#10 Mate

2066 Words
Lucas POV I stormed out towards the stone. I secretly hoped Milena was there at her spot. When I reached, I was more disappointed not to be able to find her there. I am not sure why I was looking for her. But she comforted me in ways I had not felt in years. I puffed as I looked at the night sky. Milena reminded me so much of Eleanor. Milena was everything, yet different from Eleanor. Milena was strong, unruly, curious, and accepting, like Eleanor. But she had a vulnerable and more matured side to her. I missed Eleanor. Why did she leave me alone? What did she die instead of me that night? I felt more guilty because, without even trying, I was giving away her position to someone whom I should have never met in the first place. I gasped as I wiped my face as if to rub off the settled dust in my eyes. I had to remember everything that Eleanor did and stay true to my mate. I cannot give her position to anyone, no matter what my heart yearns. I hissed when a voice deep down chuckled at me. I was already doing things I never did for anyone. Was I anymore in control over my heart to make such claims? I was foolishly looking and hoping to find Milena everywhere like a love-struck puppy! I shook my head to get rid of Milena from my mind as if it would work. I let out a deep breath and focused on my time together with Eleanor. Memories of how we had met and fell in love, her sweet scent, her playful laughter, and her queen-like attitude danced in front of my eyes. Every corner stored some memory of us. A small smile slipped from my lips as I remembered our wedding vows and the happy times we had when we found out she was pregnant. Without even realizing it, a teardrop trickled down my cheek. The painful memory of her miscarriage flashed through my eyes. Eleanor was reckless when she gave up everything that night to save me. It would have been better if I had died instead of her and our unborn child. I felt flustered. The guilt that I was favoring another woman surmounted. Eleanor is irreplaceable in my heart. She is my one and only mate from the moon goddess. I will treasure her forever. I could sense someone coming close to me from behind. I turned and pinned down the person out of reflex, only to realize it was Milena. She was beneath me, and our faces were only a few inches apart. The closeness was dangerous for me. I immediately got up before I did something foolish that I would regret later. The willpower I had been trying to summon until now began melting away as soon as her vulnerable eyes met with my empty ones. There was this exposed side of her that made me feel possessive about her. I wanted to protect her and ensure that nothing harm ever comes to her. It was weird to feel so protective about someone if they are not your mate. Perhaps the guilt that I could not save Eleanor that day resurfaces when I look at Milena. Maybe she is my redemption. Perhaps, it is my calling to keep her safe from danger. Or are these silly logics that my mind is telling me so that I can justify my actions? I was confused and shaken. My eyes moved towards Milena's lips involuntarily when she bit her lips by mistake. A forbidden desire rippled through me as I clenched my fists to subdue it. "Why are you sneaking up on me?" I was irritated. Not because of her, but because of my confusing state of mind and heart. But she was the only one I could direct it. She was the reason behind my dilemmas. "I saw you coming here from my window. I want some answers, and I doubt you are purposefully staying low behind that barrier to avoid me.", Milena retorted with sincerity. She was a little pissed at me, but who could blame her. I could have spared some time for her. But the fact that I let my guards down around her willingly weighed down on me. Also, I was genuinely busy after Rosalind's discovery on vervhex. "Why will I hide from you?" I scoffed purposefully. The truth was, some part of me did not want to face her. Sometimes she reminded me of Eleanor. Sometimes it was her that caught me off guard and fluttered my heart. I was vulnerable around her. I had never felt this way about anyone. Not even with Eleanor, even though she was my mate. With her, it was an instant connection. We were mates. But with Milena, I feel an undeniable, ununderstandably attraction that I cannot shake off even if I try. It could be out of loneliness or because it was refreshing how honest Milena was. I felt like I could not hide anything from her, even if I tried. Like she could see into my soul with her deep brown eyes. But in the end, I felt like I was cheating. Eleanor and Milena were alike in many ways, like their determination, strength, curiosity, and energy, but Eleanor was wily. She could be smart and manipulative if required. She believed in first impressions. She was a strategist and a strong Luna that Lunasia deserved. But Milena is innocent. She is honest and sincere. She is straightforward, kind, and full of a warm heart. She tried to see good in others, even when they could hurt her. No wonder she was still trusting that Karl. She would stick with you, try to understand you, and even trust someone who was not trustworthy. She was feeling the hole in my heart with her warmth, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. "What do you want to ask?" I averted her gaze. If I looked into her eyes, there would be nothing that I wouldn't tell her. "Why did you kill that man?" Milena was stuck with that. It was as if that hindered her from seeing or accepting something. I sighed. Her questioning, blatant eyes had no cover or filter. Honest and straightforward! "You have grown comfortable around me to use that tone. Are you enjoying your stay here, Milena?" I smirked. When she sulked and pouted, my mood instantly started getting a bit better. She had such an effect on me. And it kept growing. No one wants to feel pathetic all the time. But she was the only one who could uplift my spirits. "I am not here to play your games, Lucas. Answer me honestly." Milena sighed, looking at the sky. She was impatient. "He is the reason behind my sister's condition, and I killed him so that he cannot do that ever again," I answered most thoroughly. "That I figured out. But why not hand him over to law or something? Don't you have it over here?" Milena probed. She clearly was too naive to understand our world and its rule even if I tried to explain her. "Milena, our world does not run that way. We are creatures of the moon and the sun. Some have diverted intentions and can be more harmful and malicious than others. We kill in order to protect our world and maintain the balance in your world. Plus, why can't you still figure out that I am the ruler? My word is the rule here." I tried to reason with her. "I don't understand," is what she replied after a small silence. I sat on the rock and gestured for her to sit beside me on my rock. She obliged. "Milena, our world is more cruel and powerful. Everyone you see in Lumen is more powerful than your kind will ever be. What if one of them goes rogue? They will kill at will. And the one you saw me killing was doing that. Your law will never be able to hold him when we don't have other means to contain them but kill. They are like zombies." I tried to explain to her in a more common way. I thought she would relate to the zombie concept since they had so many movies and series on them. "You have zombies here?" She panicked, making me burst into a peal of laughter. Was that all she understood from that? "It was just a reference, silly. Most of us can make people forget. Some can use magic, and others can shapeshift." I poked her forehead, affectionately even without realizing it. It was like a reflex. Being with her felt comfortable. "Like werewolves? They are real?" She interrupted, her curiosity rising. "Yes, and others like skinwalkers, mimics, mermaids. There are others, too. Some have also extinct now. There are predator species that kill other supernaturals as their prey. Even some in your world are aware of us. Some make deals, other hunt. Only the communities that stay in groups have strengthened over time." I explained to her a little about the various species and the co-existence system of Lunasia. "Are you telling me there are others more powerful than you?" She blurted out, her eyes popping out. What astonished me was the hint of sadness in her voice. Does she want me to be the most powerful? Is she really liking Lumen and this place now? Several questions ran through my mind because of her reaction. "No, Lumen is the most powerful place in Lunasia, which makes its residents the strongest. But, we are peaceful. Here, people of various supernatural kinds coexist in peace and harmony. It has increased our powers and influence. Also, it is one of the reasons, now we have many hybrids, but only one side is dominant. Some have mutated genes with advanced powers due to cross-species mating." I said proudly. It took us years to build this, and every Lumenian is proud of it. "Why did you bring me with you? You could have made me forget!" she whispered out of confusion out of nowhere. She had some serious problems with sticking to the topic. Honestly, there were many reasons, but I chose to speak only about what was relevant. "That Mimic attacked my sister. They could shapeshift into you after draining you and killing you. They would have then trapped me in human law. It would have been more painful to haunt them." I explained it to her. She nodded her head in understanding. I was slightly relieved that I could finally convince her. The moon was glowing brightly in the sky, and the twinkling stars made the sky look pretty. I could not help but steal some glances from Milena. She looked serene. "Milena," I called her, breaking her trance. "Who is Karl?" She looked away, feeling uneasy at my question. "Did Lucian fill you in? I bet he did." Milena sighed. "Karl is my ex-boyfriend. But he is still obsessed with me." She replied. "Were you happy with him?" I asked. But she chose to ignore my question. "My foster aunt promised my hand in marriage to someone much older than me. Ronald is a man of power, influence, and money in my world. Even Karl is keeping his distance because of Ronald." Milena's truth unsettled me. I don't care how wealthy that perverted old man was. "Why would you agree to marry him? You don't have to go back." I couldn't help but be protective. It was becoming more instinctive. "Trixie is there. I have to return." Milena swallowed hard. "I will protect you and her," I promised. She didn't say anything. But her eyes gleamed with hope. Her silence spoke more than what she could have. I made a silent promise that I would not let Milena spoil her life over Karl, Ronald, or anyone. I was determined to overthrow every obstacle in her life. I will be her guard. Nothing ever would be able to hurt her anymore. I could not help but take her hands. I wasn't sure why she did not oppose it either. Did she feel the same way? Who knows? We sat there silently for some more time in comfortable silence, our heartbeats doing most of the talking.
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