Chapter 12-4

756 Words

Nurses move around Evan and begin measuring the percentage of burns on the body. I stand to the side, not wanting to interrupt their flow, but I feel so useless. “Dr. Bell, get over here,” Evan demands. It feels like all hell is breaking loose around me, and I have to remind my feet to move. I walk closer, really getting a look at the skin and how bad the burns are. As I look down his body, I see the lower half of his leg’s severed. The heat of the fire burned right through his skin. “There’s nasal singeing,” Veronica adds. “Sixty-five percent burns, lower half of the body is the worst. Epidermis and dermis are badly damaged. Severe blistering. We actually have both second and third degree.” “Page Dr. Dursley and get trauma surgery down here,” Evan tells another nurse. Everything happe

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