CHAPTER FOUR: A Bitter Truth

1260 Words
Fiona Skye I cleaned my eyes for the hundredth time. I had been in tears since I overheard Darren and his best friend talk about me in such a descending manner. Or was I not the subject of their discussion? I knew Darren as his father’s carbon copy; promiscuous and selfish but not as a womanizer. Just like I overheard, if there was someone he had mated with, it had to be me or maybe the witch, Scarlett but I doubt the discussion was about me. It had to be Scarlett but I wouldn’t be surprised. She has actually been throwing herself at him at every given chance and now it seemed he had come to accept her which always had me in a puzzled mood. I could recall vividly the last time I had a face-off with her and her minions, I passed out while trying to retaliate. It was the most irritating added to the list, embarrassing, and annoying part of my life. I hated being weak. They knew I was weak and they had taken advantage of it without relenting. Why I would always pass out each time I tried to retaliate was something I couldn’t place my hands on. Darren had hurt me. He had totally broken me but regardless, I still felt a bit of hope and understanding for him. Maybe they weren’t talking about me or he was just trying to act some kind of way so his best friend would not know that he loves me. Or my name was mentioned because he was planning a huge mating ceremony for us. Just maybe. I stood from the floor where I sat, cleaning my eyes of every trace of tears. I needed to confront Darren. I needed him to clear my doubts but I just hoped that the truth I wanted wouldn’t break me totally. I made my way out of my worn-out servant chamber and headed towards Darren’s. Suddenly remembering Alpha Edwards, hoping he wouldn’t be there to cast me away. On reaching his chamber, I pushed the door open gently, walking in to find him pacing around, deep in thought. He hadn’t realized that I entered so I took my time to read the room. Did anything happen? I asked myself. “Darren,” I spoke up finally. He was shocked. Instantly, he abruptly. “What are you doing here?” He questioned, raising his voice. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as my face met his questioning gaze in surprise. “Darren…” “What do you want?!” He thundered, widening his eyes. It was evident enough that he was raging. “I just…” He walked purposely towards me, making me take a few steps backward until I couldn’t go back anymore. With his finger directed toward my face, he said angrily, “Fiona, this better be the last time you would come find me. You don’t have that privilege anymore,” I was shocked. My body shivered and I felt my heart thumping in my chest. “Why?” I managed to ask. “You’re just a wretched and miserable slave to me, why do you think I would want to have anything to do with you?” He spoke between his teeth. Tears dropped from my ears on hearing those words from him. My heart was seriously breaking and it was as a result of the words from Darren’s mouth. Darren whom I had given myself to; I had loved him regardless of how stupid it seemed. I loved him genuinely regardless of him being the son of my father’s killer. I had let myself loose and fallen helplessly in love with him listening to the moon goddess of having him as my fated mate. Why in the name of her would he treat me like this? I wiped off my tears using my index finger, in a gesture to put myself in order. “But why wouldn’t you want to have anything to do with me given that we’re fated to be together?” I implored, trying to hold back my tears. “Darren, you said you love me. Was that a lie? You said I am the best thing that ever happened to you. You have been so caring and sweet, were you pretending? You said I was the one for you and I. even. gave. you. my. body. even. without. being. publicly. claimed, Darren!” I yelled, letting the tears drop from my eyes uncontrollably. I just couldn’t hold it in anymore. He raised his hand in a rush and let it land on my cheek forcefully. I held my cheek tightly, feeling the hotness of the slap. “Listen and listen very carefully, Fiona. I was never in love with you. All those things I said to you were lies, a lie I told to have you in my bed and it worked! I do not love you! I wouldn’t stoop so low to have anything to do with a forsaken slave like you! I’m very sure that the moon goddess made a mistake by making you my fated mate so get lost this minute!” He exclaimed. I jolted at his words and the high tone of his voice. Immediately, I made my way out of his chambers in tears but before I could get to the door, one of his pack members, Arthur, had gotten in. “We could not find Alpha Edwards' body,” he spoke with so much regret, taking a bow. I abruptly shot daggers at them. Alpha Edwards? He is dead? Serves him right, I said mentally, walking away. “Get everything ready, I have to ascend as the alpha of the Blood Fangs pack. Get everyone gathered in a few minutes at the arena… Darren’s voice faded away as I walked weakly down the hallway, feeling drained, both physically and emotionally. Then, I saw the pack members running past me in a flurry of activity with urgency. I stopped in my tracks, watching them as they went by. Something was happening, something important. What was going on? And why was everyone so frantic? I hated the way I was left out of things, a price to pay for being just a mere slave to them. I rushed out immediately, trailing them only to find them at the mating arena. The place was well set up like a mating ceremony was going to be held but I was puzzled. I wondered who was going to get mated. Just as I was about to walk away, I saw Darren coming in, wearing ceremonial attire and in a twinkle of an eye, the female pack members, including Scarlett and her minions, arrived, taking their seats. That was when it occurred to me that Darren was about to become the new Alpha of his pack and before he could ascend as an alpha, he would choose a mate. I watched in disbelief as he chose Scarlett as his mate, over me. It was at that moment that I knew that Darren, really never loved me. Immediately, it started to feel like the air had been sucked out of the arena, and I struggled to breathe. My heart felt like it was being squeezed, and tears pricked at my eyes. I felt like I had been stabbed in the heart, used and discarded. Scarlett stood by Darren's side, looking smug and triumphant. How could he do this to me? Why me? Had I meant so little to him? I fled the arena.
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