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Chapter Seven "What?" I creased my brows at Maya's words. The moon goddess gave me a second chance mate? It was almost unbelievable. "Yes, Fiona. She gave you one. She gave you a second chance mate,"" she replied. It was at that moment that the man turned back to stare at me. My breath hitched as I took in his face. He was the most handsome man I have ever seen. Daren was handsome, but he wasn't as good-looking as the man in front of me. He was breathtaking. His eyes were the first thing that drew me to him. It was brown. It reminded me of a bowl of chocolate. He had light skin and his hair was sleek black. My eyes moved to his arms. It looked strong. He was muscular. I can't imagine the amount of time he spent in the gym… Before I could continue describing how he looked, he turned to face me, and his words shocked me to my bones. "Mate," He said. I loved the sound of his voice. It was deep and husky. The sides of his lips rose, and a small smile made its way to his face. The next thing, he began to walk in my direction. I wanted to shift back in fear, but I decided against it when Maya asked me not to. "He's our mate. He won't hurt you," She said softly. I nodded my head. "I won't hurt you," he said. It was as if he had sensed that I was scared. I calmed down a bit as soon as I heard his words. He walked closer, and he stopped walking when he was right in front of me. "You are my mate," he repeated, the smile still evident on his face. At his words, Maya began to cry in excitement. "He acknowledged the mate bond. He wants us," She cried. I wanted to listen to her words, to be happy that I had a second chance mate, but then I remembered that Daren had acknowledged the mate bond between us, only for him to trash me after he had gotten what he was. Thus, I was skeptical. "I know what you are thinking about, Fiona, but you don't have to worry about anything, okay?" Maya tried to convince me, but still I wasn't convinced. What if he does the same thing Daren did? What if he hurt my feelings the way Daren did? I don't want any more heartbreak. "Oh, c'mon Fiona, how about giving him a try?" She said, but still, I shook my head. No. I don't want to…. I was jolted out of my thoughts when I felt a warm hand on my back. I took my eyes to his face and I saw him staring at me with concern in his eyes. He was bent over in a way that he would reach my height since I was still in my wolf form. "What's wrong?" He asked his face with concern. "What's wrong?" I replied to his question with a question even though I wasn't supposed to. I knew from first glance that he was an Alpha. The authority in his voice can only be possessed by an Alpha. "You zoned out. I was talking to you, but you weren't responding, so I figured out that you were zoned out," he said softly. "Who are you?" He asked me, but I didn't reply. I wanted to run away, but Maya's voice interrupted me. "Don't think of doing what you are about to do. Just stay back and…." I shut her out before she could finish her statement. "Who are you?" I asked him instead. I expected him to be mad at me for replying to his question with a question. After all, all Alphas tend to get angry, just like the late Alpha Edward, but instead, he smiles. "My name is Adrian Hunter. I am the Alpha of the Silver Moon Pack," he replied. Oh! So he was the Alpha of the pack I was standing in? How surprising! "I have told you about myself, so now it is your turn. Who are you? What's your name and what pack are you from?" I took a deep breath. "I can only tell you my name, but I can't tell you the pack where I come from," He arched his brows. "Why?" "I don't want to," I intentionally didn't want to tell him. As wolves, we aren't allowed to tell a stranger the pack where we come from. The reason is that the stranger might be an enemy who wants to attack or a spy. Either way, I am not supposed to tell anyone. I was glad that he didn't pressure me to tell him my pack name. He smiled. "That's not a problem. So, can you tell me your name?" I nodded my head. "Of course I can. My name is Fiona Skye", I replied. "A beautiful name for a beautiful lady," he complimented. I rolled my eyes, and I was glad that there was no way that he would see me since I was still in my wolf form. "Don't roll your eyes at me, Fiona" I gasped. How did he see me? The next minute, he chuckled. The sound of his chuckles sounded like music to my ears, and I didn't mind hearing it forever. "Anyway, are you aware that you are my mate?" I nodded my head. "Yes. I am aware, Alpha," He smiled again. "I'm glad you know," He stood up on his way. "I'm happy too. Words can't explain how happy I am. Now if you don't mind, can we go home?" The way he said it made it seem like there was something he had prepared for me. I frowned. "Where is home?" I was forced to ask. "My pack, which is now your pack too, since you are my mate." I shifted back. "I'm sorry I can't come with you," "Why? What's wrong? Don't you want to come with me or something?" He sounded hurt. I could see it in his eyes. The hurt and the disappointment. I wanted to run into his arms and let him hold me. I wanted to let him know that I accepted him as my mate, but when I looked back and remembered what Daren did to me, I shook the thought away from my head. "I'm sorry, but I don't want to come with you. I don't feel like it," I replied with a determination in my voice. "Is there a problem?" He asked, concern laced in his voice, as he began to walk towards my direction, but I kept on moving back. I don't want him to come closer. "Please Fiona, talk to me," he pleaded, but before he could finish his statement, I turned around and ran away, further and further into the woods. I don't want anyone to break my heart. I have had enough already.
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