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Chapter Six " Relax, Fiona, you have been running for almost two hours now. You should rest, or aren't you tired?" Maya whined for the umpteenth time. She had been asking me to stop running, but I didn't listen to her. "No, Maya. I'm not tired," I replied breathlessly. I was tired already, but I didn't want to stop. "I'm sure you are getting tired already, but you just don't want to admit it," Maya added again, but I ignored her. She was right though. I have been running for almost two hours now. I don't even know how I was able to do it, but I just needed to do it. I wanted to be somewhere near the pack. I was sure that Daren must have sent some guards to chase me, and if they should get a hold of me, then I would be dead. I would be punished severely for what I did to Arthur. I don't think I can take any more torture from them anymore. I have had enough already. I know that I will receive a double punishment because I dared to retaliate and fight back. Heaven knows that I don't want that. I was getting tired already, but still, I didn't stop. I just needed to be far away from them. "I know, Maya, I just have to be far away from the packed ground," I told her. But you are already far from the pack. No one will come after you now. You are safe," She said softly. I decided to listen to her. I stopped running, and I looked around to see if I was no longer close to the pack ground. When I saw a signboard not too far from me, I became relieved that I was not in the pack. The signboard had some words on it. It says "Welcome to Silver Moon pack". That was when I became more than relieved. My breathing was uneven, and I could even hear it. How ironic! I took deep breaths as I tried to catch my breath. I walked towards a log of wood that was a few steps away from me, and I sat on it. I began to reminisce on all that happened that day. I was still in my wolf form. I haven't transformed yet, and that was because I didn't know how to. I recalled how I had stood up against that evil Scarlet. If I hadn't met Maya, she would have actually hit me with that wood. How cruel of her! I huffed angrily. Something suddenly hit me and I felt the need to ask Maya about it. "Maya?" I called softly as soon as I had caught my breath. "Yes, Fiona," she replied almost immediately. I was really happy to know that I wasn't alone in this cruel world anymore. At least I have someone who I would call mine now. That was a huge relief to me. "What happened a while ago?" I asked. "Why did I suddenly get the power to fight back all of a sudden?" I added. "I don't know either. Maybe you could say that's what the moon goddess wants. One thing I know is that you should be happy that she made you strong all of a sudden. Do you know what would have happened if I hadn't shown up? I'm sure you will be dead by now," She replied with a hint of anger in her voice. I know the anger wasn't directed at me but at the people in the pack. I was supposed to be mad at the moon goddess for delaying my wolf. If I had had a wolf when I was still in the pack, I wouldn't have been mocked by the pack members. "Why would she keep me away from you for so long?" I asked as I stared around to access the area where I was. I needed to know if rogues were lurking around the corner. I didn't know how to fight or use my powers yet, and I had to make sure the place was safe for me. When I didn't see anything unusual, I took my attention back to Maya as if I could see her. "Like I told you earlier, I don't know, Fiona. One thing you should know is that the moon goddess never makes a mistake. She probably has a reason for everything she does. She never makes a mistake. Maybe she wanted to prove everyone wrong. They all thought that you were wolfless and weak, but she proved them wrong. Therefore, I would say the moon goddess has her reasons," I nodded my head in agreement. Of course, the moon goddess never makes a mistake. She alone knows why she decided to keep Maya away from me all this while. I… All of a sudden, I began to hear some strange sounds. It sounded like the footsteps of someone. Fear gripped me immediately as I thought that it would be some guards from the Pack. Or what if it was some rogue? "Did you hear that, Maya?" I asked Maya. I wanted to know if she heard it too, or maybe I was just imagining things, but her reply showed that she didn't hear it. "I didn't hear anything," She replied softly again. I relaxed a bit as I told myself that I was just imagining things again. "Anyway, Maya, why can't I change back to human? I mean I can't stay like this, and I can't change either," I suddenly realized that I was still in my wolf form. How could I have forgotten so soon? I loved the colors of my fur. It was white from my neck down to my back, but on my face, it was black. Even though I enjoyed being in this form, I know that I couldn't stay in it forever. I need to change back. It's not like I have clothes to put on when I shift back. "I don't know either. I'm trying to help you change back, but you aren't allowing it, and I don't know why," I exhaled. "It's not like I'm hindering it, Maya. I don't know how to do it," I said with a pout of my lips. "You need to try because there's no way I can help you if you don't permit me…." "Wait," I cut her off as I heard a sound again. This time around, the sound was more audible than the last one. I quickly stood up from the wood as I stared around trying to see if anyone was coming. "What's wrong, Fiona?" Maya asked. She seemed confused. "You didn't hear it?" I asked in confusion. How come I am hearing things, but she isn't? "Relax, Fiona. Take a deep breath and calm down. I didn't hear anything." "But I did," I replied, my eyes still gazing around. I heard her exhale within me. Calm down, Fiona. No one was there. If you have a feeling that it guards the pack, then you are mistaken. No wolf from a pack would ever step boundaries in the borders or the lands of another pack unless their Alpha permitted it," I wanted to feel better at her words, but I couldn't. I was still scared to my bones. I know, Maya, but you know rules can be violated. You know that, right? What if someone entered the pack without the consent of the Alpha?" "Relax, Fiona. Trust me on this, okay?" Maya's voice was calm and stern at the moment. I guess she was getting annoyed that I was refusing to listen to her. "Okay," I replied. A few minutes later, I decided to leave the premises. I didn't know where I was going because I didn't know anywhere around, and that was because I hadn't left the packed ground ever since I was taken as a captive by the late Alpha Edward. I was still in my wolf form as I walked away, the dried grass rustled under my feet. I hadn't walked up for three minutes when Maya asked me to stop walking. "Someone is coming," She said. Fear gripped me immediately, and before I could stop myself, I began to run farther and farther into the woods, even though I was already tired. I stopped running and I began to walk instead. I quickly made up my mind to run towards the gate that was before me for refuge. I passed by a particular spot, but my nose picked up a strong masculine scent. It wasn't an ordinary scent. It was different, incredibly strong, and mouthwatering. Most importantly, a strong connection grew within me towards it, and I could feel blood surge through my veins. This scent felt oddly familiar. I traced the scent to where it was coming from. It was coming from a river bank that I didn't know was there. I knew very well what that feeling was. But I didn't know why I was feeling it or how it was possible. Immediately, Maya began to yell in excitement. "Mate" She yelled loudly this time. I didn't understand what she was saying. How could she point out someone to me and call him our mate? "What are you saying, Maya?" I asked in confusion. "That's our mate," She said again. I couldn't see the man's face because he had his back to me. He was standing in front of the river. "How is that possible?" I creased my brows in confusion. "The moon goddess gave you a second chance mate,"
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