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The class was difficult for me to concentrate on. As the lecturer continued to talk about macroeconomics, my thoughts seemed to be floating in the air like they were floating on a cloud. Today, what did I come across? Who did I come across today? What brought me to see him today? What is the secret to a man's stunning good looks and handsomeness? Emma's face caught my attention. Emma was a stunning young lady with beautiful blue eyes and a blond hair color. A touch of makeup was all that was needed to make her look energizing and attractive. That guy was looking at her in a stare. It's a poor guy! My first thought was that he was unaware of the fact that Emma had already been taken. I don't understand why you keep looking at me so much. As of right now, you are sulking. So, what took place? Would you like to see something on my face? A hushed voice was used by Emma to inquire. Not at all. There was no incident, and your face is showing no signs of damage. My question is, if you could show me how to apply eyeliner and lipstick in such a manner, I would greatly appreciate it. The way it looks on your face is absolutely stunning. Even though what I said was accurate, I was unable to come up with any other excuse besides this ridiculous one. Eyeliner and lipstick were applied to her face, and they looked absolutely flawless. Her grin continued, "Sure. "At any time" However, my thoughts were still very much removed from the class. Upon seeing Emma, he turned his gaze toward me, and I had the impression that his eyes had become more astonished. On top of that, he mumbled something. Despite the fact that the room was well-ventilated, I could feel the temperature rising on my cheeks. As a result, I made contact with them using my hands. Not at all! What would cause him to be surprised? When he mumbled, what was it? Oh my! That was the entirety of my foolish thought. Ignore it for a moment. With this resolute determination, I made my way back to my dormitory. When I get home from dinner, I spend some time putting together my luggage for the trip. "Ahh!" Consequently, that ought to be the issue!' As if I had suddenly gained a new understanding, I let out an exclamation. It came as a surprise to that dashing individual when he saw me standing next to Emma. 'Who is this shorty beside this blonde beauty?' he must have thought to himself. This enlightenment made me feel more depressed. Having finished all of the tasks at hand, I went ahead and went to bed. I was looking at the white ceiling when I noticed a face floating up in front of me. What a dashing young man! As soon as I laid eyes on him, I couldn't help but think that he was more handsome than any other boy I had ever seen. My eyes landed on him by accident, and it just so happened that his eyes met mine at the same time. Oh, my dearest God! He appeared to be in the same state of shock as I was, and he mumbled something. After that, I just missed a heartbeat. Despite the fact that I only caught a glimpse of him, his beauty was so captivating that I felt as though I lacked the words to adequately describe it. His nose was perfectly straight, his eyebrows were dark, and his jaw line was thick and strong. He had a handsome face. His light grey eyes, which appeared to be deep Crystal Lake, his pale skin complexion, his long platinum blonde wavy hair, which was falling down his broad shoulder, and his light grey hair made him the perfect image of an elf prince in real life. I had the impression that I was looking at a humanoid beast, or more accurately, a humanoid wolf, in front of me. His sharp gaze, which has the ability to penetrate one's very being, the strength, the confidence, and the wildness that he exuded in his face and body all contributed to this impression. I had no idea why I was able to think of a wolf as a character to compare him to. It was my belief at the time that staring at him for an extended period of time was detrimental to my heart, and as a result, I averted my gaze away from him. I pretended that nothing had occurred, as is my customary practice. I started a conversation with Emma and then I started to move away from him slowly. I noticed that he was tall as I was walking by him; in fact, he was so tall that I appeared to be almost half of his height when I was standing next to him. He possessed a robust physique that was as solid as a rock. I was also able to detect his body odor. It was so delicious that it made my mouth water. I am well aware that I am coming across as a p*****t. But believe me when I say that even though I had been looking for that scent for a very long time, I found it to be so alluring and so manly. There is one thing that is bothering me, and that is the question of why he was looking in my direction and appeared to be so surprised. I had the impression that he was there for me. On the other hand, why me? Even Emma was present, and she is a stunning woman according to some standards. It's possible that he was taken aback when he saw who this Shorty was standing next to the blonde beauty. To this day, I have the impression that he was there for me and not for Emma. Could it be that I am overthinking things? Oh my goodness, that boy with the elf-beast smell! "Wham!" No, no, no! No, no, no! A sensation came over me as if something had exploded inside of my heart, and it was beating wildly. No, no, no! Everything is in good shape. Although my breasts were getting in the way of my hand, I continued to rub the area of my chest where my heart was located. When I thought about the trip that would begin the following morning, I rolled my eyes and shifted my focus to the destination. As a result, I needed to get some rest. Moreover, I had no choice but to get rid of all of those strange concerns I had about that boy because we were never going to see each other again. Even if we were to meet, we were not going to talk or engage in any other manner! "Oh! " I mumbled, "Goodbye handsome boy and all of my thoughts related to you." I needed to get him out of my head and start forgetting about him. There was a voice within me that said, "You are going to see him again, you silly girl!" I believe we could refer to this voice as my inner thought, my inner voice, or my sixth sense. "Shut up, you liar!" the speaker yelled. I said, and then I went to sleep. The next morning, I went to the train station to meet up with my friends. The idea of taking the train came to me because I wanted to take in the scenery through the enormous glass window that was on the train. It took us only two hours to leave the city and begin our journey through the mountains and the forest. Those mountains, which were still covered in snow and fog, were in my line of sight all along. The forest appeared to be the darkest green with a few patches of lighter green. It had the same air of mystique as that boy who was a vampire. Hold on! When I was thinking about him once more! 'No!' "What's up! Where did you get that frown? Does there appear to be a problem? Suddenly, Nathan jolted me out of my reflection. It's not! I am alright. It is meaningless. I was wondering if there was something that I had forgotten. "Oh! " All right. However, if you think too much, you will end up with a bald head. "Ha ha ha!" Nathan did a chuckle. I, too, laughed in response to that. Mr. Zach Have you ever gotten into a fight with yourself to the point where you suffered a broken bone? I was able to. The beast in me was completely opposed to the idea of rejecting my newly discovered partner, but I was adamant about my decision to do so. The imbalance between my human nature and my beast nature caused my bones to break, and my beast-self, which was well aware of how quickly I could heal, was responsible for this. Despite the fact that they healed repeatedly after being broken on a regular basis, it was a very painful experience. At some point in the morning, I was able to get my hands on the mobile phone and make a call to Nelson. "What's up! Carry out a task for me. I avoided the idle chatter and went straight to the point. "What exactly is it? I don't understand why you seem to be in a lot of pain. That's not a significant point. Locate the girl that we saw the day before. Bring her to me at this very moment. It is my desire to re-aah! I was twisted in the arm by Sirius, which caused Isaac, my human self, to become more obstinate. "I want to reject her on her face." I was the one who broke the line. Despite the fact that I gave him orders over the phone, the alpha beast Sirius was the one who gave Nelson's beast-self orders on the spiritual level. It wasn't long before I received a call from Nelson. It's me, buddy! Do you realize that you are not allowing me to move even an inch? The weight of my alpha's expectations is too much to bear. I could tell that he was in a lot of pain. It was very clear to me that Sirius was pressing Nelson's head against the ground with the front right leg, and Nelson was whimpering weakly as he did so. Then, with a sigh, I resigned. "All right. For the time being, I am supporting. The beta for me is Nelson. Calm down, because I don't want to cause him any harm. At the moment, my human self, Isaac, and my beast self, Sirius, have agreed to a temporary truce.
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