Its not that bad

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This was Ellen’s first year at the central hospital in Mexico and she had always been clumsy but she had always wanted to serve the people and take care of the sick. She had forever wanted to become a nurse. She had struggled to cope up with the demanding work load  bestowed on her everyday but had managed to survive six months in that hospital with grave difficulty.   Its not that she wanted to have accidents at regular basis but she ended up getting involved into one every day. Six months back   “Nurse Ellen.” Ellen Nicholas’s hand, was busy  in the act of filling the pot with water to heat it for one of the patient and it shook as the head nurse voice reached her.   Ellen wasn’t sure how it happened but  suddenly the pot slipped from her hand and it went crashing on the floor and the water splashed on her dress, as well as all around the floor, creating a mess and she looked up to see that the head nurse’s eyes were slightly closed. The head nurse  was wondering, why of all the people, the department had transferred nurse Ellen to her department, as she was quite clumsy.   But when she opened her eyes and saw the way she was shaking with fear, she had the urge to laugh aloud as she looked very funny.   Ellen’s hand rose automatically and she tried to adjust her dress and her cap.   Water dripped down below her waist and had made her shoes wet. Her brown eyes were filled with tears and blinked them back furiously. And she actually thought she was going to get through one day without having incurred sister’s wrath. “I am sorry sister.” Her mouth quivered beneath nurse Cynthia’s steely gaze. “May I ask you what are you doing in the kitchen nurse Ellen?” The head nurse asked calmly. “Mr. Ker asked for warm water, sister and I was just pouring the water on the pot to heat it.” Ellen said softly. “I see and what about Mr Butler? Weren’t you supposed to get him some tea? It seems you had promised both of them but I guess you have forgotten to other task. I am just coming from the ward and he is not happy at all.” The head nurse said with disappointment.   Ellen then remembered that she had forgotten. “ Oh, no.” I had completely forgotten about him.” She was on her way to get the tea for Mr Butler, when Mr Ker had called her over and asked for the warm water and she had chatted with him for few minutes. She knew it was no excuse, of course, as sister looked at her with displeasure. “ I will get it straight away, sister.” She said in a shaken voice.   “That won’t be necessary. Leon has attended to it. I would suggest, nurse Ellen, that you clear up the mess you have made here and go up and change your uniform and report back to me on the ward in ten minutes.” “Yes, sister.” Ellen whispered with a sigh.   She went across to the cupboard and taking out a mop, cleared the mess she had made within minutes. She was waiting for the water to boil, when Leon  Davis walked into the kitchen. He was the famous young and handsome male nurse and had every female in the hospital turn their head, when he walked in.   He was tall, sturdy and very attractive but Ellen wasn’t looking at his good looks, she was busy drying  out the water out of her apron.  “Come on Ellen,  don’t be sad. The head nurse is on the war-path. Here, let me wait for the water to boil and you go and change.”   “No Leon, I will do it myself. She must be waiting for me do something stupid again, so I better do it from my end.” Ellen said loudly.   Noel grinned and said. “ Oh, come on, its’s not that bad. You know Cynthia’s shouts but is she not that bad.” “Hmm….not where I am concerned it isn’t. That’s the second time this week. I am supposed to see her in ten minutes and if she reports to the HR team, I am finished. Oh, Leon, its all my fault. I am prone to make accidents and it always ends me into trouble.”     ‘I am sure its really not that bad.” He studied her seriously. Ellen was a very pretty women. She was twenty years old but looked much younger than her age. And somehow he felt very protective towards her, when ever she got herself into trouble.   “Perhaps you are trying too hard to please people.” He pointed it out.   Its just that I want  so desperately to be a nurse. I always have.” “Don’t we all?” Leon asked mockingly. “Yes but you don’t understand, I always grew-up with this idea of myself as a sort of modern-day Florence Nightingale, looking after the sick people.” “Sitting beside their bed the whole night…………” he mocked again gently. Ellen lifted her chin fiercely and said. “I am not playing around with my job. Its what I want to do. I would die if I would have to give it up because I wasn’t good enough.” Leon moved away from where he was standing and came close behind her. And put a comforting arm around her. “You are good Ellen, don’t worry this phase will pass very soon.” He said looking at her sad face and kissed her cheeks and she blushed shyly. The door flew open and a tall guy, in white coat with an angry expression on his face demanded forcefully. “Where are all the staff gone? I want to see the head burse immediately.” He looked at both of them and continued. “If you can spare the time from your other leisure activity, perhaps you would be kind enough to find her and inform her that I would like a word with her. If it won’t be too much of a nuisance.” He added sarcastically. Ellen felt her temper rise but before she could say anything Leon said. “Not at all sir. I will find the head nurse for you now.” With a swift look in her direction, Leon was gone.   Ellen could feel that the person standing before was scrutinizing her.   “I don’t remember seeing you here before. Are you new?” He asked flatly.   It was hardly surprising he didn’t know her as the hospital was really big and the doctors in the hospital were gods and this was not just some ordinary god but The Mike Knight, who was the miracle doctor and nurses were mere helpers and were expected to keep silent and do their work. Her chin rose. “ No sir, I am not new in this hospital but have been here in the men’s ward for about a month now.” “Really? He looked at her thoughtfully. “I an surprised the ward has survived intact for that long.” She felt hot colour surge into her cheeks but he gave her no chance to utter the protest which hung on her lips. “ I suggest, nurse, that you get out of that uniform unless you were planning on returning to the ward in this state.”   She stared in horror down at the sad state of her uniform. Its appearance certainly  hadn’t been improved by Leon’s comforting embrace.   “Oh, my God, I forgot.” “I didn’t doubt about it.” His lips curled contemptuously.   “Perhaps if you have kept your mind on your work and not on opposite s*x than you would have done your work more efficiently.” He mocked at her.   For a moment Ellen was left speechless but it was enough. He was already striding away, leaving her shaking with furry and wishing she had never set eyes on him. Well, with a bit of luck she never would again. She did not know what to do now as she had to rush to nurse’s home to change her uniform before something else happened.            
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