Unknown Girl At The Party

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Ambrose POV "Yes dad I will be very happy as you said, but I don't want to live the life as you have lived. My thinking is very different from yours. Today whatever I am or whatever my personality is just because you and mom. I don't believe in relationships nor do I have any love in my heart for anyone. I want to run the business my way. I want people who are loyal to me, who are not I will get them out of my way." My father said "Yes I heard about this, you had killed Carlos who was also your friend." "He was just a friend for a name, he was using friendship as a staircase to get on the top. He was backstabbing me so it was important for me to get rid of him," I said. My dad has committed so many crimes, so have I. I was not like this before, now I am becoming heartless. I am slowly converting into my dad, and my dad is happy about that. He then joined the other guests at the party. I stood there near the balcony while I watched the guests enter the mansion. While I was standing near the balcony observing the guests, that was when my eyes fell on someone who was wearing a mask like me. No one wore a mask except me, but that person wore a mask. It was a girl who wore a black mask. She was wearing a red slit dress and her hands were covered with black lace mittens. She was entering the hall, but she kept looking around as if she was trying to hide her identity. I felt that girl was fishy, so I walked towards the hall, my eyes were at the entrance of the hall curious to know who the girl was. Everyone was dancing on the dance floor. There was a ball organised for today's party. So all the couples were busy dancing along with their partners. I saw the girl enter the party and she was looking around here and there as if she was searching for someone all the time. My eyes were on her. I tried to go a little close to her but before that I saw a guy forcing her to join him for a dance. I watched them from a distance. She agreed to dance with him, so they moved towards the dance floor to dance. I observed that though she was dancing with him, her mind was somewhere else. She kept looking around the hall as if she was searching for someone. The music had stopped and I saw them heading towards me. The guy greeted me. "Hello Prince, congratulations for being the new CEO." I looked at him and said thank you. I looked at the girl and asked her if she would like to dance with me as I was curious to know about her. She hesitated a little but agreed to it. We went to the dance floor where another song was being played. We started dancing. I pulled her towards me, but she tried to move away but I caught her waist tightly. Her body odour drove me insane; I wanted to kiss her and take her to my bed, but I restrained myself. Her skin was smooth and her waist was small. I started dancing with her, "Who are you searching for?" I questioned her. "Uhh, no one," she replied in a soft tone. "I know you are searching for someone. You are not aware, but I was observing you for a while and I feel that you are here for something, so now tell me what are you doing here??." "I am here to enjoy the party." She added. "Oh really young lady, I find you very suspicious otherwise you would not be with a mask here, you are hiding your identity." I said while I danced with her. "I told you, that i am here to only enjoy the party, you must have misunderstood me." She said, trying to defend herself. "Okay, then I might have mistaken you, but I want you to answer this question. "What question??," she asked me. "Who invited you to this party??." She didn't answer. She just kept thinking. "The king of the mafia invited me to this party," she replied in a soft tone. "Okay fine, let's see if you are telling me the truth, whoever is invited to this party their names are written in the list, let's see if your name is written." She just looked at me, I pulled her hands and headed towards the guard who had the list of names of the guests. The guard took out the list of names. "What is your name?" The guard questioned her. She didn't reply, she just stared at the floor. "Didn't you hear, what is your name?" I questioned her, waiting for an answer. "Ro.. Rose," she said while stammering. "Rose what??You must have your surname right, so tell us what your surname is. "Rose Warner." "Search for Rose Warner on this list," I told the guard while I stared at her. She stood in a corner while the guard searched for her name. That is when I noticed a birth mark on her hand. It was like a rare birth mark which I had never seen before. There was a C on her shoulder. It was red in colour. "What is that on your shoulder?" I questioned her. "It's my birthmark," she replied. The guard took a while to search for her name in the list. He then looked at me and said, "There is no such guest named Rose Warner, sir. This girl is an imposter." "Guard's, this person is an imposter. You know what to do next," I told them. There was pin drop silence in the hall. My dad's attention was drawn to us as well, and he turned to face me, saying loudly, "Don't let her escape." As the guard's approached her, she punched them and she did a flip. She was so good at martial arts, the guards couldn't get hold of her. She soon escaped from the mansion, she was so good at her moves. I was impressed with her fighting skills. I wanted to know who this unknown girl was and why she was here. My dad was furious. He was very angry because that girl escaped. He said in a loud tone, "Party over, everyone can leave." The guards then showed the way out for the guests. My dad took a seat on the couch while he puffed his cigarette. He was stressed and angry. "Why are you stressed, dad??," I questioned him. "Didn't you see what happened, Ambrose? She just escaped, so she must have collected some information, and that could be bad for us. Our guards were so weak and foolish that they couldn't get her and she escaped so easily."my dad said with a worried look on his face. "Don't worry, dad, she didn't get any information regarding our place." "How can you be so sure, Ambrose, that she didn't collect any information from our place." "I had kept a watch on her since she entered our hall. She acted suspicious, so that is how I got to know she is an imposter." "You kept a watch on her??." "Yes dad." "You could have got her right then why did you let her escape." "Yes I could, I am stronger than your guard's dad. She would not be able to fight me, but I want to track her down. It will be so much fun." "So you let her go for fun, Ambrose." "Yes dad, you still don't know how I work. Just leave it on me. Very soon I will track her down, I want to know who she is, I feel her different." "Do whatever you want, but I want you to find that girl." "Yes I will dad. Don't worry about that, I will find her very soon." "Great then, I am counting on you, I have now given you a very big responsibility and I want you to do it well. I want you to make our company reach new heights, and I know that you will be able to do it soon." "Yes I will, Dad, don't worry about the company, it's now my responsibility". "Yes, son." "Don't worry about anything here dad, I will handle everything here, you just travel safely." "Yes I will, and don't break the rules son' "Yes I won't dad, don't worry about that." "It's time for me to leave now, Take care son, and don't forget that I am watching you." "Yes, dad, I know. Bye." He then headed towards his car and his guard was handling my dad's suitcase. From a distance I watched my dad leave in his car. I kept smiling while my dad left towards the airport. "Why are you smiling so much sir??." Jeremiah questioned me. "Just smiling, there is no reason." I said. "Sir, your dad will be keeping a watch on you." "I am aware of that Jeremiah, but at least I got my freedom. He used to constantly interfere in my life and business, but now he is not here to do so." "Yes sir, I am happy for you." "Come on, Jeremiah, let's go home, I don't wanna stay in this place anymore," "Yes sir, come on." I headed towards my car, Jeremiah opened the door for me and I took a seat inside. He then closed the door and headed towards the driver's seat. He then drove towards my mansion, and my other guards followed our car. "What are you going to do next, sir??"He questioned me. "Very simple, Jeremiah, I'm going to handle my father's business in my own way; you know my way very well, right Jeremiah?" I asked. "Yes sir, I am very well aware of it"He laughed. "Yes sir, he replied while he looked at me from the rear view mirror. "Sir, I wanted to ask you, how are you gonna find that unknown girl who was at the party??," He questioned me. "Good question, Jeremiah, I will soon figure out a way to find that girl, till now I have just found a clue." "What kind of clue??." "I can't tell you that now because I want to find her all by myself, without anyone's help, not even yours, Jeremiah." "What is so special about that girl that you want to find her all by yourself??." "I have never come across a girl like her, I want to know who she is and why she was here, and very soon I will find that out. Wherever she is, I am going to find her. She can hide but she cannot escape from me." Her face was hidden with the mask except her eyes which were very beautiful and attractive.
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