Chapter 2

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Chapter 2“You sure it’s nothing serious?” Ull watched Matteo leave before asking the question. “Pretty much.” Priel nodded. “I didn’t feel anything malevolent when I touched him. He’s right, too, Ull. It wasn’t your fault.” “He was in my care. I left him. He got shot.” “You were lured away on purpose, so that Ciaran could attack Matteo. You couldn’t have known any more than Matteo did. We should be grateful Ciaran didn’t opt to remove you permanently. He is a strong and ruthless adversary, Ull.” “I still blame me.” Ull’s head and shoulders drooped and even his tail ceased its almost perpetual motion. “Then it’s time you stopped. You don’t want Matty feeling worse do you?” Priel folded his arms as he met Ull’s stare. “Yes, I’m being unfair, but I don’t want you morose, which, in turn, will make Matteo focus on that scar again.” “For an angel, you sure fight dirty, Prissy.” Ull growled the words, but his tail swished back and forth once more. “You must be rubbing off on me.” Priel grinned. “If you’re back to using that nickname, I must have made a good impression on you.” “I wish.” Opening his mouth to speak, Priel closed it again unable to think of a retort that fit before Matteo returned, wearing a dark pink, brushed-cotton, open-necked shirt. Having almost been caught out by the angel, Ull was more than relieved to see his young human friend, especially looking much happier. “Way better.” Ull enthused over the shirt. “Let’s hit the road. Bags, I drive.” When Ull bounced out of the garage elevator, onto one of the thick cement columns then into a red convertible sports car, neither Priel nor Matteo showed any surprise. Ull landed effortlessly in the driver’s seat and looked back at them with a wide grin. He loved to drive and felt like a kid let loose in a candy store. He saw Matteo laugh softly and expected an acerbic comment from Priel, but the angel had an affectionate smile and simply looked at him, shook his head, and sighed. “Demon? Big kid more likes. I’ll ride in the back. Make sure Ull sits on his tail.” Priel pointed at the appendage as he donned large sunglasses before settling in the back of the car. “Ready, Matty?” Ull asked as Matteo buckled himself into the passenger seat and returned Ull’s infectious grin. “Sure. Priel says to sit on your tail.” “Spoilsport,” Ull grumbled good-naturedly. However, teasing the angel with his tail when driving the powerful car, and especially when he had a human passenger, was not a smart move. Wriggling a little, he complied with the order. With a whoop of glee, he gunned the engine and pulled away in a screech of protesting tyres. Glancing into the rear-view mirror, Ull saw Priel sitting back, wearing his large sunglasses, with his arms stretched out on the back of the car seat. He looked as if he was a glamorous movie star. With a wordless growl, Ull focused on the road ahead, giving all his attention to his driving. The journey through the late afternoon traffic took little time to complete. Ull parked in the lot attached to the Bar and the three men strolled towards to entrance. Matteo entered first and greeted the large demon who guarded the doorway, receiving a wave of two of the demon’s four arms in return. He headed toward his grandfather’s favourite table. Still in the doorway, an affectionate smile curving his lips, Ull watched Matteo walk to the table next to a tree and a small, freestanding fountain. He knew Matteo loved loved that particular table as much as his grandfather did. Although the Bar served alcohol, the bar’s staff, a mix of human and demonic, would only sell one alcoholic drink per person and the doorman knew if anyone had been drinking as soon as they entered. This place, like several others of its kind, was one of rest and harmony, where one could go and soak up the positive atmosphere and re-charge their internal battery. Ull breezed in after Matteo but ground to a halt when he realised Priel was not right behind him. Glancing back, Ull felt a thrill of irritation that the doorman was favouring the angel with a wide, easy grin and, worse still, Priel was smiling back. Retracing his steps, Ull simply insinuated his body between the two bigger males, flashing a snarl, rather than smile, at the doorman. He was peripherally aware of the angel calmly strolling inside as if it had been his intention to aggravate Ull. His mood was not helped by the bigger demon leaning down until millimetres from his face. “You got it bad, little man, shame he don’t even notice you.” It took a great deal of self-control for Ull not to respond. This was not a place for negative emotions. Therefore he flipped a finger at the doorman and stepped bouncily towards his group. He glanced back over his shoulder. “He may not notice me, but he’d need a lobotomy to consider you and I know Prissy isn’t dumb.” The other demon did not bother to reply. Ull wondered if the doorman thought he stood a chance with Priel. His gaze shifted back to the angel. He’d faced demons of all shapes and sizes in his job of protecting humanity, but he still lacked the confidence and courage to approach Priel. Glancing at the table, Ull’s mood brightened when he saw that Priel sat on one of the curved couches and Matteo was next to a petite brunette in another. That meant he could sit beside the angel. He leapt over the back of the seat and slid in alongside Priel. He grinned at the other members of the team sitting with them. Grace, another one of the field operatives, sat next to Matteo. She was a demi-demon and her husband, Blake, a human, was due out of hospital within the next couple of days. Ull knew she’d requested time off to care for him. In the next seat were the identical twins, Jon and Jim. With their blond hair, blue eyes, golden, tanned skin and athletic bodies, they were almost impossible to tell apart and often acted like a single entity. They pulled twelve hour stints working the computers and communications. They were pretty enough on the eyes, but not to Ull’s taste. The other pair of field operatives was still absent due to injury. Their group had suffered badly over the past few months. Drinks were already on the table and Ull reached for his, sucked hard on his straw, and relished the sour concoction as he swallowed. A mix of cranberry juice and apple sours. Priel had a crystal flute with sparkling champagne, Grace was drinking apple juice, the twins shared a tequila sunrise, Matty had a virgin mojito and the final glass was a virgin Mary and Ull just knew it had extra kick from a scotch bonnet chili pepper. That was Grandfather’s and if it was on the table then Giulio was around somewhere nearby. Darting his gaze around, Ull tried to spot Grandfather. There were times that the way the human could appear so noiselessly and unexpectedly made Ull feel as if there was something preternatural about Grandfather, and yet the man was supposed to be merely human; intelligent, strong, and still remarkably athletic, but human nonetheless. “Good, the gang’s all here.” The deep, cultured voice came from close to his shoulder and Ull shook his head as the leader of their group arrived to take his place. Grandfather had done it again. “What’s happening, Grandfather?” Priel took a sip of his champagne as the older man seated himself. Taking another drink, Ull knew that although Priel was actually the oldest of the group, as well as a celestial, Priel respected Grandfather in more ways than just as their group’s leader. “We are getting a new member of the team,” Giulio announced. He smiled as everyone moved closer in anticipation. “In two days’ time we will be joined by Vilmos.” He closed his eyes at the storm of protest that followed his words. Looking at his expression, Ull knew the protests were clearly expected. However, Giulio simply reached and picked up his drink. He took a slow, deliberate swallow of the potent mix, the heat of the pepper stronger than many others could have tolerated. By the time Giulio replaced his glass the initial hubbub had subsided, as Ull knew it would. “But, Granddad, Vilmos was doing Dirty Harry when Eastwood was a kid.” Ull whined the words now the other protests had died down. “He’s no team player.” “He has improved, Ull.” Giulio spoke softly, as if chiding a young child. “Anyway, the matter is not open for discussion. We need some extra strength and it has been decided he is joining us. My main concern is partnering him.” “Oh no.” Ull spoke without thinking. “You can’t partner him with me or Priel. Prissy’s mine…er…my partner.” Ull wished the ground would open at the unintended outburst, but no one seemed to pick up on his words. All eyes were still on Grandfather, waiting for his reaction. Ull’s gaze flicked briefly towards Priel and then away again, the angel not making any movement or comment. “Priel, your thoughts, please.” Giulio spoke calmly, his dark eyes unreadable as he regarded the angel in their midst. Lifting his flute, Priel sipped at his champagne before giving his reply. He set down the glass and met Giulio’s gaze squarely. “Whilst I am more than familiar with the adage that ‘opposites attract’, I think in the case of Ull and Vilmos it is a recipe for disaster. In my case, I have only just house-broken Ull and have no wish to have to repeat the process with another demon.” Man and angel smiled at one another as soft laughter echoed around the table. Then Priel gave a soft sigh. “In truth, Grandfather, I have worked so long alongside Ull, I am always sure I know his next move, where he will be. I fear that if I were to partner Vilmos I would anticipate left and he move right. Another recipe for disaster.” “Thank you, Priel.” Giulio nodded. “The same thought had occurred to me. The partnerships already established would be disrupted if I tried to reassign them, or add Vilmos as a third.” Slowly, Ull let out the breath he’d been holding. It seemed his partnership was safe and secure. He looked around the table unsure where Grandfather was going with his thoughts on Vilmos. Who was left? “I can defer my time off.” Grace spoke up. “I can ask for a nurse to care for Blake.” “But Blake needs you.” Jon and Jim spoke in unison. “Edward said so.” Tension tightening in his stomach, Ull watched as Giulio took another sip of his drink, and then gazed from the twins to Grace. Edward was Blake’s cousin and very talented with computers. He was their IT expert and often called in to upgrade, repair, or maintain the equipment and always spent time chatting to the twins. As Ull’s agitation grew, his tail lashed from side to side behind him. Grace assured the twins that Blake would be fine with a nurse. Setting his glass down, Giulio smiled at Grace. “Thank you, my dear, but that sacrifice, at this time, will not be necessary. It was my thought to partner Vilmos with you, Matty.” “What?” Ull leapt to his feet as Matteo stared wide-eyed at his grandfather. Matteo had never been given a partner of his own. He always teamed up with one of the other pairings, usually him and Priel. “Me?” Matteo’s voice was a rough croak of sound. “Vilmos is aware that he cannot work alone. You have never had a dedicated partner of your own and so have no preconceived notions. Priel and Ull will be on hand to help. I believe it will work.” Giulio patted Matteo’s shoulder gently. “It’s time you had a permanent teammate to work with.” Watching his friend take several large gulps of his virgin mojito, Ull imagined Matteo was fervently wishing for the alcohol kick. While it was always assumed that at some point Matteo would get a partner and become a fully-fledged field operative, just like his grandfather and parents before him, it was still a shock to know it was so imminent. Especially partnered with something of a loose cannon like Vilmos. Matteo glanced across at Ull and Priel, his worry clear to see in the expressive eyes. “You can come to us at any time about anything, Matty.” Priel’s voice was gentle and reassuring as if able to read the human’s fractured thoughts. “We got your back, Matty. Never you worry.” Ull gave a smile and nod. Turning to look back at his grandfather, Matteo nodded. “Yes, Grandfather.”
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