
1310 Words

Devin “At least now you know that you aren’t a Dad. That’s got to feel good, right? I would be relieved if I was in your shoes,” Aiden asks. I know he feels like he has been walking on eggshells given my rollercoaster of emotions, but how am I supposed to feel?    I feel completely wounded. I lost my mate. I can only hope that I find her. Thus far, I have no idea where she could be.    Then I found out I have a son. After that, I found out that it was all fake and staged to drive a wedge between my perfect relationship.    And lastly, the salt on the wound, I can’t get any justice. I have no idea how to find Taylor, the mastermind behind my troubles. When we tried looking for her, we found out that she quit her job and disappeared. People around me seem very good at disappearing. 

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