Chapter 13-1

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Chapter Thirteen EVAN “An above-the-knee amputation makes it harder to walk with a prosthesis since there’s no knee to stabilize the prosthetic and hip,” Emily says. “That’s correct,” Dr. Dursley clips. Emily is testing my patience, and with all the commotion, I’m not sure I have much left before I snap at her insubordination. “Dr. Bell.” I shoot her a warning glare, but she barely flinches, which pisses me off even more. She’s wasting our time arguing about this when I know Dr. Dursley is highly proficient in burn cases. “He’s a father and only thirty-five. At least consider a below-the-knee amputation, so he has a better chance of walking again and playing with his kids,” she continues. I glare and give her a silent warning to stop arguing, but of course, she ignores me. “He can

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