow I felt that I would meet you Ellen, considering how late you were in waking up, not that its something knew.” Nysa said teasingly and grinned at her.   Ellen rolled her eyes and Nysa pushed the salt and pepper towards her and started eating her food.   “So how did it go in the morning with sister Cynthia?” Nysa asked curiously. “I was about to be fired.” Ellen said flatly.   “What happened?”   “Oh Nysa, my clumsiness will definitely put into trouble someday.” She said with lot of emotions on her face and tod her the whole incident.   Nysa knew that Ellen was trying to control her tears and she got up and went and hugged her. “Its okay darling, everyday we learn from our mistakes, so take it in a positive way. I am sure you will do much better, as the days pass by. And if nurse Cynthia has given you a second chance, it  means she has seen something in you, after all she has been working in this field for a very long time and she can see the efforts that you put into it.”   “I guess you are right Nysa. I wish I could be like you and Norah, so efficient and smart.” Ellen said softly.   “Even you are smart Ellen, its just that its your first year and even we made blunders when we started off but we gradually learned to balance everything. Even you will do. Don’t worry and don’t think too much.” Nysa said and went and sat on her seat.   Ellen sighed deeply and looking at Nysa she asked suddenly. “I had my reasons for having late lunch but why are you late for lunch Nysa?” “It was really hectic Ellen. Today there were four deliveries all Caesarean that to one after the other. I did not even have time to breathe, so I have taken extra time for lunch. I am going to sleep like a pig tonight.” Nysa said with tiredness in her voice.   “So have you found a date to go for the annual meet?” Nysa asked curiously. “As a matter of fact, I have thought about it and decided not to go and instead go and visit my mother. Its been like three months since I had last seen her.” Emma ate her porridge slowly and asked. “ So whom are you going with, Is it doctor Wright?”   “Na…doctor Wright will be leaving for London in few days and he wont be back too soon . With the new Virus going around like a plague they have a doctors meet to discuss the possible cure. Corona is getting serious day by day.” Nysa said with worried expression.   “Yeah I know. Oh no, I thought you had a date but now you don’t. Then I will accompany you and Norah, as I am sure she doesn’t have a date yet and even though someone will approach her, she will reject it.” Ellen grinned at the thought of it.   “I thought you were going to visit your mother !” Nysa exclaimed and shook her head and wondered this little girls changes her mind within minutes.   Ellen grinned ad said. “ I will go the next weekend and besides I don’t want to miss partying with you guys.” Suddenly, Nysa’s cell phone started vibrating and she picked it up immediately. As the hospital was very strict about using cell phones in and around the wards but now that they were in the canteen they need not worry but Nysa had taken a longer break time, so she knew something urgent must have come or the department wont call them in their free time. After answering, she listened to the other person on the other end and after hanging up the phone, she got up picking up her tray to keep it in the disposable box. “I have got to go back now Ellen, there has been an emergency. I will meet you in the evening.” She said and rushed away towards the lift as the labour ward was downstairs.   Ellen saw her walk away and after finishing her food, even she rushed back, as she had to finish up the evening task.      
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