Life saver

1369 Words

 The ward was filled with sunshine, as the first of the afternoon's visitors began to arrive and stand impatiently in the corridor outside the ward. “Here nurse.". Staff nodded in Ellen's direction. "You can let them in and see to the Flowers will you? we are getting a bit short of vases and judging from that lot," she looked at the bunches of roses and orchids, "we are going to need some, so you'd better shoot over to Macy's and borrow of few." “Yes staff." Emma leapt back as the doors flue open and visitors surged into the world, bringing bouquets  of Flowers and  shuttering the calm around the ward. For the next two hours she was kept busy bustling in and out of the kitchen, arranging Flowers and providing snacks and she threw a knowing  glance  Fed Ryan's direction, as he handed her

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